TOW the Extra Friend’s part 1


( Everyone’s single , Ross and Rachel are still not back together but
they are still on talking term’s , Monica has just broke up with Pete
and she is a little depressed . Christmas is just around the corner
everywhere is decorated in light’s and tinsel , Joey has a small cash
flow problem so he has got a new job wrapping present’s in a gift shop
at the mall , Phoebe’s new mission is to change the word’s of a well
known Christmas song , so that they tell the true meaning of Christmas
and Chandler is still looking for love , or someone he can go out with
on Saturday night instead of him sitting at home alone playing with
his duck .)

Scene 1

[ Central Perk everyone’s there sitting in their normal places ]

Rachel : So Joey how was your first day at your new job ?

Joey : Oh it was great , they showed me how to wrap all kind’s of
different stuff , boxes, bike’s, ornament’s you name it , we can wrap it

Chandler : People ? .

Joey : [ With an, is this guy stupid or what, look on his face ] No,
of course we can’t wrap people stupid . How would they breathe [ the
gang turn and look at him ] We’d have to put air hole’s in the paper and
if there were air hole’s you could peak inside to see what it was which
totally defeat’s the purpose of wrapping it in the first place .

[ Joey notices the other’s stirring him ]

Chandler : [ Sarcastically ] The wheel is spinning but the hamster’s
dead .

Joey : [ looking totally clue less ] WHAT ?


Scene 2

[ Monica and Rachel’s apartment . Everyone’s there except for Chandler
and Joey . Ross and Phoebe are sat at the table eating breakfast.
Monica is stood near the sink and Rachel is just coming out of her
bedroom looking as if she had just woken up . Ross stare’s at her but
she does not notice ]

Rachel : Good morning you guy’s .

All : Morning Rach .

[ Rachel sits at the table next to Ross . Monica turn’s to face them .]

Monica : Hey, I’ve got some great news, bet you can’t guess what it is

Phoebe : Oh, Oh , ermmm , you just found out you have the power to see
though wall’s .

Monica : [ looking strangely at Phoebe ] No .

Phoebe : Oh, then it can’t be that great .

Ross : OK then Monica what’s your not so great news ?

Monica : Well do you remember about 8 year’s ago, when I used to
baby-sit Samantha for her grandma, old Mrs Phillips .

Ross: No

Monica : Come on , you have to remember little Sam , blonde pig tail’s [
She uses her hand’s to hold her hair in pigtail’s. She put’s her hand’s
back down ] She used to make you play Ken in her Barbie dream world .

Ross : [ He try’s to hide the smile which is appearing on his face ] Oh
yeah little Sam she must be about what 14 now.

Monica : [ Correcting him ] 15 .

Phoebe : So what’s so good about that ?

Monica : Well I got a phone call from Mrs Phillips the other day , she
said that her and Sam moved back to New York a couple of month’s ago

Ross : [ cutting her off ] That’s great .

Monica : Yeah I know but Mrs Phillips has become ill and her doctor
say’s she has to stay in the hospital for a couple of week’s over
Christmas till she gets better .

Phoebe : That’s to bad .

Monica : It also mean’s that Sam will have to spend Christmas alone .

Rachel : Wait a minute either this is going to turn out to be a really
sad story or she asked if Sam could stay here over Christmas .

Monica : You got it .

Rachel : But you didn’t say yes . I mean you would not have made a
decision like that which affect’s me without asking me first would you ?

Monica : [ looking uneasy ] No of course I wouldn’t do that . Soooo can
she stay ? please...........

Rachel : Well I don’t know , I’ve never met this girl I don’t know what
she’s like , what if we don’t get along?

Phoebe : Oooh come on Rach, you’ll love her .

Ross : Yeah she’s really sweet .

Rachel : Well I guess it will be OK .

Monica : Great, she arrives at 7 .

[ Rachel stare’s at Monica ]

Monica : [ Trying to look innocent ] You said it was OK.

[ Rachel give’s her a dirty look then turn’s away ]

Ross : Does Chandler know yet ?

Monica : NO, please don’t tell him I want it to be a surprise .

Rachel : Why would Chandler be surprised ?

Ross : What do you mean why ?, Chandler is going to be so happy to see
her he was really broken up when she moved away .

Rachel : [ she giggle’s ] What ? Chandler was upset because the 8 year
old kid Monica looked after moved away . How lonely and desperate was he

Ross : They were really close whenever she was here Chandler would be
here, they were like brother and sister .

Phoebe : I think they were both so close because they are both ‘only

Monica : No they’re not, Sam has an older sister who lives in LA
remember ?

Phoebe : Then maybe it was because [ she thinks for a moment ] because ,
[ She give’s up ] Oh I don’t know.

Scene 3

[ Joey is stood behind a counter in a gift shop behind him on the wall
are lot’s of roll’s of wrapping paper and ribbon’s . Joey’s boss goes
up to him ]

Boss : Hey Joey ,I have to pop out for about 10 minute’s do you think
you can handle thing’s here while I’m gone ?

Joey : Sure no problem .

Boss : If anything too tricky for you to wrap comes in just leave it on
the side and I’ll do it when I get back OK.

Joey : yeah OK , but I don’t think that’s gonna happen .

[ His boss leave’s . Joey begins to look at the role’s of ribbon’s on
the wall ,.He grab’s the end of one of the ribbon’s and tries to pull
it out but it gets stuck , he tug’s at it a few more time’s but it won’t
budge . He then without thinking pull’s it really hard and ribbon’s fly
everywhere, the whole row fall’s off the wall . Joey start’s to panic ,
he frantically try’s to roll them all back up again . A women’s voice is
heard off camera ]

Woman : Excuse me

[ Joey turn’s around quickly, knocking a tub of glitter all over the
floor ]

Woman : Maybe I should come back later .

Joey : No no no no it’s OK [ Regaining his composure ] How can I help
you madam ?

[ The women is in her late forty’s, she look’s very elegant and she is
dressed in an Armani suit ]

Women : I would like this wrapping please .

[ She place’s a medium sized box on the counter , it is covered in ‘
FRAGILE ‘ sticker’s and ‘ THIS WAY UP ‘ sign’s ]

Woman : But be very careful it is a limited edition china tea set and it
was very expensive .

Joey : Don’t worry ma’am it’s in safe hand’s .

[ She look’s behind him at the mess on the floor, then look’s back at
him ]

Woman : Just be careful .

[ Joey smile’s and take’s the box to another table, he flip’s it around
until it is straight on the wrapping paper , then tear’s off some sticky
tape and start’s to wrap it, not realising that the ‘THIS WAY UP’ sign
is upside down .]

[ There is a five minute time lapse]

[ You can see Joey covered in bit’s of sticky tape but the present is
fairly neat . He pick’s up the box placing both hand’s underneath it and
he return’s to the counter . The woman is still there and his boss is
just returning ]

Joey : Here you go. [ He place’s the box on the counter ]

Boss : [ With a smile on his face ] Wow, nice job Joey .

Woman : It look’s fabulous .

Joey [ Looking bashful ] Ahh , it was nothing .

[ His boss look’s at the mess on the floor, his smile fade’s as he
look’s back at Joey ]

Joey : [ Worried look on his face ] I can explain .

Woman : [ to Joey ] Thank you .

Boss : Come again .

[ The women slide’s the box off the counter, only holding the side’s ,
the bottom fall’s out and there is a loud crashing sound , the woman and
the boss turn to look at Joey and if look’s could kill he would have
been sliced , diced and marinated ]

Joey : [ Innocently with a fake smile ] OOPS.


Scene 4

[ Central Perk later that day about 6 o’clock, everyone’s there Joey
, Monica and Chandler are sat on the sofa , Ross and Rachel are sat in
the chair’s and Phoebe is setting up her guitar on stage ]

Monica : I can’t believe they fired you and on the day before Christmas
Eve .

Chandler : [ Sarcastically ] You’d have thought they have left it till
Christmas day [ pffftttt ] Some people just can’t wait . [ Ross smile’s

Joey : Wasn’t even my fault the old woman dropped the stuff , not me
why should I get the blame ?

Ross : Joey you handed her the box upside down, the stuff was bound to
fall out .

Joey : [ looking for an explanation ] Yer well , she should’a caught em

Chandler : Yeah I mean it so easy to catch a 12 piece china tea set
between your knee’s .

[ The other’s smile Joey stay’s straight faced . Phoebe talk’s into the
microphone . ]

Phoebe : Hi everyone . I now going to sing my version of Jingle Bell’s .

[ the others turn to look at Phoebe, they are all smiling ]

Phoebe : [ Singing and strumming on her guitar ]
"Driving though the snow"
"In a New York city cab"
"All though street’s we go"
"With a cabby high on crack"
"La La La"

[ We see the other’s there smile’s are disappearing . The screen fade’s

[ It return’s they all look like they haven’t moved there face’s look
white and shocked as they listen to Phoebe who is now getting very
carried away strumming hard on her guitar and singing very loud. ]

Phoebe : "Jingle Bell’s"
"Christmas Smell’s"
"Santa is NOT Real"

[ The screen fade’s once more When it return’s Phoebe is just finishing
her last note ]

Phoebe : Thank you

[ The others break out of their shocked states and begin to clap ,
they are the only ones who are .]

Monica : That was great Pheeb’s .

Joey : Encore !

[ The other’s all turn and look at him . ]

Joey : Well maybe not .

Scene 5

[ Monica and Rachel’s, everyone’s there except Chandler . It is about
7 O’clock , Monica is walking up and down looking at the door ]

Monica : She should have got here by now. Do you think something’s
thing’s happened to her ?

Ross : Monica calm down she’s only [ look’s at his watch ] three
minute’s late .

Joey : Who you talking about ?

Phoebe : The girl who Monica used to look after is coming to stay here
over Christmas .

Joey : Cool . How old is she ?

Rachel : [ disgusted ] Is that all you ever think about ?

Joey : [ Defensive ] No . I think about a lot of stuff .

Rachel : Like what ?

Joey : [ Searching for an answer ] Geography .

Rachel : Thinking of places you’ve done it in or would like to do it in,
is not Geography .

Joey : [ Puzzled ] It’s not ?

Rachel : No

Joey : Oh , then that is all I think about .

Monica : Joey do me a favour go over to your apartment and make sure
Chandler doesn’t come over here .

Joey : Why ?

Monica : I’ll explain later just go and don’t tell him about Sam .

Joey : Who’s Sam ?

Ross : [ Ross answer’s as Monica is becoming a little stressed ] Sam is
the girl who’s coming to stay .

Joey : Oh.......How old is she again ?

[ They all turn and look at him ]

Joey : OK OK I’m going .

[ Joey stand’s up and walk’s out the door ]

Monica : What time is it? Something must have happened .

Ross : Maybe she got stuck in traffic .

Monica : Do you think ?

Phoebe : Yeah she’ll be here any second [ There’s a knock at the door
Phoebe looks surprised ] Oh my God I’m Psychic .

[ Monica rushes to open the door . There’s a young girl stood there (
Sam ) she is very pretty with long blonde hair and a suit case in either
hand ]

Sam : MONICA!! [ She drop’s the cases and hug’s her ]

Monica : It’s so great to see you . Ohhh you lost the pigtail’s .

Sam : Yeah when I was nine, I realised I wasn’t Pippy long stocking .

Monica : Well don’t just stand there come in .

[ Sam pick’s up her suit cases and walk’s in . The other’s stand up ]

Sam : Hey Ross [ She walk’s over to him and hug’s him ]

Ross : Hi Sam you look so different [ she look’s at him ] I mean that in
a good way .

Phoebe : The aura in here is so happy .

Sam : Phoebe , see you still haven’t changed .

Phoebe : [ Goes to hug her ] Not one little bit .

Monica : Rachel this is Sam , Sam this is Rachel, my roommate .

Sam : [ goes to shake her hand ] Nice to meet you.

Rachel : Nice to meet you to . I’ve heard so many good thing’s about you

Sam : None of them are true .

[ They all smile ]

Monica : Told you , she hung out with Chandler so much that
unfortunately his sense of humour rubbed off on to her .

Sam : Hey where is Chandler does he still live across the hall ?

Monica : Yeah . But we didn’t tell him you were coming, we wanted it to
be a surprise .

Sam : So can I go surprise him now ?

Monica : Go right ahead I’m pretty sure he’s in .

Sam : [ Excited ] OK [ She walk’s out the door ]

Scene 6

[ Cut to the hall between the apartment’s . Sam is stood in front of
Chandler’s apartment smiling ]

Sam : [She puts a straight face on ] OK just relax [ She say’s to her
self ]

[ She knock’s on the door the smile creep’s back on to her face Joey
answer’s the door ]

Sam : [ Before Joey had chance to say anything ] Wow Chandler you got
cuter .

Joey : [ Pleased with him self ] No I’m Joey his roommate you must be
Sam .

[ They shake hand’s ]

Sam : Sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you .

Joey : Don’t worry people say I’m cute all the time .

Sam : And then you wake up . Anyway is Chandler home ?

Joey : Yeah he’s in his room getting changed , do you want me to give
him a shout and tell him your here ?

Sam : No, do you mind if I just come in and wait, I kinda want to
surprise him .

Joey : No problem [ He show’s her in ] Take a seat .

Scene 7

[ Sam sits in one of the leather chair’s with her back to Chandler’s
door . Joey stand’s at the counter ]

Joey : Can I get you a drink , Juice , Soda ?

Sam : No thanks . Have I seen you somewhere before ?

Joey : [ Showing off ] Dr Drake Remouray , from Day’s of Our lives.

Sam : Really , I thought you were the guy who couldn’t pour milk on that
infomercial .

Joey : [ Trying to hide the truth ] Oh that wasn’t me [ Changing the
subject ] So how do you know Chandler ?

Sam : He was always at Monica’s when she looked after me and we got on
really well like best friends , I think it had something to do with us
both having the same mental age of 8 . [ Joey laughed ] So how long you
lived here ?

Joey : I’ve lived with Chandler for about [ Count’s on his finger’s ] 4
years now . [ Just realising ] Oh my god what time is it ?

Sam : [She look’s at her watch ] Seven thirty-five

Joey : Sorry , but I gotta go will you be OK ?, it’s just I’m late for
my date .

Sam : Well don’t make her wait , I’ll be fine .

Joey : I’ll see you later . [ He pick’s up his coat and walk’s out the
door ]

Sam : Bye.

{ A few second’s later Chandler walk’s out of his bedroom, he does not
notice Sam because the chair is facing away from him , he goes to the
counter and start’s reading a newspaper with his back to her. ]

Sam : Hey ,Chandler my man, long time no see .

[ He look’s up quickly and turn’s around slowly . He sees her .]

Chandler :Who are you ?

Sam : [ A bit upset ] You don’t remember me ?[ She hold’s her hair up in
pigtail’s ]

Chandler : [ Surprised ] Sam . Oh my God .

[ She jump’s up and hug’s him ]

Chandler : You look so different, I mean, great job growing up .

Sam : Your hair’s a little shorter and you lost the goatee but you still
look like the same old Chandler .

Chandler : [ Lost for word’s ] W-What are you doing here ?

Sam : I’m staying with Monica over Christmas isn’t it great ?

Chandler : Yeah that’s great , why didn’t she tell me ?

Sam : I think she wanted to surprise you .

Chandler : [ Sarcastically ] Couldn’t she just have jumped out from
behind a door or something .


Scene 8

[ Chandler’s apartment . Sam and Chandler are sat in the chair’s
watching TV .]

Chandler : NO no I disagree, Ren is way cooler then Stimpy .

Sam : You are totally wrong [ We hear a quack and a chirp coming from
the cupboard . Sam look’s at the cupboard ] What was that ?

Chandler : That was Dick and Yasmine they need feeding. [ He pick’s up a
tub off the side and open’s the cupboard .The chick and the duck are
lit up by Christmas light’s .]

Sam : [ Sarcastically ] Is that the only chick you could get ?

[ You see the duck nudge the chick ]

Sam : Look’s like you’ve got competition .