This fanfic is also about Ross and Rachel, because by the time we wrote it, Raquel was also a Ross & Rachel fan, but she’s not anymore!! Right, Quel?? Ok, we’re brazilian, so forgive us for any grammar mistake. Oh, and give us feedback, please!
Well, now stay with our fanfic, we hope you like it!!

This story takes place right after the last episode of the 5th season, The One in Vegas, where Ross & Rachel get married when they’re drunk; Joey finds his hand-twin; Phoebe becomes a lurker and Chandler & Monica decide to get married, but, in the chapel, they run into Ross & Rachel, newly married. And at this point our story starts.

(scene: in the chapel)

CHAN: Ross, Rachel, OH MY GOD!!!
ROSS: (drunk) Chandler, Monica, OH MY GOD!
CHAN: What?
MON: You two got married??
RACH: (not hearing Monica) I signed the paper... By the way, what was that paper?
ROSS: You just bought a farm!! You’re going to make a lot of money!! I bought one too!! I’m Old MacDonald and you’re my duck!!
(Ross and Rachel get out of the chapel singing Old MacDonald’s song)
CHAN: Oh my God, OH MY GOD!!! Ross and Rachel got married!! They also spoiled our moment!! What do we do now??
MON: Let’s go back to the cassino to see if we can roll another hard eight and get OUR marriage moment back!
(cut to the crap table)

CHAN: Bet on the hard eight, of course.
MON: But if I don’t roll another hard eight? We couldn’t get married!
CHAN: So, bet on the hard ten.
MON: Good idea! (she bets on the hard ten, than she rolls the dices)
(the dice stops, and... Yes, you guessed it. The dices stop on the amazing... HARD TEN!!)
MON: Oh, my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God!!!!!

CHAN: Oh, my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God! WE’RE GOING TO GET MARRIED!!
(cut to Ross & Rachel. Rachel’s  waking up in a restroom in a terrible hangover)

RACH: Auch, why am I in a restroom??
ROSS: (waking up) What? Restroom? What happened?
(Rachel goes to fix her hair in front of the mirror and sees the ring)
RACH: What’s that? What is this doing here?
(She looks at Ross and he rubs his face, when he does that, Rachel can see his ring)
RACH:  Oh, my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,oh my God!!!!! (She says it looking really freaked out and goes away, running and repeating the same sentence)
ROSS: What? Rachel, wait, where are you going??
(Rachel is still running (and saying “Oh my God”) when she comes in the cassino area and runs into Chandler and Monica - who are still saying “Oh my God”)

RACH: Oh, dejá vu!! Oh, no, it’s not me!

(Monica sees that Rachel is tottaly freaked out and figures out that she already know about her marriage)

MON: (not convincing) REALLY?? When? Why??
CHAN: (even less convincing) Ross?? Oh- my- God!!
RACH: (realising the obvious) You two already knew?
MON & CHAN: (confirming) Um-hum!!
RACH: How?? Why did I marry him? I was drunk, wasn’t I?
MON & CHAN: Um-hum!
RACH: How did you know?
(Mon and Chan give each other a “Do we tell her??” face)
(a boy with a candy bag passes by, points to Rachel and laughs)
RACH: I’m still with that beard and moustache?
MON & CHAN: Um-hum!
RACH: And I married the guy who did that!!
MON & CHAN: Um-hum....

(Rach pulls out the candy bag of the same boy, throws away all the candies, put the bag on her head to hide the “make-up” and goes away)

(Ross arrives, breathing really hard)

ROSS: Chandler, Monica, have you seen Rachel?
CHAN & MON: Um-hum!
ROSS: Where did she go?? Why did she storm out? What happened? Why did we wake up in a public bathroom? Why? Why? Why??
CHAN: Look, she went that way (points). Recognize her will be easy, since she has a bag on her head.
ROSS: Why?
MON: Hurry up, find her and she’ll explain it to you!!
(he goes)
(scene: In the cassino, the Blackjack table)

JOEY: (sitting in one of those chairs) (to his hand-twin) HI!
HTWIN: Oh, no!! Get out, please!!
JOEY: Listen, we’re going to make a lot of money together!! (shakes his hands)
JOEY: Phoebe, you can come, time for plan B!!

(cut to: The three of them locked in one of the bathrooms, Joey and Phoebe are holding the hand-twin’s hands, so he can’t cover his ears, and they’re singing)

JOEY & PHOEBE: There’s 1 bottle of beer in the wall, 1 bottle of beer… If that bottle should happen to fall, there’ll be no bottles of beer in the wall!!
HTWIN: Now you’re going to stop it?
JOEY: Let’s go Phoebe! For the 11th time:
JOEY & PHOEBE: 99 bottles of beer in the wall, 99 bott--
JOEY: So, you’re going to cooperate?
( Phoebe and Joey look at each other and nod)
JOEY & PHOEBE: If one of them should happen to fall, there’ll be 98 bottles of beer in the wall! 98 bo--
HTWIN: OK!!!! Ok, I’ll cooperate!!
(Joey and Phoebe smile)
(scene: Rachel in hers and Ross’ hotel room)

ROSS: (coming in) What happened?? And, please, take off  this bag of your head!!
RACH: (taking off the bag) Ok, do you really want to know??
ROSS: That’s why I asked!
RACH: (showing him her left hand with the ring on) What does that means to you?
ROSS: (calm) You got married, Rach? Who did you married?
RACH: (takes his hand and shows him the ring) YOU!
ROSS: Oh, oh, oh.... me..... you..... married??
RACH: We were drunk!
ROSS: Ho--how do you know?
RACH: I don’t really remember it, I knew because of the rings, but Chandler and Monica confirmed it!
ROSS: And-and... how do they know?
RACH: (calming herself) I have no idea. I asked them this same question, but when they were going to answer, a boy passed by and laughed at my face....
(Ross laughs and Rachel smacks him with her purse, but she ends up laughing too)
(cuts to: The White Little Chapel, Chandler and Monica are entering)

CHAN: Oh, we’re going to get married!! I still can’t believe!
MON: Well, believe it, baby!! (kisses him) I do.
CHAN: Really?
MON: Yeah, you know why? ‘Cause I love you!!
CHAN: I love you too! (they kiss)
MAN: Next!
CHAN: Let’s go, it’s us!
(cuts to: the street, Joey, his hand-twin and Phoebe are working)

PHOEBE: (screaming to the “audience”) Take a look at those hands (holding Joey’s hands) now, an unusual surprise! Take a look at them again!! (holding now the hand-twin’s hands) Oh, no, those are his hands.... No, they’re his!! OH!! THOSE HANDS ARE IDENTICAL!!! (and the hat that Phoebe is holding starts to fill up....)

TIME LAPSE (They’re now sitting at the sidewalk, counting the money)

HTWIN: (counting) $ 573, $ 573,20; $ 573,50, $ 573,54!!!!!!!!!! If it continues like that, we’ll be rich real soon...
JOEY: Oh my!! $ 573,54 ???!! In 5 hours?? That’s like...huh... (calculating) a LOT of money!!!
PHOEBE: And with me working for free....
JOEY: Oh... thank you, Pheebs!! You’re the best!!
PHOEBE: I know!!
(scene: Ross and Rachel at their hotel room)

ROSS: And now? What do we do??
RACH: I really didn’t want to stay married to a guy who draws on my face!!
ROSS: You wet my pants!!
RACH: Hey, you cheated on me!!
ROSS: Whoa, whoa, whoa!! We... we were ON A BREAK!!!
RACH: Yeah, right....
(pause, they look in each other eyes for a long time, and then they kiss)
RACH: Look, look!! Our marriage certificate is over there, let’s go see it!!
(They take the certificate and look at it, surprised)
ROSS: (reading) “Mr. Ross MacDonald and Mrs. Rachel Duck MacDonald” ???? What IS that??
(scene: The White Little Chapel)
MAN: Next!
(Ross and Rachel see the couple coming out and realise they’re Chandler & Monica)
ROSS: Oh, my God!! Monica?? What are you doing here??
MON: Ross, Rachel... what are YOU doing here??
RACH: We found out that the names in the marriage certificate were wrong!!
CHAN: Great! So, what’s the problem?? You’re not married....
ROSS: That’s the deal, we also found out that we love each other!! We’re going to really get married!! (they kiss)
RACH: Isn’t that sweet?? (With or Without You, by U2 starts to play in the background)
TIME LAPSE (Ross and Rachel come out, newly married. Chandler and Monica are still there.)
RACH: You’re still here??
ROSS: Wait, wait... Why were you here in the first place??
CHAN: Let’s just say that you guys are going to have to share your anniversary....
RACH: (to Monica) Oh... You got married?? I’m so happy for you!
MON: Oh, oh, oh!!!! I’m so happy for you too!!!
RACH: We gotta tell Joey and Phoebe!!
MON: Oh, let’s go!!!!!
(scene: Phoebe is lurking and Joey is watching her, in the Ceasar’s Cassino)
(Monica and Rachel come in, followed by Chandler and Ross)

MON: Hey, Everyone!!
MON & RACH: WE GOT MARRIED!!! (showing their wedding rings)
JOEY: (with a pervert face) Uh-hu!!
MON: Joey!!!!
JOEY: What?!
MON: I married Chandler, not Rachel, you pervert!
PHOEBE: Oh, oh, oh, oh!!! Congratulations, Mon!! (pause) Rachel, YOU got married??
RACH: (disappointed) Yeah... Hey me!!!
PHOEBE: Oh, sorry, Rachel... congratulations!
JOEY: (he and Phoebe, by this point, have already tottaly forgotten about Chan & Mon) But, Rach, who did you married??
ROSS: She married me!
PHOEBE: But you weren’t even dating!!
RACH: Yeah, I know!!
JOEY: But, looks at this! (points to Rachel’s moustache)
RACH: Oh, it comes out with the time!
CHAN & MON: Hey, we got married too!
JOEY: (giving them a quicky glance) Congratulations! (forgetting about them again) But, Rach, weren’t you mad at Ross??
ROSS: But we found out that we love each other!!
PHOEBE: Oh, that’s so sweet!!
CHAN: (like in “TOW The Ride Along”) HELLO!!
JOEY: (like in TOW The Ride along, too) Hi!?!
MON: We got married too!
(Joey and Phoebe realise that they forgot about them.)
JOEY: Congratulations!
PHOEBE: Oh, that’s so sweet! Oh, dejá vu!!
JOEY: (turning all his attention to Ross and Rachel AGAIN)  Hey, explain it again!
(Chandler &  Monica give a “Let’s give up” look to each other and walk away while Ross & Rachel explain everything to Joey & Phoebe...)

     THE END
       By Manuela Bernardi & Raquel Sampaio

To be continued, depending on the feedback...,
in fact, it’s already written, but it’s in portuguese and I’m very lazy. So, I’m only going to translate it if we receive SOME feedback…