TOW Something Big Happens
by Trisha

These Character's are not owned by me. This is just for entertainment only! This is a part of TOW All the Sneaking In. You might want to read that one first before you read this one!

Ross & Rachel's hotel room.

ROSS: I can't belive it.

RACH: You can't belive what?

ROSS: Well you should know, you were there too. (Ross leaves the room very upset.)

Scene: Monica & Chandler's hotel room. Monica has just waken up & is under the covers. You can guess what they did last

MON: Chandler!! WAKE UP! It's 11 in the morning.

CHAN: So...

MON: Well you are meeting the gang at 11:30 and we still have to pack & our flight leaves at 1:05. (Monica is panicing)

CHAN: (He goes over to kiss her.) It's ok. Come on, it dosen't take long to pack!

Scene: The rest of the gang is down in the hotel's resturant waiting for Monica & Chandler.

MON: I am so sorry that we are late.

RACH/PHEOBE/JOEY: It's ok. You guys are only like 5 minutes late.

CHAN: Hey Ross what's wrong?

ROSS: You should know.

MON: Do you have a hangover?

ROSS: No Mrs.Bing.

MON: What the hell are you saying?

ROSS: Ok last night me & Rach did not get married. (everyone lets out a big thank god) but we watched a wedding & I couldn't
remember whose until Rachel said it was someone she knew, so I then knew it had to be yours & Chandlers.

RACH: I don't want to tell you this but it wasen't there wedding.

ROSS: Really?

CHAN: Yeah trust me on that one.

RACH: The wedding we watched was this girls wedding that I went to college with. I think her name was Missy. I never liked
her because she spilled soda on my new pair of white shoes is college.

ALL EXCEPT RACH: Oh that's great Rachel.

MON: Ok come on, the plane leaves soon!

Scene: The airplane. It goes Monica & Chandler, then Rach & Phoebe & then Ross & Joey.

PHEOBE: I once had a friend that was a airplane helper but I haven't seen her since she flew to Bangkok.

RACH: You mean stuardess right?

PHEOBE: Yeah. Same thing as airplane helper!

JOEY: Hey Ross, do you think Monica & Chandler will ever get married?

ROSS: Let's talk about something else, ok?

JOEY: Ok. Oh a saw a TV show about dinosaurs the other day.

ROSS: Really? What was it about?

JOEY: Well it was really neat! These kids found a dino egg & then they raised the baby dinosaur. They do all these cool things
with him. Oh & they named the dinosaur Denver.

ROSS: Joey that is made up. There is no Denver, & plus it was a cartoon.

JOEY: So....

MON: Oh honey this weekend wasen't that bad!

CHAN: Well yes it was.

MON: At least we won some money when we were playing Craps. We might need that money soon.

CHAN: Why will you need to use the money soon?

MON: I don't know. Pretend I didn't say that.

CHAN: Ok......

Scene: They get back to New York & they all go to Monica & Rachel's apartment for some drinks.

PHEOBE: Um.....Joey I have a question for you.

JOEY: Ok what is it?

PHEOBE: Shouldn't you still be back in Las Vegas for your movie?

ALL: Yeah shouldn't you?

JOEY: We might not start shooting till like a couple months so they told me they will call when I should come back down.

ALL: Oh well welcome back home!

CHAN: I'm sorry to ruin this happy welcome home party but Monica & I have to go.

RACH: Where are you going?

CHAN: Somewhere......

JOEY: Over the rainbow?

CHAN: Yes that is it Joe! Come on Monica.(Joey looks really pleased at himself, Pheobe looks pleased at Joey too. Everyone
else looks at him like hoe dumb can he be.)

Scene: A carriage ride through Central Park.

MON: This has been a really nice night. The dinner was good & this carriage ride is so nice a romantic.(Monica & Chandler are

CHAN: Well I have one more thing.

MON: Chandler, you don't have to do everything for me. You are already the best boyfriend in the whole world!

CHAN: Well thanks but I just want to ask one thing. Monica Geller will you marry me?

MON: Oh Chandler how can I say no! So YES! I will be happy to be Mrs.Monica Bing!

(They have a very long sweet kiss.)

Scene: Rach & Monica's apartment. Everyone is there & Mon & Chan just walked in!

RACH: Hey lovers. How was your night?

MON: It was great. (Looking at Chandler) Should we tell them?

CHAN: Yeah. Ok well we have some important news everyone.

ROSS: Don't tell me my little sister is pregant.

MON: No I'm not Ross. Ok Chandler & I are getting married.

ALL: Congratualations!

(Everyone goes up to hug them!)

CHAN: Ross, are you ok with this?

ROSS: I am so happy for you guys. I am glad Monica is getting married to you insted of one of the other rejects she went out

CHAN: Thanks Ross. Now I feel like the best reject man of the hour.

PHEOBE: Wow! I am going to a wedding & I actually can come since I don't have 3 babies in my stomach!

JOEY: Well when is the wedding?

RACH: Can I help pick out the dresses?

PHEOBE: Oh & can I help pick out the cake?

JOEY/ROSS: & can we help?

MON: You guys can all help but....

CHAN: We haven't even decieded when the wedding is going to be.

                                        Ending Scene

Scene: Joey & Pheobe are talking at Central Perk.

JOEY: I can't believe Monica & Chandler are going to get married. I never thought that Chandler was going to get married.

PHOEBE: Me too! I also always thought Monica was going to marry someone who is like Richard, which is like old!

JOEY: Well at least we know they Chan & Mon will be in good hands.

PHEOBE: Whose hands will they be in?

(Joey gives her a confused look.)


I hoped you enjoyed my story. Any comments are welcomed at I will make more stories, but I would like any
feedback! Thank you!