by Trisha

Editors Note: These Characters are not mine. I do not own them. This is only for entertainment.

SCENE: This takes place where season 5 left off. This is right after Mon & Chan saw Rach & Ross.

Mon: Oh my God! Ross & Rachel!!! Look how drunk they are!! You have to go get them!!

Chan: I can't believe that they are here. Ok lets go get them before they do something that would be incredibly stupid!

Scene: Ross & Rach are walking down the road & you can tell they had to many beers!

Rach: You know that wedding we just watched?

Ross: Yeah it reminded me of mine.

Rach: Oh with who? Emily or Carol?

Ross: Oh neither. It must of only been a dream or something like that!

(Chandler & Monica come running up!)

Mon: I can't believe what you guys just did!

Rach: What did we do? We got drunk & had a little fun!

Chan: And does include getting married?

Ross: We did so not get married.

Mon: Then why were you at the wedding chapel?

Ross: Wait a minute, why were you at the wedding chapel?

Mon: We will explain tommarow, but right now we need to get you guys home.(She's looking at Rachel who fell asleep in a

Scene: Monica & Chandler are trying to get Ross & Rach in bed.

Chan: I don't think the remeber getting married.

Mon: Of coarse they don't! Look how wasted they are!!

Scene: Monica & Chandler go take a walk outside, where they see Pheobe & Joey sitting on a curb.

Chan: What are you guys doing out here?

Joey: No, the question is what are you doing out here?

Mon: We are taking a walk.

Joey: So are we! Right Pheebs?

Pheobe: Actually we got kicked out of the casino!

Joey:(Looking at Pheobe) You didn't have to tell them.(Now looking at Monica & Chandler) Well anyway, can you sneak us back
in because we want to go to sleep!

Pheobe: Oh, Oh I just thought of a perfect plan!

Scene: Inside the casino are two tall people with big coats. In one coat is Chandler on top of Joey & Monica on top of Pheobe.

Mon: Everyone is looking at me like I am a freak or something?

Chan: Well sweety, look at yourself. Could you BE any taller?

Mon: Oh watch were I am walking down there!

(With that reply everyone starts looking at them.)

Chan: There now more people are looking at you. Hold on Joey you are going to hit a slo....

Joey: Let me guess a slot machine. Now that one hurt!

Mon: Hey, Pheobe stairs are coming your way!

(All of a sudden you hear a big OW!)

Mon: Oh hi Pheobe! I think everyone & the secruity guard would like to know what is going on.

SG: What is going on here? Didn't I kick you out?

Pheobe: know what? I really can't talk to you right now. I have to go away for the moment. Come on run Monica!

Scene: The elevator

Chan: This is great, my anniversy is almost over & a secruity guard is trying to find us! What a great weekend!(being all sarcasic)

Joey: Yeah it was pretty fun!(everybody looks at him with that 'whatv are you talking about ' face.)

Mon: Ok this is our floor. Well since Ross & Rach took that room for there honeyroom, you guys will have to share a room for
this one is mine & Chandler's.

Pheobe: That's fine but Ross & Rach got married?

Chan: Yeah we saw them walk out of the chapel!

Joey: Maybe they were just watching a wedding!

Chan: and why?

Pheobe: Well when I was living on the streets I use to always go & watch weddings! Then you could pick up all the rice & have a
meal. (Everybody looked at her with this Oh my expresion.)

Scene: Monica & Chandler's room.

Chan: Hey listen honey, I'm sorry I ruined our annivesry!

Mon: Why do you think you ruined? I just like to be with you!

Chan: Well first I forgot your gift, then I got mad at you & then we had that Ross & Rach thing.

Mon: Ok the Ross & Rach thing was not your fault. They were the ones who got married, or maybe they didn't get married if
Pheobe is right & they only watched a wedding.

(Chandler & Monica look at each other.) BOTH: Nah.

They go into a long kiss, and end up laying on the bed.

                                      ENDING SCENE

SCENE: Next morning. Ross & Rach wake up to each other,

Ross: Wow! My face drawing is really funny.

Rach: Not as funny as yours!

Ross: What do you mean by mine?

Rach: I guess when we were drunk I drew on you.

Ross looks in the mirror.

Ross: I can't believe we walked all over the place looking like this!

Rach: Yeah. I wonder how many people saw us! Wait a minute, at the wedding!

Ross: Don't tell me I got married for the third time.

Rach: No we didn't get married but we watched one & it was someone I knew who was getting married.

Ross is getting very upset for he thinks it is Monica & Chandler!


I hoped you have enjoyed it. I should have another one up soon! If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to e-mail me