The One With Monica’s Many Boyfriends

[Scene: Hallway between apartments. Chandler walks up. Just as he’s about to go into his apartment, Monica and Rachels’ door opens and Monica and Ned walk out. Ned would be very good looking, if it weren’t for his very large ears. Chandler pauses at his door.]

MNCA: Thanks for dinner Ned.

NED: You’re welcome.

MNCA: So, I’ll talk to you later.

NED: ‘Kay, bye!

MNCA: Bye.

[Ned walks away, Monica turns to go back into her apartment but notices Chandler.]

CHAN: Hey Mon. How’s it going with Dumbo?

MNCA: Oh, I don’t think I’m going to see him again.

CHAN: Why not?

MNCA: Like you said, he’s DUMBO!!!

Opening Credits

[Scene: Central Perk. They gang minus Monica are there.]

RACH: She dumped him because of his ears?!?!

ROSS: That’s so not like her. I mean, she’s had some weird reasons in the past, but…

PHOE: Oh I know. It’s like something you would do Chandler!

CHAN: Thanks Pheebs!!

PHOE: You’re welcome.

[Monica walks in with another guy. We’ll call this one Jerry.]

EVERYONE: Hey Mon, hi etc.

MNCA: Hey guys. Everyone this is Jerry!

EVERYONE: Hey Jerry, hi etc.


[Monica and Jerry sit down while everyone else looks at each other in shock!]

[Scene: Monica and Rachels. The whole gang minus Monica are there, along with Suzanne and lots of other people. It’s a party.  Theres a banner that says, “Congradulations Joey and Joey!!!” In other words it’s a party celebrating the Joey’s success on their auditions for Residence. Everyones having fun except Chandler. Joey and Joey are sitting on the couch talking. Chandler’s watching them from the kitchen, Phoebes talking to someone, Rachel’s on the balcony, Ross and Suzanne are talking, but Ross keeps glancing over at Rachel. Camera zooms in on Chandler and Phoebe walks up to him.]

PHOE: Whatcha looking at?

CHAN: Look at them! Look at them!

PHOE: Why does this upset you so much? Ross acted better about you and Monica!

CHAN: But I *know* Joey!! They’ll be together less then a week before he breaks up. I don’t want him to hurt her.

PHOE: Uh uh! Not this time. This time they were friends first.

CHAN: But friends shouldn’t get together. Look at Mon and me, Ross and Rach.

PHOE: Trust me. They’re lobsters!

CHAN: That’s what you said about me and Mon, Ross and Rach. Look at us now.

PHOE: I’m not giving up on my theory yet. You’ll all be together some day, you’ll see!

[She walks away. Chandler looks back at the Joeys, who are laughing. He doesn’t look as angry anymore. The door opens and Monica walks in with another of her many boyfriends. {get the title now?} We’ll call this one Jack.]

MNCA: Hey guys. Sorry I’m late.

CHAN: Hi Mon. Who’s this?

MNCA: This is Jack.

CHAN: Hi Jack.


[cut to about 15 minutes later. Chandler’s now standing with Ross.]

ROSS: We’ve got to stop her.

CHAN: I can’t believe she’s doing this.

ROSS: Well, you went out on a date already. Why can’t she?

CHAN: It wasn’t a date!! And that’s not what I mean. She’s been with a different guy like, every hour!

ROSS: I know, that’s what I mean. We’ve got to stop her!

CHAN: And how do you plan to do that?

ROSS: Well, I think that you should pretend to be her boyfriend, so the other will think shes been two timing him.

CHAN: Why don’t you [pause], okay I understand why you can’t, but what about Joey?

ROSS: Joey’s to in love with Joey, [pause] wow, that sounded better in my head. Plus, you guys went out once, it’s more believable.

CHAN: So you’re saying that you’d do the same thing, if it was Rachel?

ROSS: Umm… that’s not the point. Come on man, you’ve got to do this!

CHAN: Why, I don’t think I can. She’d be to mad at me.

ROSS: Come on!

[Rachel and Phoebe walk up]

RACH: Hey guys. What are you discussing?

ROSS: You know what I was telling you two a few minutes ago?

[Rachel and Phoebe nod]

ROSS: Well, I was asking Chandler to do it, and he said he wouldn’t!

PHOE: Oh, come on Chandler. You’ve got to. She’s making a fool of herself and this isn’t going to help you two end up together. What if she gets really stupid and marries one. Then you’ll never have a chance!

CHAN: You think I still have a chance, getting back together with her I mean.

RACH: Oh yeah, totally!

CHAN: Okay, I’ll do it. What do I have to do exactly?

PHOE: Just go up to her when she’s with Jack. Y’know, hug her, kiss her, say how lucky you are to have her as a girlfriend etc. The normal date things.

CHAN: Okay, Okay, I can do this. [Pause] no I can’t!

RACH: Come on. Before it’s too late.

CHAN: Fine, fine. I can do this. I mean, I peed on her once!

ROSS: We did NOT need to be reminded of that!

CHAN: Right!

[Cut over to Monica. She’s standing talking to Jack on the balcony. There’s no one else out there. Chandler comes up behind her and grabs her in a hug.]

CHAN: Hey honey. How’s it going?

JACK: What’re you doing? This is my date!

CHAN: What do you mean, your date. This is my girlfriend. What’re you doing, haressing her? Mon, honey, has he touched you? Are you okay?

MNCA: Chandler, what’re you doing?

CHAN: What do you mean? I’ve come to save you, duh!

[Monica goes to protest, but Chandler kisses her passionately. She first resists, but then melts into it, it’s confortable, relaxing. Jack stares at them, then storms out. Monica breaks away. She’s really angry]

MNCA: What do you think you were doing?

CHAN: What, you’ve got to stop doing this. This new boyfriend everyday thing.

MNCA: Why, why would you care. If you cared at all, you would’ve never kissed Kathy, never helped your mom write a book about our lives. Our personal lives. I mean, how could you do this?

CHAN: I only did it because I wanted to be able to afford a perfect anniversary present, for which I’ve still never heard a thanks for.

MNCA: Ohh, sorry, thanks. But that doesn’t excuse writing about us, our personal moments. I’ve never been more humilitated in my life!

CHAN: Sorry, sorry for trying to be the best boyfriend possible. Y’know, you’ve gone out with a lot of guys, I’ve felt like I’ve been compared to each one. I felt I had to be the best or you’d dump me. I needed to make a lot of money for the restaurant. It’s not cheap you know! I mean, Pete had all the money in the world. He could’ve bought you ten restaurants. Do you know what its like to live where everything you do is beaten by others. So that you never know what it’s like to be the best? Do you?

MNCA: What do you mean do you? Don’t you know me? That’s the story of my life. I could never beat Ross in the eyes of my parents. Maybe that’s why it seemed like we were so perfect together. It was the only time in our life that we felt we were being seen as the best, or the top where it really counts. In emotions!

CHAN: And, even if you don’t want to be with me, you’ve got to remember that I still care for you. All of us do. We weren’t going to let you ruin your life with one of these creeps you’ve been dating recently. Come on Mon, you’ll find the right guy. I thought I could be that guy, but I guess I was wrong. But you’ll find him, don’t worry.

[Monica starts crying, as she realizes what she’s been doing in the last few days. Chandler steps over to her and hugs her. You can see the rest of the gang watching, from different areas of the room. No one else’s noticed.]

[Scene: Central Perk. Everyone’s there. Monica and Chandler are totally back to where they use to be, before they started dating. They’re sitting cuddled on the couch, not romantically, but how they use to sit before they got together.]

RACH: Hey guys! I’ve got the greatest idea!

PHOE: Oh, what, what?

GJOEY: Let me guess, let me guess!

CHAN: [to Monica.] Now I realize just how perfect she is for Joey. [they both snicker softly]

ROSS: Okay, no guessing. Just tell us Rach.

RACH: Okay, well, I was thinking. We haven’t had a sleep over in soo long. So… I propose that we have one tonight and that we have it… on the roof!

CHAN: Why up there, isn’t Monica afraid of heights?

MNCA: Yeah, why can’t we have in indoors. I thought you hated bugs!

RACH: Yeah, but there’s supposed to be a lunar eclipse tonight. You know, where it’s absolute darkness for a couple of minutes. New York is supposedly going to try to get people to leave their lights off.

ROSS: Oh yeah. I read about that. I was going to borrow a telescope from the museum and try to watch it.

MNCA: You know, that sounds like fun!

JOEY: Oh yeah. You know, I think the last time I was up there, was helping Mr. Treager learn to dance!

GJOEY: You can dance?

MNCA: Yeah, but he can’t lead!

GJOEY: Oh, that’s the opposite for me. I can only lead. We were taught in school, but my gym class was all girls, and for some reason I always had to be the guy!

CHAN: Perfect, if we ever go somewhere you have to dance, you guys can dance together!

RACH: So it’s planned? We’re going to camp out on the roof tonight?

PHOE: Yep!

[Scene: Roof. Everyone stumbles out the doors with pillows, sleeping bags, air mattresses, a telescope, a cooler and flashlights, etc. They all follow Rachel around the roof, getting fusterated at her!]

RACH: Okay, how about ………………… here!


[Everyone drops what they’re holding.]

JOEY: Okay, we’ll blow up the air mattresses.

CHAN: How you going to do that? Got a lot of hot air?

GJOEY: Hahaha, actually we’ve got a portable pump.

ROSS: Will someone PLEASE help me with the telescope!

RACH: Here. [She walks over to Ross to help.]

PHOE: I’m going to try to talk to those birds over there.

MNCA: Okay!

CHAN: What’s left for us to do?

MNCA: Nothing, I guess. Oh well. [They go off a bit and sit down.]

[Cut to later on the roof. It’s now all set up. The air matresses are all lined up next to each other. There is one single and three doubles. Sleeping bags have been spread out on each of them. Ross is standing with his telescope. The rest are staring at the sleeping bags.]

RACH: Okay, how are we going to do this? Who gets the single?

CHAN: Ummm… I don’t know.

PHOE: Oh, oh, we could draw names. Who ever you pull, is who you’re sleeping with.

MNCA: What about the single?

PHOE: You put in one slip of paper that says, single!

JOEY: That sounds fair.

RACH: Yeah. Okay lets do that.

[They all write their names down on paper and stick it in a baseball cap.]

JOEY: I get to pick first!

CHAN: Why?!?

JOEY: Just… because!

[He reaches in to the hat, moves his hand around and pulls out a piece of paper.]

JOEY: And, the lucky person is… Joey!!

RACH: As in your self?

JOEY: No, this isn’t my writing, so it must be Joey!

CHAN: This gets more confusing every time!

PHOE: Oh, me next, me next!!!

CHAN: Okay, then pass the hat over here, so I can hold it for you!

[Phoebe passes Chandler the hat. He holds it up and Phoebe puts her hand in it and pulls out a piece of paper.]

PHOE: Oh, oh! I get the single!!!

RACH: Shoot! I wanted that.

MNCA: Didn’t we all.

CHAN: Okay, Monica, why don’t you go next.

MNCA: Fine.

[She walks over and pulls out a piece of paper. She looks at it, and looks kinda worried.]

MNCA: Okay, Rachel, you’re with Ross and I’m, I’m with Chandler.

CHAN: [He can tell she’s a bit upset] Do you want to trade with Ross?

MNCA: No, that’s okay. I’d rather share with you then Rachel!

CHAN: [sarcastically] Thanks!

[Cut to later. Rachel and Ross are both huddled by the Telescope. Monica and Chandler are both in their sleeping bags, sitting with their arms around each other. Just friendly, nothing more. Joey and Joey are sitting like Monica and Chandler, but a bit closer together. Phoebe’s talking to some birds.]

ROSS: It’s almost here!!

RACH: Move over, I want to see!

ROSS: Hey, it’s my telescope. Get your own!

RACH: It’s not yours. It’s the museums. I helped set it up, move over.

ROSS: No! You can look later.

RACH: But it only happens once in a while!

ROSS: Oh, I guess it sucks to be you!

RACH: Move over!!


RACH: Yes!


CHAN: Just like old times, huh?

MNCA: Just what I was thinking!

[The sky all of a sudden goes really dark. You can’t see anything. You can here Ross go “hey” and nothing else. A minute later you can start to see something. Ross and Rachel are both rolling on the ground wrestling. Joey and Joey are kissing and Chandler staring at them in shock, just like Monica is at Ross and Rachel. Phoebes just smiling, like she knew this was going to happen.]

RACH: You made me miss it!!!

ROSS: What do you mean miss it! You saw it!

RACH: Yeah, but not through the telescope.

ROSS: Yeah, well I missed it to!

RACH: It wasn’t my fault

ROSS: Like nothings your fault. Everything’s mine. Our relationship problems, my fault, this, my fault!

[Rachel stops wrestling. Ross hit the mark when he brought up their relationship. She gets up and storms across the roof, angry, upset and almost in tears. Ross quickly gets up and follows.]

[Cut over to Rachel. She’s sitting at the edge of the roof. Ross comes up and sits down beside her.]

ROSS: [Softly] Hey!

[Rachel turns away from him.]

ROSS: Rachel, come on. I didn’t mean it.

RACH: Yes you did. And you’re right. I haven’t learned how to take responsibility for my own actions. Maybe I should’ve married Barry. At least none of this would’ve happened. I wouldn’t be upset everytime I saw you with someone. I wouldn’t wish I could take back so many things.

ROSS: Come on Rach. You know you don’t mean that. Life wouldn’t be worth it, if you knew what would happen in the future. We need the surprises, the consquences. It’s the only way to learn!

RACH: I suppose so. But that still doesn’t change anything. I’ve still screwed up my life! I ruined the one relationship I had that was perfect, I got fired from the only job that I ever wanted…

ROSS: You’ve got to stop focusing on the past, Rach. Look at the future!

RACH: I don’t have a future. Not anymore. No one’s going to hire me after what happened at my last job. I don’t have a boyfriend, and I don’t think I’ll ever find one that I’ll [pauses]

ROSS: That you’ll what?

RACH: That I’ll love as much as you!

ROSS: That’s not true. You’ll find someone.

RACH: You don’t understand. I’ll never find someone else, like you have. I’ll always be in love with you. I love you, I can’t help it. I just want to be with you. I don’t want someone else!

ROSS: I, I don’t know what to say.

RACH: It doesn’t matter. What ever you say won’t be what I want to hear.

ROSS: What do you want to hear?

RACH: [Scarcastically] Oh I don’t know. Maybe how you love me too, that you can’t believe that you ever thought you could stand life with out me!

ROSS: Well, I do love you. I mean, how can you not love someone you’ve spent so much of your life dreaming about, and being with!

RACH: Never mind. You know what? Just forget this conversation ever happened. Just go and be with Suzan. You don’t need me, and I suppose I’ll learn somehow, to not need you!

[Rachel gets up and walks away. Ross just sits there, thinking about what she said. Monica walks up to him.]

MNCA: Hey big bro! What’s up?

ROSS: You know what?

MNCA: What?

ROSS: I never thought it would be one of your friends that would cause such joy and pain!

MNCA: You mean Rachel, right?

ROSS: Right.

MNCA: Yeah, but you’re her friend to. She considers you her best friend, like Chandler and me. Rach and I are best friends, but so are you guys to us. You don’t understand just how much you’ve hurt her. You slept with Chloe, but she had just forgiven you for that when you told her that you couldn’t see her anymore. I mean, who does that to their best friend?

ROSS: I know, I know. I’ve done some stupid things in the past, but can’t she just let me be happy? I finally found Suzanne and she doesn’t say congratulations, instead she says that she loves me and wants me back! Is this what my life’s going to be like? Everytime I find someone, she’s going to want me, and everytime I have her, she’s going to find something wrong? Does that make sense?

MNCA: She doesn’t mean to break up your relationships. It’s just that she, like you, has very bad timing. Why don’t you talk to her? Give you guys a final chance. Give her once last good memory of you guys, if it doesn’t work out. But give it a shot!

ROSS: I suppose I could do that. But she seems so sure that she’ll never find another guy.

MNCA: Well, doesn’t that tell you just how much she loves you?

ROSS: I suppose so…

MNCA: Just give it a try. I know she’d appreciate it.

ROSS: Maybe I will.

MNCA: Wait, what about Suzanne?

ROSS: Oh, we broke up today.

MNCA: Wha, why?

ROSS: It just didn’t work out.

MNCA: I’m so sorry. Did you tell Rachel?

ROSS: I was going to, but she was to upset and angry.

[She leans over and hugs him. Then they both stand up and walk back over to the others.]

[Scene: still on the roof. The camera focuses on Joey and Joey. They’re talking]

GJOEY: So you want to try it?

JOEY: I guess so. I mean, our characters on Residence get together, right?

GJOEY: Yeah, so?

JOEY: Well, the only way they put characters together, is if they have chemistry. I guess that’s a good thing. So, if we are together, then we would probably have chemistry, right?

GJOEY: Right!

[They move together and kiss, not noticing that everyone is looking at them.]

[Cut to Chandler. He looks a little upset. Monica come up and sits down next to him.]

MNCA: Hey!


MNCA: Oh come on, cheer up!

CHAN: But look at them. What if Joey hurts her!!

MNCA: You’ve got to stop fixing on the what ifs! If Joey, your sister, could hear you, she’s probably be thanking her stars that she didn’t meet you sooner. You use to tease Ross for doing the same thing to me. Stop doing it to her. I know how it feels, and it SUCKS!!!

CHAN: I know, it’s just, I’ve never had a sister, or half sister before. I just don’t want to see her hurt, especially by one of my friends!

MNCA: You’ve got to let her live her own life. Think of her as your friend, not sister. That’s what I try to do with Ross. It works better that way!

CHAN: I suppose so… Thanks Mon!

MNCA: You’re welcome.

[They hug, now, it’s only a friendly hug, mind you!!]

[Scene: The next morning. It’s still on the roof. Everyone’s fast asleep in their sleeping bags. Chandler and Monica are sort of cuddled, Joey and Joey are cuddling, Phoebe’s sleeping, Ross and Rachel, are as far as way from each other as possible. Ross wakes up, and for a minute looks lost, as he remembers what he’s doing on the roof. He shuffles around, and then falls off the air matresses, in his sleeping bag, sort of like he got stuck.]

ROSS: Ow!!

RACH: What?? [She wakes up with a start. She looks around, then sees Ross squirming on the ground.] Ross, are you alright?

ROSS: Yeah, just stuck.

RACH: Here, let me help. [Rachel moves over to help him, but ends up tripping, and falling on top of him. She quickly moves, trying to get away, but Ross pulls her down next to him, and kisses her on the lips.]

RACH: Wow!

ROSS: I know, I’ve been waiting to do that again, for god knows how long!

RACH: You finally got your prize.

ROSS: I guess I did.

RACH: What does this mean? What do you want? Do you, do you want to get back together?

ROSS: Yeah, I want to give us another try. One date, that’s all I’m asking. Let’s just try one date, and see how it goes.

RACH: Okay, where do you want to go?

ROSS: How ‘bout, dinner at my place with a scary movie after?

RACH: Monica’s cooking?

ROSS: Of course!

RACH: Sounds good. I haven’t seen a horror movie since, well, I think since we last broke up!

ROSS: Yeah, but tonight, you’ve got to forget all about our past, and just think about our future!

RACH: Right!

[They lean in and kiss, first softly, lightly, then more passionately. The camera moves away from them, to show the others. It zooms in on Phoebe. We notice that she’s a wake, and has seen the whole exchange. She smiles to her self!]

Closing Credits

[Scene: Ross’s apartment. Rachel and Ross are cuddled in front of the TV. Ross is watching intently, and hasn’t noticed that Rachel’s fallen asleep. The movie ends, and Ross goes to get up.]

ROSS: Rachel? Rach?

[Rachel doesn’t say anything, duh, she’s asleep! {hehe} Ross glances down, and finally notices. He smiles slightly, and pulls a blanket off the back of the couch. He lays it over Rachel and himself, and the leans back against the couch, and also, falls asleep. (Awwww!!! Hehe)]