TOW All the Presents
By Trisha @

Scene: At Central Perk.  Chandler just walked in and everyone else is there
except Monica.  Chandler is still in his suit.

RACH: Why aren't you upstairs with Monica?

CHAN:  Well it was going great and all until she wanted to dance to the tape
I got her but I forgot it was a gift from Janice and then her voice came on
and Monica is really mad at me now.

PHOE: Yeah I would be mad too.  What if she got you a gift and Rachards voice
came on.

CHAN: Yeah I can understand why she is mad but how can I make her unmad.

PHOE: A puppet!

JOEY: That is a great idea.

RACH: No, all wrong.  Get her a sweater from Ralph Lauren and tell the sales
person Rachel Green was a great help.

ROSS: Guys, I'm her brother.  I know what she loves!

CHAN: Then what is it.

ROSS: It's a certain kind of flower.  I forgot what kind though.

CHAN: Ok I will go buy her a 3 yellow, 3 pink, 3 red and 3 white roses.(he

ROSS: Oh I remember it wasn't a flower she liked, it was one of those "Little
Precious" things.

RACH: How do you mix those up?

JOEY: Easy, happens to me all the time.(They look at him very weirdly.)

Scene: Monica and Chandlers apartment.

CHAN: Monica, I have a gift for you.

MON: What did Janice just give it to you?

CHAN: No, look.(he hands her the flowers.)

MON: They are very pretty.  They would look great on the kitchen table.
Thanks, now leave me alone.

Back at the coffee house.  Only Joey is there.

JOEY: Hey buddy.  Do you want something to drink?

CHAN: Yeah I'll just take a plain coffee.

JOEY: Gunther, can you get Chandler a cup of coffee?  I'm going to take a
short break.

CHAN: Joey you can't take a short break whenever you want.

JOEY: Sure I can, I'm an actor.  Ok Ross said that Monica also liked um....I
forgot maybe,  yes I remembered it  was a movie.  A baywatch movie.  She
loves those.

CHAN: Joey I think you have her mixed up with you.  Maybe I will just go back
and get her a sweater.

JOEY: You are making a big mistake.(Phoebe walks in) Pheebs, should Chandler
buy Monica a Baywatch tape or a sweater?

PHOE: Oh a candle.  She likes candles.

GUNTHER: Here's your coffee.  Joey you are on duty.  Look, all those people
want their drinks.  Get back to work.

JOEY: Yeah sure.  Gunther one more thing.  Can you give those people their

GUNTHER:(under his breath) Only because he's Rachel's friend.

Scene: Chandler and Monica's.

MON: Welcome back.

CHAN: Ok I know you are still really mad at me, but here.(he hands her a

MON: You talked to Phoebe.  It's a nice gift Chandler but I don't think you
get it.

CHAN: Then what do you want?

MON: Ok I'm going in the bedroom, talk to me when you can handle things
without buying stuff to make everything all better.

Scene: Ross's apartment.  Ross is there getting notecards ready for his class.

CHAN: Ross, Joey said you remember what Monica wants.

ROSS: Yeah one of those "Little Precios" things.

CHAN: Thanks.

ROSS: Before you leave I think you should talk to her and apologize.  Buying
her stuff is not going to make everything all better.  Oh and also she likes
the little boy in the rain.

Scene: Monica and Chandler's.  Rach and Monica are there.

RACH: Just hear him out.  You know Chandler, he didn't mean to.  Remember
when you had lunch with Richard, he forgave you.

MON: You are right.(Chandler comes in)

CHAN: Hi honey.

RACH: I better help Phoebe cook that vegatarian meal.  Bye.(She leaves)

CHAN: She has the worst excuses.  Anyway, I have something for you.

MON: Can we talk first.

CHAN: Um yeah sure go ahead.

MON: I'm sorry for acting like a little brat.  It just really hurt me.

CHAN: I understand.  You just have to remember you are my number 1 girl and I
would not try to hurt you on purpose.  Come here.(They hug)  So is everything
ok between us?

MON: Yeah it is.  Why don't you get out of that suit.  Since we didn't really
get to eat I will make us a late dinner.  How about grilled cheese?

CHAN: Yeah that's great.  I can't believe I spent the whole evening try to
find gifts you would like.

MON: Yeah me either. So what did you buy me this time?

CHAN: Do you really want it?

MON: Of coarse.

CHAN: Ok here.(Monica unwraps the box and opens it.)

MON: Oh my god!  My favorite "Little Precious" figurine.  Ross must of told
you I liked the little boy in the rain.

CHAN: How did you know?

MON: He called me up and asked.  Anyway thanks Chandler. You are the
greatest.(They have a semi-passonaite kiss)

Closing scene: Next day.  Chandler and Monica's.  Joey and Phoebe are playing
the card game war.  Chandler and Monica come out of their bedroom wearing

PHOE: Good morning lovebirds.

MON: Good morning.  Do you guys want coffee?

JOEY: Coffee? I forgot that I even have to work on Saturdays.  Bye.

CHAN: Who wants to make a bet when Joey will get fired?

PHOE: I'm in.

MON: Guys, that is not very supportive thing to do.

CHAN: So you are not in, right?

MON: Oh no, I'm in.

The End.

Thanks for reading.  Trisha.