
This is my second fanfic, it is kinda long, but it really had to be for it to work right, I couldn't really take much out. If you don't like it I promise you I'll try to make them better, so don't give up on me, please, but let me know what you liked and what you didn't so that I can improve. I would like feedback from those who have comments or suggestions, and any TV writers, directors etc. fancy dropping me a line, I have no objections, LOL, any input is good. Let me know if I am totally wasting my time that could be used elsewhere (like studying 4 exams.... oops). Sorry it's pretty thin on jokes, you probably wouldn't get my sense of humour anyway. This has everyone in it but it is really about C&M (sorry), and I'm sorry if it's a little soppy.

Disclaimer: Don't own characters, no profits, you should definitely get it by now.


Continued from before

Chan: (Shocked) Excuse me?

Mon: (Sorry) Don't get me wrong, I-

Chan: (Standing) Get you wrong, Monica that is pretty much self explanatory, it can't be interpreted in any other way, (looking round, still shocked) and this is how you choose to tell me, in front of everyone, and what do you mean discuss with me first, it seems discussion is out of the question you seem to have pretty much made up your mind- (he continues to babble and everyone keeps looking at Mon deeply shocked)(Mon suddenly stands up next to Chandler and suddenly grabs him and kisses him VERY passionately, to which Chandler does not object)

Joey: (Puzzled) Did I fall asleep and miss something?

Opening credits

Continued from above

(Everyone is even more shocked and confused and their looks show this)

Chan: (Mon pulls away from him) If this is what breaking up entails we should do it more often.

Ross: (Stands) what the hell is going on here?

Mon: (Sits, as does Chan) I know you're all very confused, (Ross sits) but we don't have much time until Stewart arrives so you guys are just going to have to trust me. This situation was pretty unexpected (all look at Pheebs) and since Stewart is only going to be in town for a few days I think that the best thing for us to do so that no one gets hurt is for Chandler and I to

Chan: You're not breaking up with me, I won't let you.

Mon: I don't want to break up with you.

Ross: (Under his breath) I think you should break up with him

Mon: I just think that whilewhile Stewart is here I think that perhaps Chandler and I should cool it down.

Ross: All in favour say Aye, (No one says a word but very quickly says) there we are its unanimous, (shakes Chandlers hand) sorry man, better luck next time.

Rach: Shut up Ross, (he sinks back in his chair) what are you saying Mon.

Joey: I get it, (everyone looks at him surprised) Hey, I was listening.

Rach: Explain it to us then.

Joey: Its simple isn't it(puzzled looks all round) they are going secret again.

Ross: Again, again Joey I know very little about their early relationship and I would like to keep those weeks that way.

Phoe: (in passing, a comment with little thought) Weeks, try months.

Ross: (stands in a rage) Months, months what do you mean months, please tell me that means only two.

Rach: (Irritated) Ross pop your hernia back in and sit down, I want to understand this before our guest arrives. (Ross sits defeated) (Mon is looking down)

Chan: (Takes her chin and turns her head to him) Mon tell me what you want me to do, what will be best for YOU, I'll do whatever makes you most comfortable. (He looks at her with big puppy dog eyes)(Authors Note: I'm a huge Matthew Perry fan)

Mon: (Takes a deep breath) Can we talk alone,

Chan: Of course we can, (he stands and takes her hand, she rises he leads her to her room)

Joey: (Shouts after them) Does that mean we can't come.

Mon's room, Mon is sitting on the bed and Chan closes the door and turns to look at her.

Mon: (stressed, babbling) Chandler, I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to turn out like this and our guest arrives in less that five minutes, and I (Chandler sits beside her and puts his finger to her lips to silence her, they look in silence deeply into each others eyes, Chandler leans in to kiss her, but she backs away, Chandler is very worried she had never pulled away like that before)

Chan: (Sits straight, very serious) what's going on?

Mon: (Worried) nothing, we just don't have time for that, that's all.

Chan: (Under his breath) yeah, fine, whatever.

Mon: So, what do you want to do?

Chan: You just pulled away from what I wanted to do.

Mon: (Annoyed) be serious.

Chan: I am being serious what do you want to do?

Mon: Well, you heard Stewart, Janice thinks the world of you and you are supposed to still be in Yemen, don't you think that it will be hard enough on her knowing you're back and that you didn't call her let alone that you are with another woman, and one of your best friends at that.

Chan: Maybe, but what if she wants to get back together.

Mon: I trust you.

Chan: (Shocked) you do?

Mon: Yeswhy, is their some reason I shouldn't that I don't know about,

Chan: (back tracking) Of course not I guess I've just never heard you say it before.

Mon: (suspicious) YeahAnyway, plus don't you think that it will be weird for Stewart, especially since he'll be staying with you.

Chan: (Confirming) Ok, so what you are saying is that you don't want Stewart to know that we are together,

Mon: Yeah,

Chan: Mon, I'm not sure, I mean, why should we hide for his sake,

Mon: I know this seems weird, but just imagine how Janice will feel (Chan sighs, finally getting it) when she finds out, I just know how I would feel if it were me in her position, (she sits close to him) You are kinda special to me, as you were to her. Please just trust me, and do this for me.

Chan: (Standing and moving to the door) Ok then, this'll be weird, but if that's what you want we had better go tell the guys. (He is inches from the door, but Mon moves in front of him blocking the closed door, he looks down at her) What are you doing?

Mon: (Fiddling with his tie, she says shyly) Well we have a few minutes left and since this could be our last time together for the next few days.

Chan: (Acting dumb) you wanted to try on my tie, (Mon is looking upset as if regretting the decision, he decides to cheer her up) Come here, (even though they are already VERY VERY close together, he flattens his tie out of her hands and hugs her, very close)

Mon: (Very quietly, as if shy, still looking down) Chandler.

Chan: (softly) yeah?

Mon: I love you.

Chan: (He stops hugging her, but they remain VERY close together, He lifts her chin, and looks deeply into her eyes) I love you too. (Mon smiles) (He takes a step back, still trying to cheer her up and says jokingly) Oh, no this is a trap isn't it, that irresistible smile, you are trying to trick me. Turning me on with that smile and then us being "just Friends" (he actually does the inverted commas thing with his fingers)(Mon is smiling even more, giggling) (Chandler puts his hands up as he has just been caught by the police) Its no use, you got me, I'll do whatever you want me to, I'll talk.

Mon: (Smiling, she talks like a cop) I'm sorry sir, I don't want your mind right now, just your body. (Chandler bounds toward her at that prospect, she puts her hand out to stop him) but, (Chandlers face falls) we don't have time for that right now. So, (he lights up again) just Kiss me. (He does so very passionately, pressing her against the door)

Mon & Rach's: All but C&M are sitting around the living room

Joey: I wonder what they decided

Ross: They had better decide soon, so we know what we are telling Stewart.

Joey: (Still annoyed with Ross about the card game) you don't TELL him anything, just act normal, you are going to have to follow me, the PROFESSIONAL actor, just do what I do, I'll get you through it. (Ross has a very patronised look on his face)

Rach: (Thinking out loud) don't you think that is so romantic, he will do what she wants too.

Phoe: (Continuing Rach's thought) I need a boyfriend like Chandler, (Both girls sigh in unison) (Guys look at each other puzzled)

Ross: (Trying to justify Phoebe's comment) we must be in some weird parallel universe,

Joey: Totally. (C&M enter from Mon's room, both look a little scruffy and untidy - not overly they didn't actually DO anything - but are quickly sorting themselves) Well?

Mon: (Normally) Well what? There's nothing to tell (pointing to Chandler) he's just some guy, I virtually live with (Authors note: Please tell me you hardcore friends fans picked up on that"There's nothing to tell it's just some guy I work with" get it nowfirst ever linethere you go.)

Joey: (Quietly to Ross, but everyone hears) Eh?

Ross: (To Joey, but everyone hears) They are in secret again, (To C&M) Yes?

Chan: Yes.

Joey: Wow, this will be weird, how will it work, I mean are you guys just friends like you were before or...

Mon: Joey, just act as if nothing ever happened with me and Chandler (As she says his name he catches her eye she smiles, innocently)

Chan: (Jokingly again, pointing at her like tow the flashback) Ah, we'll be havin' none of that, (meaning her smile)

Mon: (laughing, then like a soldier she salutes him) Yes, sir, sorry sir, (they are stone faced then smile at each other and continue their conversations, everyone else is puzzled,)(The buzzer of the door goes) This is it (Moves to answer it) Everyone just be yourselves and forget Chandler and I ever existed, (Chan opens his mouth for some sarcky comment, Mon catches him though) As a couple.

Mon: (through the buzzer) Come on up, you know where we are. (She looks stressed, nibbling her nails)

Chan: (He goes to her at the buzzer and takes her by the shoulders and looks into her eyes) Mon just focus, ok, we've done this before (Ross sticks his fingers in his ears and sings like Joey in TOW all the resolutions, everyone ignores him) and the guys are cool, Joey can help us out, he did before, right man (he looks to Joey for support, Joey is eating things off the cooker)

Joey: Oh, yeah right, count on me, but are we gonna eat soon.

Mon: (As if giving up) Oh god, why did I ever do this (she lets her head flop into her hands)

Chan: Hey, Hey (He lifts her head) It'll be cool, (no answer, he says it firmer) it'll be cool

Mon: (half-heartedly) it'll be cool,

Chan: That's my girl (knock at the door) THIS is it, (He takes Mon's head and kisses her lips really softly and tenderly, like in Dirty Dancing when Patrick Swayze is leaving and he kisses Jennifer Grey by the car then leaves quickly, only after Chandler kisses her he opens the door to Stewart.)

(Stewart stands in the doorway with a suitcase)

Stew: Hey, (Over-excited again) I'm sorry, I just have to say how much I appreciate this, I don't know that many people around here, what with Janice being on holiday with our parents and everything, and I really feel that we could all become really great friends.

Chan: (Wide-eyed, shocked, like everyone else) Hey man (Notices suitcase) do you need a hand with that,

Stew: (Handing him suitcase) Thanks (Its heavy, Chandler virtually falls through the floor) (Stew makes his way into the apartment)

Chan: (Straining) I'll just take this across the hall (drags it behind him, leaves)

Stew: (Room is in silence, and awkward but Stew does not feel it) Wow, everything smells great, (To Mon) You're a chef aren't you? (She opens her mouth but he continues) Janice told me you were an excellent chef. I'm sorry I was late, but the interview guy kept talking, he seemed to like me, so fingers crossed, if I get it, I'll have to stay in this area so I'll be able to hang out with you guys. (Mon cuts him off).

Mon: (Irritated, through clenched teeth) Maybe we should eat.

Stew: Shouldn't we wait for Chandler?

Joey: (Setting himself at the table) he won't be that long, let's eat.

Stew: Great, is there somewhere I can wash up?

Mon: Oh, sure (she directs him to the bathroom)(he exits).

Phoe: (to Joey) if he gets it, he could stay with you and Chandler until he gets his own place,

ALL: NO! (Phoebe jumps) (Mon lets out an irritated growl, just as Chandler enters)

Chan: (Confused) what's up with everyone now? And where's Stewart, don't tell me you through him out already. (Mon goes to cooker to start dishing out food, blocking out the others)

Rach: He's in the bathroom, but we have to tape up Pheebs mouth so that she doesn't say anything

Chan: (Confused) what?

Phoe: (in a Lisa Kudrow way) I'm sorry. I won't say another word.

Joey: (Impatient) yeah, yeah, where's my food (turns to Mon) come on already (Mon hands him a plate, piled high he tucks in quickly, Stew enters and they sit down at the table)

Mon: (Sitting) thanks you, now dig in everyone

Stew: So, Phoebe, what do you do? (Phoebe mumbles without opening her mouth)(Confused) Ok, then.

Joey: (lifts an empty plate) Mon, can I have some more?

<Commercial break>

Time lapse, dinner is over all are seated around the living room Stew is in the seat, Joey, Phoebe, Chandler and Rachel are on the sofa, in that order with Rachel closest to Stew. Ross has moved the seat opposite Stew (the one with the green ottoman) round, so as not to block anyone and the audience can see him. Mon is sitting on the floor in front of the TV all are drinking wine Stew is finishing a story, we never hear.

Rach: (To stew, laughing, uncontrollably, quite flirty, but she has a lot of wine in her) That can't be true

Stew: I swear to you that is exactly like it happened (he continues and everyone is giggling and smiling politely then Chandler and Monica catch each others eye and look at each other in silence, she smiles, as Stew finishes his story.) Mon, that is a beautiful balcony, you have out there, you must get one hell of a view, (Mon is still looking at Chandler and doesn't hear what he says) Monica(no response) Monica, (Rach realises who she is looking at and hits Chandler, and breaks the stare)

Chan: OhOh sure

Rach: (Mumbles to Chandler) the Balcony view

Chan: Sure, the view is great, we should go look at it, (he ushers Stew to the window, Stew goes out, Chan looks back and smiles at Mon, exits) (Mon smiles and gets up 2 clear up)


The balcony, Chan and Stew are looking at the view.

Stew: Those are some friends you have there

Chan: I know, they are really great, (jokingly) most of the time, (he turns his back to the view and looks in through the window, Stew, turns too, he thinks Chan is looking at them all, but we know his gaze is focused on Mon)

Stew: Especially Monica,

Chan: (Nervous that Stew knows something) I guess, just like the rest, she' s pretty, sure but she means no more to me than the others do .... No, nothing more, just friends we are, yeah.

Stew: (Walking closer to the window, looking at Mon) tell me, do you know if she is seeing anyone right now, (Chandlers face falls, shocked realising what he has just done)

Chan: I don't know, I think there may be someone, but you would have to ask her (Not really expecting him too)

Stew: (Interested) I might just do that, thanks (Chan, is very nervous now, starts trying to talk, but only garbled noises come out)

M&R's all are tiding the dinner dishes Stew & Chan enter from the balcony, Chan looks shell-shocked, Mon notices and gives him a weird look as if to say what's up but Chan has no reaction, Mon goes back to the dishes.

Stew: (he goes up behind Mon and leans into her taking the plate she is washing, his tone is very flirty) let me do that for you.

Mon: (unaware of his interest, grateful, surprised tone) thank you, (taking off her rubber gloves) that is so nice of you, you know its so hard to get any of this lot to do anything, I'll dry (Stew takes this as her flirting back and gives Chan a wink, as if "I'm in here" which only Chan sees)

Chan: (worried) why don't you let them drip dry Mon, I have to talk to you

Mon: (she thinks he is trying to be alone with her, and is extremely annoyed.) Don't be silly Chandler, we can't let our guest do all the work, or I'll have to start (Chan shakes his head to her as if, please don't finish that sentence, Mon doesn't get it) paying him. (Chan's head flops, knowing Stew will take this as flirting back) (Mon is clueless)

Time lapse, Mon is saying goodnight to the guys at the door, Ross and Pheebs are at the dinner table, and Rach is in the living room.

Stew: (to Mon, flirty, Chan hears their conversation) Well thanks for your hospitality Mon, you'll be seeing a lot more of me if that's the reception I get,

Mon: (friendly) Well, only a select few get this kind of reception (Chan's head falls again like, do-you-have-any-idea-what-your-really-saying-to-this-guy)

Stew: (to Rach) I guess I'll see you tomorrow and thanks again, (Rach is lying face down on the couch, filled with to much wine and her hand goes up in a lame attempt at a wave) (He leaves, with Joey behind, and Chandler starts to leave after Joey)

Mon: (quietly to Chan as he leaves, noticing he has been acting weird since he was on the balcony) Night.

Chan: (very down) yeahsee ya (he closes the door, Mon looks down, and confused.)

M&R's next morning, Rach is at the table (hungover), ready for work, as is Ross (not hungover), Pheebs is their looking normal (or as much as she can). They are all eating breakfast, prepared by an absent Monica, who we can here is in the shower (the water is on).

Ross: So, Pheebs what was your interview for? Don't you have a job?

Phoe: Yes, I have a job, I'm just trying to add variety to my life, I'm looking for new coffee-houses to play guitar in you know, broaden my horizons, and I even have some knew songs, you wanna hear them, (starts humming, as if preparing her voice, opens her mouth to sing)

Rach: (cutting her off) Ross did you and Joe settle your differences?

Ross: (standing, angry) There is no differences, I was winning (The conversation continues)

C&J's Chan enters from bathroom in suit, at the same time as Stew enters from Chan's room they both move to sit at the counter

Stew: I just have to thank you again especially for giving up your room and all,

Chan: It's ok really, The sofa out here is really comfy, (sarcastically, but Stew doesn't get it) and what are you if you can't help out friends,

Stew: Thanks again You know I was really upset when I found out that were transferred to Yemen, what happened with that?

Chan: (Nervously) Wellmy company decided thatthatthat theythey had enough guys out there, and they needed me here. And so I came back.

Stew: (trying to pressure him) have you been back long, I mean, I know that Janice is away right now, but a call from you would really brighten her up, she hasn't been the same since you left.

Chan: (unsure, obviously) I don't know man, I mean Yemen really changed me, (Chandler makes a face like, I wouldn't buy that) I think I just have to be by myself for a while, I'm not really in a very relationshippy place right now, sorry.

Stew: (disappointed) Ok, that's cool, but we can talk about it again, soon, you know time can do some shocking things to people. So, what do you guys have to eat around here (Chandler bursts out laughing, uncontrollably, a moment later Joey appears in his bath robe, rubbing his eyes, obviously woken by Chandlers laughing)

Joey: What's goin' on?

Stew: (Confused) I don't know I just asked what you had here to eat and- (he is cut off by Joey laughing)(Stew getting annoyed) What the hell is going on?

Chan: (almost crying from laughing says through sobs) I'm sorry man (Calming down) God, I needed that, (to Stew) I'm sorry, but do we look like guys who can look after themselves, you wanna see what we have to eat (he opens a cupboard to reveal one half eaten jar of jam and a cobweb)

Joey: (Stopping laughing) Cool, I thought I had finished that, (he grabs the jar and drinks its contents, in one)(wiping his mouth)(to Chan) you need to persuade Mon to make more of this stuff.

Stew: Why should he do it, why can't you? (Chan stares open-mouthed looking at Joe lost for words)

Joe: (nervously) well shesheshe gets mad at me, 'cause'cause I'm always asking her to make it (smiles proudly, at his quick thinking)

Stew: (confused) Ok, so if you guys have no food, how do you live?

Chan: (matter-of-factly) follow me, (he opens the door and leads Stew across the hall, Joey follows)

(He walks in across the hall, which shocks Stew, that he just walks in)

Stew: Shouldn't we knock?

Joey: (from behind him) you have a lot to learn. (Everyone but Mon is seated round the table, Mon is pouring juice from the fridge, she is in a bathrobe and her hair is damp from the shower Chan goes up behind her, and turns her round so that she is facing Stewart,. Chandler stands behind her and holds her shoulders firmly, she is still holding the glass and juice and is very confused)

Chan: (matter-of-factly) this is how we survive (Joey stands beside Mon and gestures toward her) this is the only reason we aren't wasting away, she keeps us all alive, and we love her for it, right!

ALL: (team spirit, in unison) Right!

Mon: (turns to Chan, she is surprised) Well, thank you, there goes my "taking me for granted theory", (looking into his eyes, as if what is going on?) If it wasn't so completely inappropriate and gross (4 Stews benefit, Chan looks confused) I would kiss you (he gets it, and looks at her like in TOW all the kissing and she says him kissing her makes her "wanna puke")

Chan: (Joking, for Stews benefit) If you ever take the urgeno objections here, we've never done that before, wouldn't that be weird. (The gang all laugh to themselves, Stew is oblivious, to the joke) (Joey is getting Stew to sit, and Chan whispers really quietly in Monica's ear) You look very beautiful this morning, (He takes the juice from her hand and sits at the table, Mon looks very confused)

Time lapse, only, Mon, Chan, Stew and Joey are there, the rest have left for work, all are round the table talking, only Joey is still eating.

Joey: (pleading) please, please, please, pleaseMon, you know you want to

Mon: (getting up and clearing the table) No, Joey I will not make more Jam(Looking grossed out.) Do you have any idea how long that jam will have been sitting thereI mean, I know jam has a long shelf life but half eaten, that's grossand anyway, I only made jam to get over Richard, (she looks at Chandler) and fortunately I'm not getting anyone now.

Joey: (Sulking) Fine, but don't think I'm giving up that easily I 'LLI'LL just have to get you to break up with someone, (Chan and Mon throw him looks) (scared) or maybe not

Mon: (damage control) Joe, to break up with someone don't you have to be dating them first, (Chandler realises what she will say next and gets a very panicked face) and I'm not seeing any one right now, (as Chan's face falls, Stews light's up).

Stew: In that case, how would you like to go to lunch with me today?

Mon: (caught off guard, Chan looks at her) (she tries to act like it was a joke) That's ok, I wasn't looking for an invitation,

Stew: I was actually thinking of asking anyway. I even asked Chandler if you were seeing anyone, (Mon glares at Chandler, who looks helpless) so, what do ya say?

Mon: (at a loss) wellI I work at a restaurant, lunch is our busiest time of the day,

Stew: But, you still have to eat?

Mon: I guess

Stew: And, you are the boss?

Mon: Yeah

Stew: Besides, there are laws, so you must have to get some time off during the day, a break or something?

Mon: Well sure, but ­ (Stew cuts her off)

Stew: (Getting up to go) Great then I'll come round the restaurant around twelve thirty and we'll go then, (to C&J) see ya later. (Leaves)

Joey: (looking confused) Ok, I don't get it.

Chan: (mad at Mon for accepting the date, staring hard at her) No, neither do I

Joey: Who waits 'til twelve thirty for lunch, (C&M just look at him)

Times lapse, a few minutes later (Joey has been thrown out) (Chandler is standing at the door, having just thrown Joey out, literally, turns to Mon who is leaning on the wooden post (remember the one Ross ran into and banged his head on) Chan looks mad, Mon is confused

Chan: (mad) well?

Mon: well what?

Chan: (getting madder, walking toward her) You just cheated on me while I was in the room Mon: (taking control of herself, getting mad at Chan) Don't be so stupid, anyway shouldn't it be me who is getting mad at you, you knew he liked me and you also knew that I didn't know he liked me, so you should have warned me that he was gonna tell me he liked me! (Both look a little confused trying to make sense of that)

Chan: (mad) I wouldn't have thought I would have had to tell you he liked you, you ARE very hot, many guys you meet probably like you and I don't have to tell you that and you seem to go well not accepting dates from them (Mon starts to walk away from him, toward the door) or is there something I don't know about (Mon stops dead and turns to face him)

Mon: (really mad) what the hell are you trying to say, that I AM cheating on you

Chan: (obviously sorry) Of course not, I didn't (cut off by Mon)

Mon: You didn't whatYou didn't mean it, was that what you were gonna say, you know this was gonna be hard enough, I was doing it because I thought it would save you from having to explain everything to Stewart and Janice and hopefully save a lot of people a lot of pain, (she takes her jacket and purse, looks at Chandler pained) it was obviously only me who was supposed to get hurt. (She leaves)(Chan falls into a chair, holds his head in his hands, and lets out a fed up sigh).

Time lapse (againsorry) Chandler is in Monica's apartment waiting for her to come in from work, he is in the chair, she enters and he stands and looks at her, both are in their work clothes. (i.e. what they were wearing in the morning, Mon is casual though she would change into her chef stuff at work)

Mon: (startled)(sarcastic tone) Oh, its you dear, your early, could you turn around while I let in all these nice gentlemen that told me I was nice today(Chan cuts her off)

Chan: (sorry) Look Mon, I (He is cut off by Stew entering behind her in Chefs clothing, laughing, Chan is shocked)

Stew: Hey, Chandler, I thought you worked late,

Chan: (still shocked) WellII

Mon: (still mad at Chan) He's probably just skiving off, and these days I just can't get rid of him he hangs around here so much.

Stew: (accepting this) Cool, (turns to Mon) Well, I had better go changeThank you for such a lovely day, we should do it again soon (he leans into kiss her, Chan looks very freaked, Mon turns her face and he kisses her on the cheek)

Mon: Ok then, you go change then, (he smiles at her and leaves, Chan looks at Mon for an explanation, but she is taking off her coat and scarf, ignoring him)

Chan: I thought you guys were going lunch, an innocent meal.

Mon: (sitting on the couch and putting on the TV) we were.

Chan: Oh, and that's it, that's all you did, that's all you're giving me? (No response, Mon laughs at the TV, Chan turns it off) will you talk to me please?

Mon: (stays sitting, but turns to face him, getting mad) about whatabout my day, is that it, you want a minute, by minute account of my day. OK then, first, I woke upalone may I add, so that there is no confusion. I ate breakfast, got asked out, argued with my boyfriendbusy morning huh, invigorating thoughI worked all morning, constantly thinking of you and how I was going to make it up to you, feeling guilty, god knows why and then Stewart arrived at the restaurant on time and I couldn't get awayor at least that's what I told him, hoping that he would leave, then he hung around all afternoon, getting in my way, then I came home and the rest you know.

Chan: MonI'msorry

Mon: And, one of the girls at work gave him a jacket because he was in the kitchen and so he stayed even longerand he stole my hat, (she stands and tries to go to her room, but Chan grabs her hand as she walks by)

Chan: I really am sorryI justyou ARE really hot and I guess I'm just worried one day you will look at me and realise you can do so much better (Mon looks at him, and smiles, he moves in slowly to kiss her and she doesn't object, they continue kissing, and end up on the sofa, Ross and Joey burst in arguing, but stop when they see C&M, (beat) Mon pushes Chandler away and he starts objecting when he realises they are supposed to be in secret and they start searching for the remote, as if trying to look innocent)

Joey: (looking at his watch) you guys are out of practice,

Mon: (changing the subject) were you guys arguing?

Joey/Ross: YES! / NO!

Ross: (looking at Joey) No, because there is no argument, I was winning.

Joey: No, you were not, I was.

Mon: What does it matter who was winning, just because you were winning, doesn't mean you would have won, what were you guys playing anyway?

Ross/Joey: (in unison) Snap!

Chan: (laughing) There you go, you both won, (because they spoke in unison)

Ross/Joey: (in unison again) Cool! (They both laugh, surprisingly content with Chandlers theory). (They sit and watch TV) (Stew enters)

Stew: Hey Joey said, just walk in so here I am (everyone looks at him) Hey, Mon you wanna go for a walk, show me around the area.

Mon: (to Chandler's horror, without hesitation) Sure, I'd like that, (grabs her coat, and they leave) (Chan looks dumbstruck, J&R look at him, he turns back to the TV and acts normally, they look at him even more amazed that he is so relaxed)

Chan: (without taking his eyes off the TV) I trust her.

Monica and Stewart walking in Central Park (this may be cliché but I am British (Scottish, actually, but how many people differentiate (if you don't live her that is)) Stew will not take his eyes off Monica, this is making her uncomfortable.

Mon: (Pointing) There is my favourite restaurant, you can just see it through the trees, on the other side of the fence (Authors Note: I told you I know nothing about NY, sorry if I offend anyone)

Stew: (Not taking his eyes off her) Yeah, when was the last time someone told you how beautiful you are? (He stops and looks straight into her eyes, he leans in to kiss her, she closes her eyes, it looks like she is going to do it, then)

Mon: (Remembering Chandlers comment this morning) This morning, the last time, some one told me I was beautiful was this morning(Stew is startled)

Stew: (Confused) whoWho told you that?

Mon: I'd rather not say I have to say I didn't agree with him but

Stew: (Mad) Himhim who?

Mon: I'm so sorry if you feel I've led you on, the minute I realised you seriously liked me I tried to tell you the truth, that is why I rushed out here with you, to tell you that there is someone in my life (Stew stares open-mouthed) I really am sorry, we are keeping it a secret right now until we can figure out how we really feel about each other, I really care about him and not even my friends know and I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell them anything. (Stew, cuts his losses and smiles)

Stew: If that's what you want (Mon smiles) I won't pretend I'm not disappointed though. (Pause) Lets get outta here then its really cold, (he puts his arm around her friendly like) Anyway, it gives me a secret, I really feel like one of the gang now. (Mons face drops).


M&R's The next morning, All but Mon are around the kitchen eating breakfast

Stew: So where is Mon?

All (but Chan): Don't know/No idea etc.

Chan: (eating breakfast, looking at his bowl) She has to do stock control all morning, she has a meeting thing on today with her boss, who btw is a complete idiot, she had to leave around sixish this morning. I haven't spoken to her since her walk with you yesterday, but I could tell she was not looking forward to this meeting, her boss has her doing so much paperwork and stuff now that she hardly gets any time in the kitchen. And I think(he looks up from his bowl to see everyone staring at him) What I was just listening to her, that's all (To stew) we don't talk that much I mean we do talk but with the group, not aloneever and I just think I'll shut up now (he goes back to his cereal)

Stew: I haven't seen her since our (in a sexy voice) rendezvous in the park.

Chan: (Getting nervous) what do you mean (mimicking) rendezvous in the park?

Stew: (Innocently) Nothing nothing, (he smiles, as if it wasn't nothing)

Chan: (mad) Tell me (everyone looks at him)(trying to be relaxed) I mean us, tell us (gesturing to the group)

Phoe: That's right, if you want to be in our group (the gang look at her as if he-can't-be in-our-group) you have to tell all you know, (the gang look at her like, I-don't-tell-all, then around at each other like do-you-tell-all?)

Stew: WellokI won't go into details but let's just say (pointing to himself) she has someone special in her life, who she cares for and wants to find out how she feels about, (he leaves for his second interview, everyone looks shocked thinking she said those things about him, not literally to him)(All look at Chan, he gets up in silence and leaves)

Rach: (Shocked) I can't believe Mon would do this.

Phoe: Do you really think its true?

Joey: Chandler certainly thinks so, the way he walked outta here.

Rach: I say we go find out (lifting her jacket and purse, Phoebe follows)

Joey: (Stopping them) We can't do this, I mean what are you gonna do just barge into the restaurant and confront her,

Phoe: yeah,

Joey: Ok, (all exit)

Allesandros restaurant, the gang minus Chan & Mon (obviously) run in mad, All race up the doors (its first thing in the morning it's not open) and start banging on the door

Rach: (Mad) can we speak to Chef Geller please NOW! (Mon appears from the kitchen, and opens the door, the all fall in)

Rach: Well, is it true?

Mon: (confused) is what the true?

Ross: You and Stewart,

Mon: What about us

Phoe: Ah ha! US, so there is an us is their? (All look at her confused)WellI don't know (Looking at Mon) is it true?

Rach: (to phoebe) We've done that already.

Mon: I really don't know what you are all talking about.

Joey: Stew said this morning (mimicking him) you had someone special in your life, and you wanted to explore your feelings for them

Mon: (Shocked) he told you Oh my god, (all look disappointed and sad) I'm sorry guys, I just couldn't go on living the lie, it wasn't fair on Chandler or Stewart or me I really am sorry, especially after what I put you all through.

Joey: (distraught) How could you, you guys were so good together,

Phoe: You are lobsters (Mon looks confused)

Mon: I had only known him a day, (now everyone looks confused)

Rach: You have known him since you a teenager, what are you talking about?

Mon: Stewart what are you talking about?

Ross: We are talking you cheating on Chandler, (Mon looks seriously shocked) Stew told us

Mon: me meme what, I haven't cheated on anyone

Joey: What do you mean Stew told us.

Mon: (mad) and what you believed him... a guy we bearly know against me. (Mon holds her head in her hands, the guys look sorry)

Joey: (to himself, childishly) Chandler believed him too. (All but Mon look at him shaking their heads, mouthing no. Mon slowly looks up at him)

Mon: ChandlerChandler knows about this

Rach: He was in the room when Stewart told us sorry

Mon: What did he say,

Ross: Nothing, he just left.

Mon: (taking off her Chef jacket, she has a vest top on underneath, she lifts her coat and purse) for work? (She heads to the door)

Phoe: I guess where are you going?

Mon: I have to go talk to him, (she opens the door)

Ross: What about your meeting with your boss?

Mon: This is a little more important, don't you think? (She leaves)

Ross: I guess, (all look at each other, sorry and worried)(fade out)

< Commercial break> A lloooooooonnnnnnggggg one


Chandler's office, Mon walks up to his secretary's desk, just outside his office.

Mon: Hello Helen.

Heln: (nervous) Hi, Monica

Mon: Is Chandler in?

Heln: He is with someone at the moment, but I'll let him know you are here. (Over intercom) Mr. Bing, Miss. Geller is here to see you.

Chan: (from the intercom, surprised) Thank you Helen, I'll be a minute, maybe you could get her a coffee

Heln: (Through the intercom) Do you want me to cancel your appointments for the rest of the day (Mon blushes)

Chan: (laughing) no, don't be silly, why would we do that? (We here laughing in the background)

Heln: (to Mon) would you like a coffee?

Mon: Sure, thanks (Helen rises)

Helen: I'll just be a minute (she leaves). (Mon looks anxious, nervous, she starts fiddling, then she picks up a magazine and puts it down again. She starts looking around, she sighs then her eye falls on the intercom, she thinks about the laughing, she moves closer to the desk, then she presses a button)

Mon: Oops(she listens to the conversation in Chan's office not expecting anything exciting). (Authors note: Italics are voices from the intercom)

Chan: I might just be over reacting, I haven't had a chance to speak to her yet, she is here now and I really want to make the most of it (Mon smiles, knowing he is talking about her)

Voice: Your insecurity shows a deeper problem in your relationship, I think it would be better if you just quit while you were ahead (Mon is shocked she starts shaking her head getting upset) I mean what if she is actually with Stewart what will you do then? You are best friends, do you really want to lose that, even if not now, but later.

Chan: I suppose not we haven't ever really talked about the future, and anything we did discuss it was always marriage, kids etc I guess when you are so happy in a relationship you never think about breaking up. It happens to everyone though doesn't it (Mon has a tear in her eye) I suppose you're right it is better to happen now, than later when we are sick of each other do you think it is possible to know someone to well?

Voice: I do, but I also think that the best relationships have histories, apart from you guys being friends you don't have any past togethernot like us (Mon is crying now, but when she hears the last comment she realise who it is)

Chan: Janice, don't do this.

Jan: I know you are hurting right now, but maybe when you got back from Yemen you only slept with Monica because you missed me, isn't that just as possible, we were close before and I know that us being torn apart hurt you as much as it did me. (Mon has tears streaming down her face, when she notices the long silence, she gets up and throws Chandlers door open revealing Janice on Chandlers lap and they are making out, Mon clears her throat, Chan looks up and stands Janice falls on the floor)

Chan: MonII

Mon: (sarcastically) Oh don't let me interrupt your moving reunion, I'll just go back outside and wait in line will I? (She turns and leaves, in a hurry)

Chan: (rushing to the door) MON Monica... I'm sorry (He goes and gets his jacket off the back of his chair)

Jan: Let her go remember Chandler

Chan: Shut up, I love her, and heres something, I was never transferred to Yemen, there I said it, I only said I was because I wanted to get away from you(sarcastically) I'm sorry. (He runs out)

The hallway between the apartments, Chan comes running up the stairs and bangs on Monica's door (its locked)

Chan: Mon let me in please, I'm sorry Mon, I know you're in there please (no response, he goes into his apartment. Monica is looking in one of the kitchen drawers, he is surprised to see her, she has her back to him and doesn't see him, he reaches out and touches her shoulder, she flips round and looks at him, tears in her eyes)

Chan: Hey

Mon: (With hatred) Yeah whatever, (she walks past him to leave)

Chan: Don't you want to talk,

Mon: I think enough has been said and DONE, don't you think

Chan: So what are you doing here if you don't want to talk,

Mon: I didn't have a key for across the hall, Joey let me in here, on his way out to an audition, but I'm leaving, so don't worry.

Chan: that's not what I meant I don't want you to go, I just thought you would hate me.

Mon: (sarcastically) Hate you, why would I hate you, we LOVE each other right, there is no written rules on what love prevents you from doing, so I guess you didn't do anything wrong, right.

Chan: Mon, I am so sorry, when I found out about you and Stewart I (Mon cuts him off)

Mon: What about me and Stewart Oh that's right I was sleeping with him wasn't I, I forgot, thank god I have you to remind me of these things.

Chan: I never said you were sleeping with him(silence) were you?

Mon: Oh my godI'm outta here (she turns to go, Chan grabs her hand)

Chan: Mon, please

Mon: (really mad) Don't touch me. I don't want you within 10 metres of me ever again.

Chan: (Shocked) What!?, you mean you you you are gonna you're leaving me.

Mon: Pretty much, (she reaches for the door handle, Chan dives in front of her) Get out of the way.

Chan: (desperate) No, Mon I won't let you go like this, I need you you need me.

Mon: (fed-up) you wish.

Chan: I know that you are upset and disappointed in me, but there is so much to say,

Mon: (upset) there is nothing to say, you said it all to Janice

Chan: SHE kissed ME,

Mon: I didn't see you objecting, and it wasn't just a kiss you were all over each other, and it wasn't just what I saw it was what you actually said to her, you were ready to give up on us because of one comment from a virtual stranger.

Chan: I'm sorry I didn't know what to think, and then Janice appeared at my office and we started talking

Mon: That's the other thing, you talk to her about us, a woman you haven't seen in years and you're more open with her than me, (Mon opens the door, turns back to him) maybe she was right, your lack of trust in me shows a deeper problem with our relationship. (She leaves, closes the door and leans on it, sighs and then goes across the hall, she enters, she takes a few steps, she sits at the dinner table and begins to dry her tears as if convincing herself she is ok) (The door bursts open, Mon jumps out of her chair, Chandler walks in)

Chan: (looking straight at her) Monica, I won't let this happen, we were made for each other and we can't throw this away because I got a little lost and didn't look to you to light my way back, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have doubted you, I do trust you and I know that we can work through this.

Mon: (stands startled but then gets mad) NO!, I will not let you charm your way back, maybe we were made to be together, but we can't work through this, you don't trust me, there is a big difference between saying it and meaning it, you showed me today that you don't mean it and after Janice, I don't know that I can trust you again, I think it would be best if we just got on with our lives as quickly as possible that shouldn't be much of a problem for you now should it.

Chan: (tears in his eyes) It'll take time I know, but

Mon: No! Time can't heal this, we don't need each other, we only thought we did I think it would be best if you just left before we say something we'll regret.

Chan: I won't leave you (Mon is trying so hard to hold back the tears, he walks right up to her and touches her face, she lets out a sob, he tries to hug her but she pushes him away)

Mon: (regaining control of herself, she looks at him stone-faced) You don't have to, I already left you (He doesn't leave) Good bye, Chandler.

Chan: Mon, please don't do this (she looks at him then turns and goes into her bedroom, Chandler stares after her then leaves, quietly. She comes out of her room when she hears the door close, she walks up to the door and leans on it, she slides down it and cries, then we see Chandler on the inside of his door in the same position, looking straight ahead, expressionless)



TO BE CONTINUED appears on the black screen



Well, part two, sorry about the length. I enjoyed writing this one, if you want another, feedback is the only way to go. Thank you to those of you, who wrote in about the last one, I would love to hear what you think of this one.

There are some loose ends her (apart from C&M) like Phoebe's, broadening her horizons and Ross' seeming dislike for C&M's relationship, all will be revealed if you keep reading.

Feedback please to Tracey,
