705 : TOW the Manuscript

Written by : Zoey

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, but to Bright, Kaufman and Crane Productions and Warner Bros. Their use is not intended for profit, only for


{Scene 1: Monica and Chandler’s, evening}

Joey stormed into Monica and Chandler’s apartment with an angry look on his face. "Uh... problems Joe?" Chandler asked, being the only one there.

"I hate that STUPID robot!"

"Sexual tension?" Off Joeys look, Chandler tries not to laugh. "Joe, it’s a robot... how can it be so bad?"

"It’s not the ROBOT, genius." Joey says, glaring at Chandler as if to say ‘you should know that by now’. "It’s the guy behind the robot."

Chandler motions for him to continue. "Okaaayyyy?"

"He’s sucks!"

Chandler smirks. "Really? Couldn’t have guessed that!" At Joey’s look he backpedals. "So, what did ‘the sucky one’ do?"

"Okay, ya know how in the beginning he got me to teach him how to talk to women?" Chandler nods. "Kay, so, he got Sarah... and now he’s completely
USELESS! All he cares about is getting women... he’s... he’s not paying attention to CHEESE and it’s showing, and the network just told us that if we don’t get

Chandler stands, sarcasm aside. "They’re gonna cancel the show? Joey that’s horrible!"


"Can’t they just get some other guy to take his place?" Chandler asks.

"NO!" Joey shouts, sitting in the chair in defeat. "Wayne created CHEESE and if HE goes, CHEESE goes... and then we only got Mac. And the show’s called Mac
and CHEESE..."

Chandler sits across from him. "That sucks man, I’m sorry."

"What sucks?" Destiny says as she sails into the apartment.

"Hello." Chandler says warmly.

She smiles at him and walks up behind Joey, kissing him on the top of his head. "Hello baby." Joey raises a hand and waves, still pouting. "Woah, woah, what’s
wrong? You didn’t make some sexist chauvenistic remark!"

"They’re gonna cancel the show!"

Destiny sits down, confused. "What show?"

"MY show!"

"Mac and CHEESE?" She asks. "Why?"

"Because Wayne’s a horndog..." He looks at Chandler. "Why do I have to be such a good teacher?!"

Chandler laughs. "Come on man, the show’s not canceled yet. You know, anything could happen."

Destiny rubs Joey’s shoulders. "Yeah, Joey, and if it doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world." Joey looks at her incredulously, Chandler looking at her like she’s crazy.
"Really, it’s not! Come on, do you know how many stars started out with flop first shows?"

Joey shrugs. "What do you mean?"

"Joe, all it takes is to get noticed. Alot of actors start out in the wrong show, but one good producer sees em and boom, their career starts." Destiny nods. "Tom
Hanks... Tom Hanks started off on some crazy stupid show about cross dressers and look where he is."

Joey looks at Chandler apprehensively. "She’s right man. So maybe Mac and Cheese doesn’t make it... the shows been on tv for three months, and even though the
show hasn’t gotten... the best reviews... you have, man." Chandler stands up and retrieves the TV Guide. "And I quote...." he says, flipping to a page. "’new comer
Joey Tribbiani is the only grace saver in this, excuse the pun, CHEESEY show about a detective and his robot...’ "

"Good Chandler, remind me that my show sucks!" Joey says, missing the compliment.

Destiny and Chandler catch eyes and shake their heads. "Joey, they LIKED you! Being a grace saver is a GOOD thing." Destiny says.

Joey looks at her. "Yeah?"

"Yeah!" Destiny reassured him. "Do you KNOW how many sucky movies I’ve seen just cause Al Pacino was in them? Al Pacino is phenominal, but even he can be
in a crappy movie."

"That’s true... I mean, have you SEEN ‘Author! Author!’? " Chandler says, relieved that Destiny was there.

"Okay, let’s stick with Al Pacino. You know the first movie he was in? Me, Natalie. He was some guy that hit on the girl in the movie... but somebody saw him and
cast him in the lead of Needle in Panic Park... granted, not a great movie, but then, from that... he went to Godfather! He was IN after that."

Joey stares at her. "You know... you’re a really good friend."

Destiny smiles. "Hey, just remember that when I need YOU."

He hugs her. "Thanks Des... you really think I could go somewhere? And I want you to be honest."

"Honest..." Destiny says. "Is my middle name. Joe, the show... sorry, but it sucks. But you... and this isn’t me telling you this cause you’re my friend... you are good.
You are really good. You wanna know what I think makes an actor good?" Joey nods. "When you can see what they’re feeling through thier eyes."

"And you can..."

"I can see what you’re feeling through your eyes when you’re acting Joey."

Joey smiles. "Really?"

She nods. "Just, you know... this show isn’t your big break." Chandler freezes and looks at Joey apprehensively.

"Okay... thanks Des." He says. He smiles and walks out and across the hall to his apartment.

Chandler looks at Destiny. "Wow." He smiles, shocked. "The last time I said that to Joe, he threw me out of a car in the middle of a bridge."

She laughs. "Yeah, Rachel told me about that. But, it’s all in the way you say it." She digs in her bookbag and pulls out a folder. "Hey, could you do me a favor?"

"What?" He asks, taking the folder from her.

"In Filmography 1001 we have to write a manuscript for a short film, and then we have to act it out. I was wonder if, one, you would read it, and two... if you think
it’d be a good idea for me to ask Joey if he’d be in it."

Chandler flips through the semi thick manuscript. "How long do you have?"

"Six weeks." She says.

He looks up. "When did you get the assignment?"

"Yesterday." He looks back at the manuscript and back at her, shocked. She shrugs. "You see these bags under my eyes, that’s cause I didn’t go to sleep last

"Why?! It’s not due for six weeks!"

She laughs. "Calm down, I was just on a roll and I couldn’t stop." She stands up and stretches. "Look, just read it and get back to me... I’m gonna go home and go
to sleep."

"Hey, hang on... who did you think Joey should be? So I can keep him in mind when I’m reading."

She turns and looks at him. "You figure it out." She says, heading out the door.

Chandler opens the folder again and starts to read.

{Scene 2 : Mon and Chandler’s, night}

Monica walks out in a robe, rubbing her eyes. "Chandler?"

Chandler look up from the couch, halfway through the manuscript. "Yeah sweetie?"

"It’s two o’clock in the morning! Are you still reading that?"

Chandler taps his hand on the pages in his lap. "This is phenominal! I mean, she said she loved to write, but I had no idea how good she’d be at it!"

Monica sits next to him. "What’s it about?"

Chandler moves to where he is facing her. "It’s about this girl Kerri. She’s not the most beautiful girl in the world, but she’s really sweet, and smart, and funny too.
Anyway, she’s over weight and doesn’t have too much self-esteem but her best friend Jade is one of those girls who is real pretty with alot of energy. You know the
type, the popular girl and her shadow?" Monica nods. "Okay, well, Kerri goes over to Jade’s apartment for this barbecue/party thing and the kids are doing the
things kids do, they’re like, nineteen and so on, but anyway, the majority are on Ecstacy, the drug..."

"I know what ecstacy is Chandler."

"Okay, well, there’s this guy there and he needs a ride home. Kerri, since she’s the more responsible, sober one, decides to give him one. She’s sweet, she’s
innocent... she’s way too trusting."

"Chandler, it’s two in the morning, I don’t need a blow by blow." Monica says a little shortly.

He frowns at her. "Forget it... I’m not doing it justice anyhow. You’ll have to read it."

"No, I’m sorry, Chandler. Tell me what happens to her."

He nods. "Okay, this guy tries to rape her. I mean, like, if she hadn’t been in a car, he would have..."

"Oh my god."

"Yeah, and the rest of it is about the aftermath. It’s really intense and emotional." He points to the tissues beside him. "It made me cry... ME!"

Her eyes widen. "You?!"

"I know!"

She reaches for the discarded pile of papers he’s already read through. "I have to read this."

"Oh, the best part is how it really feels like you get in the girl’s head... it’s really dark though...."

"SHH! I wanna read it!" Monica shushes him, already engrossed.

Chandler smiles at her briefly and then goes back to reading the rest of it.



{Scene 3 : Central Perk, the next afternoon}

The gang minus Destiny is sitting around, talking idly. Destiny walks in and sits on the couch, looking around at everyone who immediately stopped talking. "What?"
She asks, nervously, looking down at herself. "Did I miss a button on my blouse or something?"

"Chandler has been talking non-stop about what a great writer you are." Rachel says, leaning forward. "You have to let us read this play you have."

She smiles and looks at Chandler. "You really like it?"

"Do I like it?! I loved it! Destiny, I... I don’t even know what to say... except..." Chandler starts.

"Wow." Monica finishes.

Destiny looks at Monica. "You read it?"

Monica looks at Chandler. "That’s okay right? I mean, I was up so late reading it that she got annoyed at me, but then I told her to read it and she understood." He
bites his lips. "It’s okay she read it right?"

Destiny laughs. "Chandler, I wrote it TO be read... actually, seen, by a whole class. It’s fine."

"So, can we read it then Des?" Phoebe asks.

Destiny nods her head. "Sure, I’ll print up a few extra copies for you guys..." She looks at her watch.

Chandler notices this. "What’s up? That’s like, the third time you’ve looked at your watch since you got here."

She smiles and laughs nervously. "Okay you guys... you have to swear to be nice..."

"What?" They all prod. "Tell us!"

She looks overwhelmed. "Nothing, it’s just... well, Danny’s gonna be here to pick me up..."

"Danny?" Joey asks.

"Chem-lab Danny?" Monica asks.

"Good kisser Danny?" Phoebe asks, winking.

Destiny glares at her as Chandler looks surprised. "Good KISSER Danny?"

"Yeah, well, we kinda have been dating..."

"And you didn’t tell me? Why not?"

Destiny groans. "Because, I wasn’t sure if it was anything, and so I didn’t wanna jinx it by telling everyone..."

"But you told Phoebs?" Rachel asks, looking a little hurt.

"No... she didn’t tell me, I waited for her that night."

"The night she was studying with him?" Ross asks.

Phoebe nods. "Uh huh... I got a bad feeling, and you know how sometimes when I get a bad feeling something happens? Well, I was worried, but then she got home
at 2 o’clock..."

"2?!" Chandler shrieks, but catches himself and tries to act nonchalant. "I mean, um... isn’t that kinda late?"

Destiny starts to reply but feels hands on her eyes. She smiles and reaches up and grabs the hands as the gang stares at the very handsome eye hider. "Hey, Danny."
She says quietly. He leans down and kisses her softly, unaware of Chandler’s unwavering gaze. She clears her throat. "Um, Danny, this is everyone..." She points at
everyone as she names them. "Phoebe, Rachel, my roommates... this is my brother Chandler and his fiance Monica, and this is Ross, Monica’s brother, and Joey."

"Oh, sure, name me last." Joey pouts.

"So you’re the actor?" Danny asks, sitting on the arm of the chair next to Destiny. "Are you gonna do it?"

Joey looks at him oddly. "Do what?"

Danny cringes and looks at Destiny. "I thought you said you were gonna ask him... I mean, you did say that right?"

Destiny nods. "Yeah, I just haven’t yet... it’s only been a day."

"Ask me what?" Joey asks, interested, raising his eyebrows.

Destiny smiles sarcastically at him. "Nothing sexual Joe... sorry, no threesome." He looks a little disappointed. "No, I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to be
someone in the mock film for my class... the play you guys wanna read."

Joey smiles. "You... you wanna be my director?" He hits Chandler on the leg. "She wants me to act in her play!"

Chandler laughs. "Yeah... she told me."

Joey nods his head. "Definately... what part do you want me to play?!"

Destiny looks at Chandler. "What part did you think?"

"The cop." Chandler says immediately. "I definately saw Joey as the cop."

Monica sits up and smiles widely. "Oh, Joey, you’d be PERFECT as the cop!"

Joey starts jumping excitedly. "I get to be a cop! I get to be a cop! I gotta read this play! Is it a good cop?"

Destiny laughs. "Yes, Joey, the cop’s the good guy."

Danny stands and reaches out his hand to Destiny. "We should go, the movie starts in fifteen."

Destiny smiles and waves to everyone. After they’ve left Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel look at each other. "Wow." They all say at the same time.

"He is SO cute!" Monica says. She looks at Chandler and bites her lip, smiling quickly and cuddling up next to him tighter. "I mean... for a kid."


{Scene 4 : The Musketeers, later that night}

When Destiny gets home from her date with Danny she finds Rachel and Phoebe in the den of the cottage, watching tv. Taking off her coat she sits next to Phoebe.
"What’cha watchin?"

Phoebe points to the TV as Brad Pitt appears in a dark black suit, greeting a frightened Anthony Hopkins. "Meet Joe Black."

Destiny’s eyes widen. "Oh, my god, I love that movie!" She shouts, taking off her shoes and settling into the couch. "Good, I haven’t missed much."

Rachel leans forward. "You know? Brad Pitt... he’s a hottie!"

Destiny and Phoebe both look at her incredulously. "DUH!!!"

By the time the movie has ended it is two o’clock in the morning. Phoebe switches off the tv and stretches. "You know.. I know it’s late, but I’m not at all tired."

Destiny shakes her head in agreement. "Me either."

Rachel tries to stop herself from yawning. "Me either..."

Phoebe and Destiny laugh. "Don’t lie, Rach, you can barely keep your eyes open!" Destiny says, laughing.

Rachel pouts. "Yeah, okay so I’m tired! Still, you guys are going to stay up and talk and stuff right?" They nod. "I don’t wanna be left out!!!"

They walk into the kitchen and make a pot of coffee, Destiny sitting up on the counter by the pot, Rachel and Phoebe sitting at the table. "So... how’s Danny?"
Phoebe asks suggestively.

Destiny laughs. "Good... he’s so good." She smiles widely. "Is he cute or what?!"

Rachel’s eyes widen and become dreamy. "He’s gorgeous!"


{Scene 5: Monica and Chandler’s apartment, next day, nightime}

Monica is cooking as Destiny walks in. Destiny gives her a tight smile as she flings her back pack on the floor with a grunt. Monica turns and looks at her, halfway
amused. "Something the matter?"

Destiny sighs as she sits in a chair. "Ok... have you ever just had one of those days where it’s just like.. if ONE more thing goes wrong..." Monica nods
sympathetically, putting the lid on her pot and sitting across from Des. "Well... it did."

Monica touches her hand. "Wanna talk about it?"

Destiny licks her lips and looks around. "Is Chandler here?" Monica shakes her head no. "Anyone?" Monica shakes her head again. "Ok... so, ugh, I just failed my
Computer Science test because it was forever long, and when I got to what SHOULD have been the last question, I had TWO blanks left... I had renumbered
wrong, for like, the WHOLE test!" She runs her hands through her hair. "And then it was raining when I had to walk all the way across campus to my next class, and
then I realized I’d forgotten to bring money, so I couldn’t get any lunch, and I hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, and then...." She pauses. "Ok, this next part... I
don’t want you to tell anyone, okay?"

Monica nods. "Ofcourse not... God, what an awful day so far!"

Destiny laughs, not amused. "No kidding... okay, so, Danny... he’s so cute, and mostly, he’s so sweet, and we’ve been dating for a few weeks now, but... well,
there’s this problem..." She breaks off and twidles her fingers. "Um, see... he’s not a... and I am... I’m a virgin, and he’s ready to, you know, go for it..."

Monica nods. "Say no more, honey. If you’re not ready to have sex, then you’re not ready. End of story. He’s just gonna have to accept that, and if he doesn’t,
then... then he’s not worth it."

Destiny closes her eyes. "I know... it’s just, we were fooling around and he started to go further, and I said no... and I mean, he didn’t yell or anything, but I could
tell he was upset, and then he just left..." She shakes her head. "He just got up and walked out!" She takes a deep breath. "Monica, how long did you and Chandler

Monica sits up straighter. "Well... uh... it depends on how you look at it... you could say we waited eight years.... but, really, once we’d kissed... Oh, I think we
waited about an hour." She laughs nervously. "It’s not really a fair comparison."

Destiny leans on the table with her chin propped in her hands. "Will you tell me about it? About how you got together?"

Monica smiles. "Are you.. you sure you wanna hear it?"

"Do you not wanna tell me?"

Monica shakes her head no. "No, I do... um... okay, so it started out with Ross’ wedding and my Mom had been getting on my case all night...."


"My mother is driving me crazy, but Ross is getting married, I’m happy." A drunken man approaches. "I’m not going to let anything spoil that."


The drunk man speaks. "I just want to say that Ross is a wonderful young man."


Monica smiles. "Thanks, we like him."


The man makes an exaggerated face. "My god!! You must have beena teenager when you had him!" He exclaims, walking away to leave a devastated Monica.


Chandler puts his hand on her shoulder. "The guy was hammered, okay? There’s no way you look like Ross’ mother."


"Then why would he say it?"


"Because he’s crazy. Okay? He came up to me earlier and thanked me for my very moving performance in Titanic."


"Oh, my mother’s right. I’m never going to get married." Monica says, tears coming to her eyes.


Chandler shakes his head, stunned that she had so little faith in herself. "Ahh, you know what? That is...." He pauses, thinking about what he wants to say. "Who
wouldn’t want you?


"Oh please! I’m a single mom, with a thirty year old son!!" Monica wails, getting up and leaving the room.


Monica gets halfway down the hall before Chandler catches up with her. "Hey, slow down Mon, do you know how many kiesh trays I had to avoid to get out


Monica shoves his hand off her arm. "You know what, I think... I think I just wanna be alone."


"No." Chandler says abruptly. Monica stares at him, a warning look in her eyes. "No, Monica, I’m not leaving you alone right now!" He tries to smile. "Come on...
come, let me... I can cheer you up... I always have before!"


Monica smiles slightly and touches his cheek. "Thanks Chandler, but I don’t know if you can."


"Look, Mon, no one knows more about failed relationships and thinking you’re gonna die alone than me, okay? And come on, if you insist on moping... atleast let
me show you how to do it RIGHT."


A couple of hours later...

Monica and Chandler are in his hotel room, sitting on his bed and laughing, a bag of chips and a pint of icecream between them. "See, I told you I could cheer you
up." Chandler proclaimed.

Monica gave him a wry smile. "You didn’t cheer me up... Billy Crystal did!"

Chandler glares at her for a few seconds, finally unable to keep from laughing. "Really? Now, for me, it was Robin Williams."

They had just gotten done watching "Father’s Day". Monica looks down at the food on the bed between them and frowns. "You know?" She says, picking them up
and tossing them on the floor. "That is a very bad habit."

Chandler looks at her incredulously. "Mon, that was chocolate chip COOKIE DOUGH!" He shakes his head and looks at her angrily. Monica smiles a little sad.
"Oh, hey come on, I was only joking, don’t do that... don’t get upset again!"

Monica sighs loudly and lays back on the bed. "Ugh, Chandler... what is WRONG with me? Really... I... I screw up every relationship I am in.. there has gotta be
something fundamentally wrong with me right?" She looks at Chandler. "What is it?" She asks, the tears coming again.

"Hey..." He says, laying down beside her, propped up on his side. He smiles at her and brushes her hair out of her eyes. "Hey, there’s nothing wrong with you... it’s
them... it’s the guys... they’re just... they’re idiots."

"But I want my OWN idiot!" She says, trying to make it a joke.

He smiles sadly, hurting for his friend. "Monica come on... you’re sweet..." They lock eyes. "You’re beautiful..." Suddenly Monica can feel the tension in the room
change. "You’re smart...." He strokes his hand over her chin softly. "Any... any guy would be more than lucky to win you."

"Chandler?" Monica says softly.

He blinks. "Huh?" He says, his voice gravely.

"Kiss me." She says, reaching up a hand and running it through his hair.

He licks his lips and takes a deep breath. "Monica..."

"Kiss me." She says, her voice stronger.

He lets out a quick breath and quickly lowers his mouth to hers, instantly deepening the kiss. He breaths in through his nose and runs his hand down from her cheek
to her shoulder, down her side to rest at her hip. She pulls his head closer to her, deepening the kiss until she couldn’t tell where she ended and where he began.
Slowly he raises up and struggles to see her through the dizzying affect she had him in. "Are you.. are you sure you wanna..."

She doesn’t answer him, just pulls him back to her again, kissing him deeply and passionately. He pull back one more time and this time he looks in her eyes, seeing
his desire and passion mirrored in hers. He smiles slightly. "I’ve always wanted to do th..."

"So don’t stop!" She said, smiling and raising up to kiss him again.


Destiny smiles at Monica’s dreamy expression. "And one thing led to another?" She asked her.

Monica giggled. "Seven times."

"Oh my God!" Destiny yelled. She started giggling along with Monica.

"Oh My God what?" Chandler said as he walked into the apartment.

Destiny continued to laugh, only harder. Monica stood and walked up to him and kissed him passionately. Although temporarily shocked, Chandler responded with
passion of his own until he remembered that Destiny was there. Pulling back with difficulty he held her at arms distance. "Hello to you too sweetie."

He walked over to where Destiny was and kissed her on top her head. "How was your day."

"NO!" She yelled. "No, I just forgot about today, and you had to go and remind me.... CHANDLER!" She whines, burying her face in her hands.

Chandler looks at Monica shocked. "I’m... sorry?"

Destiny sighs heavily and looks at him. "I just had a really bad day that’s all... but Monica..." She smirks at Monica, who smiles and blushes. "Monica made me
forget all about it!"

Chandler frowns. "Is there something you should be telling me, sweetie?"

Destiny hits him in the stomach. "So... seven times in one night, huh? Whatta man!" She says, smiling widely and rubbing her hands together.

"Seven..." Suddenly Chandler looks at Monica. "You TOLD HER THAT?! She’s my SISTER!"

Monica covers herself. "I couldn’t help it! I was telling her about how we ended up getting together and I just.. I just got caught up in the story, and it’s not like I
think of her as your sister, I think of her as my friend and..."

"Really?" Destiny asks.

"Ofcourse!" Monica says, hugging Destiny.

Chandler glares at them. "Aw, well, isn’t that sweet and all... but you told her about... us... seven... OH MY GOD, I can’t even look at her!" He says, turning

Destiny stands up and pats him on the butt. "See ya later, love machine!" She says, squealing as he glares at her as she runs out the door.

He turns to Monica. "I can’t believe you..."

"HEY!" She shouts, pointing at him. "She was really upset when she got here... does she LOOK upset now?!"

Chandler looks at the door. "She’s not HERE right now!"

Monica smirks at him. "You KNOW what I mean."

He takes a deep breath and smiles begrudgingly. "Okay, no, she didn’t." He puts his arms around Monica. "I’m sorry, I had a long day, and that was embarrassing...
I shouldn’t have snapped at you."

Monica smiles. "That’s okay... you know how you can make it up to me?"

"How?" Chandler says, smiling.

She grins. "Encore, London style."

He looks frightened. "But... I mean, Mon, seven times is alot! You can’t seriously expect me to..."

She kisses him. "Sweetie, I’m not grading on quantity, I’m grading on quality."

"Oh... well, in that case..." He smiles and sweeps her up in his arms, bride over the threshold style, catching her off guard. "Lez go!"