TOW the end part four
by: Helena

SCENE: Joey and Monica are sitting at Central Perk. Ross enters looking tired.

JOEY: Hey, Ross..where were you ??

ROSS: I was trying to sort out my life.......I gues you realise Rachel and I broke up.....

MON: We know..

JOEY: I'm sorry man..

ROSS: Why do I ruin everything in my life ?? I've been divorced three times..and when I finally got back together with Rachel I go and get drunk....

MON: we all had way too much to drink.....right Joey ??

JOEY: and Pheebs...we got drunk too.. I won way too much beer.

MON: Joey.....for you there is never too much beer !!

JOEY: too true

MON: so...Ross, what are you gonna do ?? where is Rachel gonna live ??

JOEY: Yeah..coz me and Pheebs take up all the space at my flat, and Chandler and you....well, you don't have much room

MON: we do we have a spare room...she could stay there....

ROSS: where is everyone now ??

MON: I don't know Phoebe's is at the message parlour, and Chandler's working on the WENUS. I don't think Rachel wants to be around you, you've broken up three times..and that doesn't include the divorce....

ROSS: yeah....well.. I'd better go back.

FADE OUT TO: Ross and (rachel's) flat. Ross's a tip...a complete mess, there is a note on the table..that Ross spies and picks up It reads: gone to live with my parents...sorry..but this was one time to many. I can't cope with it all again.... Rachel

Ross has read this, and tears come to his eyes........

FADE OUT TO: Central Perk, everyone minus Rachel is there........... six months have gone by....Ross has managed to cope wth it all, just about , despite still being very upset. Phoebe and Joey are officially a couple, perhaps coz Phoebe could never find a decent, (normal) man, and Joey was always dumping them after a day (or night) or they decided that like Monica and Chandler, friendship is the best grounds for true love. Talking about Love....Monica and Chandler have..........

MON: (excitedly) and I said YES !!!!

CHAN: yeah...perhaps cos I wasn't saying "sorry" this time....

JOEY: congratualtions man !!......

PHOE:'ll be Mrs Bing

MON: (monica looses her smile slightly) we can sort out the name later...

ROSS: good for you...Chandler...I couldn't have picked a better man for my little sister....

CHAN: well, I hope things work out for you too, Ross...

ROSS: I dunno...... that date with Louise was a nightmare..and Mary didn't pronounce her "R"s properly !!! She kept calling me "woss" !! I wish Rachel would come back

JOEY: where is she anyway ??

ROSS: long island I think still...............I wish I was dating again..and to her...........(he sighs...)

(suddenly through the door comes a familiar bride in wedding dress, soaked and desperate) RACH: er.....................funny story...........

EVERYONE: OH.......MI....GAUD....

(to true FRIENDS fans...this should be a little bit of deja vu...or rather deja read....cos this should mirror slightly the PILOT episode of FRIENDS)

(Credits scenes)

RACH:after Ross, I met Chris..and he proposed so quickly...I had to yes........but then at the altar.. it hit much he reminded me of Mr Frosty..........and I realised I was more turned on by a beauftiful orange decanter than by Chris........

CHAN: I have this major felling of deja vu.....

JOEY: what ??

CHAN: well, you know...things that have happened before repeating themselves

PHOE: Oh i get that all the time.....simply cos I have had about a hundred weddings in my past lives

MON: what happened Rach ??

RACH: I decided I had to get out of there..and I realised...Ross..I can never forget what happened between you and Susan.......but I can forgive it.....I realise we have no control of ourselves when we are drunk.......I know this from our personal experiences.............and I missed you all so much

MON: we missed you too.....especially Ross

ROSS: Rach......I really want us to get back together....and forever this time.....there is nothing going on between Susan and was one stupid drunk night.....

RACH: sure.......I really want to too..I didn't love Chris at all....and I missed you so much Ross...

ROSS: I missed you a lot.......

RACH: you at Monica) oh my god., that what i think it is on your finger ??

MON: Yes.... it is......

RACH: wow.. this is huuuugggggeeeee "!!!!!!

MON: yes...yes...I got engaged....

RACH: to you ? (turning to Chandler)

CHAN: Yep (beaming)

RACH: much has happened since I was gone..I wish I never went away..... (looks at Phoebe and Joey...and sees they have their arms around each other)

RACH: what happened here ??

PHOE: and mr tribbianni decided to get together

RACH: amazing...that's absoloutely amazing.........

JOEY: It's not such a big deal, it's just two friends going out together and doing it too..

Chan: sounds like a big deal to me...........

ROSS: you're one to talk !!!!!.....

THE END !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

comments to
please have something nice to say..and remember the real friends story is probably a hell of a lot better,,I am a complete ameteur at this fanfic game..and just write it out of fun !! the charcters do not beling to me...they are all NBCs and please don't get angry...