The One With The Future Part four.
By Tracey.


Scene, Monica and Sams’ Monica is pacing and wringing her hands, she looks terrified.


Mon:     [to herself] What do I do? What do I do?… I have called the police… but I have to do something… someone has to stay here… what if he comes home?… Oh… I wish the guys were here… I can’t even get in touch with them… wait… Chandler has a cellular… I can’t call him, not after… well… the incident… I can’t look him in the eye, how can I call him on the phone and tell him I lost his son… [Monica lifts the phone, and dials slowly] But I can’t do this alone, I need him…

Split Screen, imagine Chandler looking bored in a clothes shop with the girls getting excited over the clothes all designer of course but Phoebe is mismatching them to her tastes to the disgust of Rachel, the guys all look bored.

Chan:    [his phone rings and he quickly answers, thankful] Hello, thank you… whoever you are I love you, I have never loved a person more than you, you will never know how much I love you… and I wish I was with you right now…

Mon:     [now even more nervous] Ummm… Hi….

Chan:    [very nervous] Oh it’s you… I’m sorry I never meant too…

Mon:     No it’s ok, I know you are bored out your mind right now…

Chan:    How do you know?
Mon:     I just do… [Awkward silence]

Chan:    So did you call for a reason? [jokingly] Or just to hear my voice…

Mon:            [collapsing on the sofa virtually in tears] You are going to hate me when you hear this.

Chan:    [VERY concerned] What? What is it? Are you ok? And Sam?

Mon:     Not totally.

Chan:    Oh my god, what has happened?
Mon:     Could you come home?

Chan:            [jumping to attention] Sure, we will be five minutes, [yelling to the guys] We’re leaving…

Joey:    Aww… but we were so close to the lingerie.

Ross:    Who’s on the phone?
Chan:    Mon… and she’s in trouble. [The guys start to leave.] [Back on phone] You wanna tell me what happened?
Mon:     Not over the phone.

Chan:    Ok  I will see you soon then.

Mon:            [desperate] Don’t hang up…

Chan:    What? Why?

Mon:     Talk to me… I don’t want to be alone.

Chan:    Well Sam is with you…

Mon:     He ran away…

Chan:            [shocked] He what?

Mon:     [crying openly down the phone] He ran away Chandler… I am a horrible person…I drove my son away.

Chan:    Shh… no you didn’t… Mon please don’t cry… not like this… not over the phone…

Mon:     I had no idea… how could he do this? I have no idea where to look.

Chan:    Have you called the police?
Mon:     [she gets up and starts pacing] Yeah, but it was a recorded message… I didn’t want to fight… I didn’t have the energy, I will call them when you guys get here.

Chan:    I’ll do it… just sit, [she sits] and relax and we will be there in a few minutes, don’t worry I’m sure everything will be fine…

Mon:     How can you say that? My son is gone…

Chan:    Why did he go?

Mon:     [crying even more] I don’t know… because he hates me….

Chan:    You know that’s not true.

Mon:     Sure it is I drove him away I drove you away… I will die an old maid.

Chan:    No you won’t… and you didn’t drive me away I am still here.

Mon:     Yeah but not for long.

Chan:    Why would you say that?
Mon:            [covering]  I… never mind… I am confused.

Chan:    Are you ok Monica?

Mon:     [mad] Am I ok?…. Am I ok?… Did I not just tell you my son was gone…. God only knows where.

Chan:    [cutting in] I’m sorry…. Ok… I’m sorry….Do you have any idea where he went?

Mon:     [still mad] If I knew that would I not be there with him as opposed to talking to you?

Chan:            [annoyed] Fine…. But if you won’t humour me, answering my questions then why do you want me to stay on the phone to talk to you?

Mon:     I told you  I don’t want to be alone…

Chan:    Fine…. Talk to Ross…

Mon:     Look  forget it I should’ve known you wouldn’t understand.

Chan:    I will see you when we get home… I ain’t gonna talk to you if you won’t talk to me.

Mon:     [sorry, upset] Chandler… what did I do?

Chan:            [consoling] Monica you did nothing… he is a kid… kids run away all the time… he will be back.

Mon:     I am so sorry Chandler.

Chan:    For what?

Mon:     For everything… how could I have ended up like this?
Chan:    Like what Monica?… You are a beautiful intelligent woman, with a beautiful son and good friends… what more could you wish for?

Mon:     A father for Sam…

Chan:    Well only you can fix that.

Mon:     I don’t know how too…

Chan:    He went to try and find him didn’t he?

Mon:     How did you know that?

Chan:    It was sorta obvious.

Mon:     So what do I do?
Chan:    Well when we get home I will call the police for you and then…. Well then you should…

Mon:            [panicked] Then I should what?

Chan:    Well it might be best to go see Sams father and tell him what happened.

Mon:     NO I can’t do that.

Chan:    Look it is the best for Sam…

Mon:     He would never find him…

Chan:    I wouldn’t say that.

Mon:            [panicked] Why???

Chan:    Well is his fathers name on his birth certificate?

Mon:     Oh my god… it’s true he can find out…Sam can just go to the city hall…. And see his birth certificate… he can get someone to look it up for him….

Chan:    And then he can look up the phone book.. . Remember we taught him to do that.

Mon:     I don’t know that he’d need to do that….

Chan:    Why? He needs the guys address.

Mon:            Chandler… we have to stop him….

Chan:    I don’t know maybe it is for the best…. He does have a right to know.

Mon:     I don’t know  that he does… right now anyway.

Chan:            Monica… you  can’t keep him from the truth forever.

Mon:            [reluctantly] I think there is something you should know…

Chan:    Hang on Mon… you are breaking up… oh we’re home…. We’ll be up in a minute just hold that thought [Chandler cuts out.]

Mon:            [hanging up] Well that is that… he will hate me now…unless I get to Sam first…

[Mon goes to her room, a few minutes later Chandler and the gang come into the apartment, quickly]

Ross:            [shouting] MONICA…

Chan:    Don’t yell for her… we know she is here… [he goes up to her bedroom door and knocks on it… Mon opens it slowly…]

Mon:     You are here…

Chan:    You needed me… remember..

Mon:     [smiling weakly] I remember.

Chan:    [putting his hand on her shoulder] What can I do? [She collapses in tears in his arms, he just holds her] Ohh Mon…. shhh…. [he rubs her back and kisses her hair.]

Rach:    Ok…. We need a plan.

Ross:    Yes we do…

Chan:    [still holding Mon] You four go out and look around the vicinity… Ross, you go toward City Hall he might be out that way ok [the guys stand still]… Well?…. What are you waiting for?… Go.

All:       Right…

Ross:    What about you?… [to Mon] Will she be ok?

Chan:    I’ll stay here for now… and see that she is… I’ll call the police and everyone he knows and if that don’t work…. Well….[obviously not wanting to worry Mon] Nothing… cause that will definitely work… everyone keep in contact… check in every half an hour if possible, there should always be someone here…

Joey:    Ok then… I’m off good luck guys. [All but C&M exit, Mon slowly looks up at Chandler]

Mon:     [with tears in her eyes] Will that work Chandler?

Chan:    Of course it will… but right now you are my main concern…. Can I get you anything?

Mon:     No… I’m fine we should get started on calling Sams friends…. [she heads toward the phone]

Chan:    [taking the phone from her] I’ll do all that you just sit down and relax.

Mon:     but I… [she is cut off by Chandler calling the police]

[half an hour later]

Chan:    [in phone] Thank you officer… you have been very helpful… and You’ll keep us informed?… Great… thanks [he hangs up]

Mon:            [nervously] What did he say?… Wait, I know… he thinks I’m a terrible mother… I mean he must… Chandler look at me… I so wanted to be the perfect wife and mother and right now I am neither… what is wrong with me?…. Am I so terrible?… Do I deserve this?… I mean I must right if I have got it… but how can that be?… I just don’t think that I can take this… don’t I have enough stresses with Sams father without having to hide the truth so carefully and closely from Sam… I mean I never thought that it would turn out like this and I always planned to tell Sam the truth but… now in present circumstances I don’t see that happening… where did it all go wrong…

Chan:    [cutting in] Monica enough of this… you can’t beat yourself up… You will tell Sam the truth about his father because it is the best thing to do… and I know you… you ALWAYS do the right thing… [she looks nervous] So all we do now is give Sam time to get this outta his system….

Mon:     [A little mad] You make it sound like a virus or something he picked up at school… he is gone…maybe forever.

Chan:    Stop being so irrational…. He will be back.

Mon:     How do you know that.

Chan:    As soon as he finds out who his dad is… he will be back.

Mon:     I guess I can agree with that…

Chan:    Thank you… are you feeling a little better now?

Mon:     Once we find him I will be fine… [nervous and reluctantly] Look Chandler I just wanna say… Thank you for helping me out here… I know it can’t be easy for you… it isn’t for me… I mean we haven’t seen each other since…. Well that night and…

Chan:    [sitting closely to Mon on the sofa] I said I would always be here for you and I will be… I am just happy you felt you could call me.

Mon:     Well honestly if it hadn’t been the only way of reaching you guys I probably would never have called your cellular.

Chan:            [disheartened] Oh.

Mon:            [smiling] But I’m glad I did.

Chan:    [looking into her eyes, smiling also] Me too. [The smile at each other a moment but the smiles quickly fade as they look deeper into each others eyes, their looks become VERY intense, Chandler slowly reaches up and touches Monica’s cheek]

Mon:     [softly] Chandler… don’t do this… please.

Chan:    Let it happen Monica… let me help you.

Mon:     I can’t… it’s not fair.

Chan:    On Sam?

Mon:     On you… I’m just not ready…

Chan:    How can you say that…  after all this time?

Mon:     Can’t you wait a little longer?

Chan:    I would wait… if I knew you would let it happen.

Mon:     I can’t make that promise you know that.

Chan:    I know you won’t but it’s not that can’t.

Mon:     Let me sort this out and then I’ll see where we stand.

Chan:    I can help you…

Mon:     I need to do this alone…

Chan:    No you don’t…

Mon:     I think I do…

Chan:    Do you even want me?

Mon:     I don’t know… we were fine… just us, friends… then I saw suddenly in you what was there six years ago and I know that I can’t just ignore that.

Chan:    Then don’t…

Mon:     I think you should go.

Chan:    I won’t leave you like this… what if Sam comes back?

Mon:     Then I’ll be here…

Chan:    Ok then… if you really want me to go then I will go across the hall and call everyone he knows… I will be there if you need me.

Mon:     I won’t…. but thanks

Chan:    [he looks away slowly and stands to leave but looks back at her] Monica you don’t have to do ANYTHING alone… Me and the guys will ALWAYS be here.

Mon:     I know… please go… or I’ll do something I’ll regret.

Chan:    Like what?

Mon:     I can’t answer that… just go.

Chan:    You know where’ll be. [he exits.]

Mon:     [to herself] You are always here… [she puts her hand to her heart…. Then lays on the sofa, with a vacant look on her face]

Chan and Joeys… Chandler enters slowly he looks upset, confused and VERY distracted… he vacantly picks up the phone on his way past and goes straight into his room… he opens the top drawer of his night stand and pulls out an address book… he then notices the picture of him and Monica together from when they were dating in the drawer… he looks at it for a minute, shakes his head, scrunches it up and throws it in the bin…  he then lies on the bed sighs and opens the address book when he turns over in the bed to lie on his side and suddenly the covers move… he jumps back and yells. Sam appears from under the cover, Chandler sighs in relief.

Chan:            [recovering] What did you do that for I nearly sh… [stopping himself]… had a heart attack.

Sam:     I had to hide.

Chan:    From what?… Anyway… [mad] do you have any idea what you are doing to your mother? She thought you had gone forever… she is a mess how could you do that to her?… And what are you doing here anyway.

Sam:     [sitting beside him] I need your help…

Chan:            [softening a little] With what?

Sam:     I need to find my dad. [Chandler lets out a frustrated sigh] I know you don’t wanna… but don’t you even wanna know who he is?

Chan:    If Mon wanted me to know she would tell me.

Sam:     I wanna know Chandler… PLEASE help me.

Chan:            [obviously thinking about it] Sam…. I can’t…. what would Mon think of me?

Sam:     You don’t even have to know who he is… just help me find out… PLEASE. [Chandler looks down into Sam’s eyes]

Chan:    Ohh… those eyes… how can she affect me so much when she ain’t even in the same apartment as me.

Sam:     If you help me find him… I will help you with Mommy.

Chan:            [curious] How?

Sam:     I can tell her how great you are…

Chan:    What good would that do? She knows me inside out already.

Sam:     OK then… I will give you inside information on what she does and what she says about you.

Chan:    Now that’s interesting. [Sam smiles] So Rachel taught you the art of bribery? At least she never got to blackmail.

Sam:     If you don’t… I will tell Mommy that you go into her room while she is out to smell her perfume. [Chandler looks shocked, Sam gets Joeys fish hook in the eyebrow look]

Chan:    I can’t believe you just did that… how did you even know that.

Sam:     I have my ways… [they sit in silence… staring each other out]

Chan:    Ok but I don’t know the guys name… ever… until Mon tells me… I just take you where you need to go and be the adult present.

Sam:     Fine… [jumps off the bed]

Chan:    ok… but you tell Mon nothing…

Sam:     I can do that. [He takes Chandlers hand and starts to guide him out the room.]

Chan:    Where are we going?

Sam:     To go find my daddy.

Chan:            [stopping dead] NO we are not… [Sam looks disappointed] We can go later in the week, right now you are going over the hall to apologise profusely to your mother.

Sam:            [confused] Pro- what?

Chan:    A LOT… ok apologise a lot to your mommy and just hope she forgives us both.

Sam:     why forgive you?

Chan:    If she knows the deal we just struck… she would never talk to me again…. Now across the hall NOW!

Sam:     Will she be mad?

Chan:            [crouching to Sams level] Sam one thing you should know about your mother… she is the most incredible woman you will ever meet… [sighs] however she will ALWAYS surprise me, as much as we know each other and can read each other…. She still keeps me on my toes… [standing and leading Sam out he apartment] So let’s go see What will happen… [they exit]

Monica and Sams apartment, Monica is on the phone as Chandler enters he stands at the door]

Mon:     [on phone] No it’s ok… thanks anyway… bye [she hangs up] [to Chan] Any luck?

Chan:    So, it is ok for me to be here?

Mon:     Well so long as we keep our distance from each other.

Chan:    I don’t think that it will be a problem.

Mon:     [hurt] Why?

Chan:    Well… I think I found something you lost.

Mon:     Like what? [Chandler steps aside to reveal Sam behind him] [Mon covers her mouth and starts to cry, she rushes over to Sam and hugs him]

Sam:     Mommy, I can’t breathe.

Mon:     [letting go, but still at his level] Why did you do that?

Sam:     I wanted to see him.

Mon:     [mad, but softly] You should never do that… talk to me… be honest with me… tell me when you are gonna be so extreme you frightened Mommy.

Sam:     I’m sorry.

Mon:     I guess it’s ok… but promise me you will NEVER do that again.

Sam:     I promise…

Mon:     That is your word… you can’t go back on that… you don’t wanna hurt Mommy again do you?

Sam:     No, I’m sorry… anyway [looking at Chandler] I have a plan. [Chan makes a shocked face, Mon looks at him confused, he just smiles innocently]

Mon:     Go into your room Sam and stay there…

Sam:     Ok… I’m sorry… [he goes to his room, Mon watches him go but quickly turns to Chandler]

Mon:     Where was he?

Chan:    In my room.

Mon:     [in disbelief] What?

Chan:    Yeah I was pretty shocked too… we had a talk though I think that he understands what he did was wrong… I think he will be staying put.

Mon:     You really believe that?

Chan:    Yeah.

Mon:     [smiles] Thank you… for everything today Chandler.

Chan:    Hey no problem just when ever you need me… [they hold a gaze]

Mon:     We should call off the search… the police and the guys. [He steps closer to her]

Chan:    We should.

Mon:     Yeah. [she steps closer to him]

Chan:            [brushing the  hair from her face] So it’s over… the crisis.

Mon:     It is…

Chan:    You remember what you said?

Mon:     When it’s all over and sorted out we could see where we stand.

Chan:    So where do WE stand?

Mon:     right now?… probably closer than we should. With our son in the next room…

Chan:    Our what?

Mon:     [her eyes go wide, she covers her mouth with shock] [trying to cover] Can you believe I said that?

Chan:            [thinking nothing of it] Well we’ve never done that before.

Mon:     [smiles, thankful for his brush off] Sorry.

Chan:    It’s ok… I like to think he looks up too me.

Mon:     He does… you are his best friend…  and he is yours.

Chan:    [smiling (that smile) and stroking her cheek] Well almost.

Mon:            [playing] What does that mean?

Chan:    I think you know.

Mon:     How can I be your best friend after everything that has happened between us?
Chan:    [softly] What has happened?

Mon:     What does that mean? Where have you been?

Chan:    All I know is that I met this incredible woman 19 years ago, I was became her friend then I became her lover then I fell madly in love with her [she smiles], then we split much to my devastation…. And yet six years later I still rely on her like the air I breathe.

Mon:     [with tears in her eyes] It is too complicated Chandler.

Chan:    Just how I like it.

Mon:     I don’t know if I can do it.

Chan:    Neither do I.

Mon:     So… why?
Chan:    Aren’t you even curious?

Mon:     I am more than curious you know that…. But what if it doesn’t work?

Chan:            [jokingly] Geez it took less to convince you to date me after London.

Mon:     So… there is obviously just one thing to do.

Chan:    I guess there is.

Mon:     So…

Chan:    So… [they half turn away from each other… before flying round into each others arms and a VERY passionate embrace.]

Mon:            [between kisses] I can’t guarantee this will work.

Chan:            [between kisses] Good… me either… that just makes it interesting. [Suddenly Chandler stops.]

Mon:     What is it?

Chan:    Sam.

Mon:     What about him?

Chan:    I can’t… [gesturing]… well you know… with him next door.

Mon:            [nodding her head… obviously disappointed] Yeah… you’re right… this was stupid. [she turns away from him]

Chan:            [shaking his head] Oh no…. no no…. that’s not what I meant.

Mon:     Really Chandler…. It’s ok…. If you don’t want me… I understand…

Chan:    But I do… of course I do… but with him next door, he will hear everything and I would just feel weird.

Mon:     You’re right… I said that already.

Chan:    [taking her hand and turning her too him, he pulls her close, she averts her eyes] Look at me… Monica… [he lifts her chin with his finger, he looks deeply into her eyes]

Mon:            Chandler…

Chan:    [still holding her close] Monica… I want you… and I never thought you would want me again… but I can’t risk hurting Sam so directly.

Mon:            [nodding] I understand.

Chan:    So we can… [he obviously gets an idea and gets excited] go across the hall, [he starts to drag her by the hand]

Mon:            [laughing] Chandler stop it… who will be with Sam?

Chan:            [stopping] Good point…

Mon:     Thank you… [he smiles at her]

Chan:    So we need a new plan.

Mon:     We need no plan…. [he looks at her confused] I can’t do this tonight… let me sleep on it.

Chan:    You can’t back out now…

Mon:     Let me think about it…

Chan:            What???

Mon:     One night… that’s all I want.

Chan:    [looking questioningly into her eyes] One night?…. you promise?

Mon:     We can talk tomorrow.

Chan:    Talk?

Mon:            PLEASE?

Chan:    Ok then… tomorrow it is.. only if you don’t brush me off like you did Sam. [Monica looks at him in disbelief]

Mon:     What??

Chan:    [trying to cover] Nothing.

Mon:     [In shock] YOU blame me don’t you?

Chan:    For what?

Mon:     Oh my god you do…

Chan:    I am… what?

Mon:     This is so stupid… how did I ever think about getting together with you… it would never work…. Not after Sam.

Chan:    Why?

Mon:     He…. I… It’s not… Shut up Chandler.

Chan:    Great argument.

Mon:     I’ve seen you come up with worse.

Chan:    Well can’t we play the one where I win the argument but you won’t admit it so you sleep with me to shut me up.

Mon:     [half laughing] we haven’t played that one for a while.

Chan:    No we haven’t… all the more reason to play now.

Mon:     I don’t think so.

Chan:    Really?

Mon:     Really…

Chan:    You want me to go?

Mon:     It might be for the best… give me a chance to think before I go to bed.

Chan:            [heading to the door] Well call me if you decide in my favour…

Mon:     Hey… [he turns, she walks up to him and kisses him, they kiss for a few seconds, till she pulls away, he smiles ear to ear]

Chan:    What was that for?

Mon:     [she licks her lips] Just adding another pro to the list… helping in your favour… [he leans in for another kiss]

Chan:    You wanna be sure?

Mon:            [smiling] Yeah… [they kiss… but the passion rises, they keep kissing till the phone rings, and they ignore it until Monica slowly pulls away] That will be the guys checking in.

Chan:    Well let me check out first… [he kisses her gently and smiles then leaves without breaking eye contact.]

M&S’s the next morning, Joey Monica and Sam are in the kitchen, Sam and Joey are eating at the table, Monica is standing at the stove, all three are in bathrobes.

Joey:    [with a mouthful of food] This is good Mon… is there anymore?

Sam:     [to Joey] Don’t eat with your mouth full. [Joey and Monica stop and look at him in disbelief]

Mon:     [in disbelief] Sam?

Sam:     Well that is what you say mommy.

Joey:    [to Mon, disappointed] See what you taught him to do… why did you do that?

Ross enters with Rachel… who is VERY upset. Monica and Joey, rush over to her looking concerned… they all usher her to a chair… she sits.

Mon:            [concerned, giving her a hug] What’s wrong honey?

Rach:            [through the tears] Well I… I… he… we… [she digresses into full flow tears, Mon and Joey look at Ross]

Ross:    John broke up with her… [Monica and Joey get a look of realisation, Sam goes over to Rachel and hugs her, M&J&Ro join in, all five are hugging as Phoebe enters]

Phoe:    Hey guys I…. [She notices the hug, she shrugs ,takes off her jacket and joins in]

Chan enters, looking VERY solemn. He notices the hug and looks concerned.

Chan:            [concerned] What’s going on? [Everyone looks up]

Phoe:            [guessing] Group hug?

Chan:    [in disbelief] What?

Joey:    [to Chan] John left Rachel….

Chan:    Ohh… [to Rach, he walks over to her and he crouches in front of her, he takes her hand] I am SO sorry…. Will you be ok?…. Is there anything we can do? [Rachel looks into his eyes, and then bursts out crying, she just falls into his arms]

Joey:    How come all the girls cry in your arms?

Chan:    [looking a little lost] I… um…. [unsure what to do with Rachel, he looks desperately to Mon who is hiding a laugh] I… you… please.

Mon:     [sighs hopelessly] Come here Rach… [she takes Rachel to the sofa and hugs her Phoebe goes and sits by them, and joins in the hug, the guys just sit in the kitchen, and look on hopelessly]

Joey:    [to Chan, who can’t take his eyes off Monica] Who was your phone call from? It sounded pretty serious, [Mon hears this and gives Chandler a concerned look, Chandler smiles at her, she can tell there is something wrong, she stands, virtually dropping Rachel and turns to look at him]

Ross:    You had a phone call?

Chan:    [not breaking eye contact with Mon] Yeah… it was from work.

Joey:    I thought it was.

Phoe:            [standing excitedly, dropping Rachel and looking at Joey] You had a physic experience … that is so cool.

Chan:    No he answered they told him it was my work.

Mon:            [maintaining eye contact with Chandler, as if it is ONLY them in the world, both speak solemnly] So what did they want?

Chan:            [plainly] I got a promotion.

Mon:     [flatly] You never told me you applied for anything.

Chan:            [plainly] That’s ‘cause I didn’t. [C&M both speak with no emotion till I say so]

All, but C&M&Ra: [excited]     That is so cool/ Well done/ GO man etc. [they all hug him, he holds eye contact with Mon, they step back]

Ross:    Why aren’t you more excited?

Chan:    I….

Mon:     [cutting him off] Where is it?

Chan:    [sighs, like she can see right through him] I have to go to Jersey for a while… not forever… but for a while.

Mon:     How long?

Chan:    I honestly don’t know. [She nods slowly and breaks eye contact, he looks away too, she looks back up at him though]

Mon:     When do you go?

Chan:            Tomorrow.

Joey:            [desperately] So quickly?… I don’t want you to go.

Phoe:    Me either… stay here with us.

Chan:    [staring right into Mon’s eyes] I really wish I could. [J&P run over and hug him]

Rach:    [from the sofa] Hello… Why is no one hugging me?

Ross:    Well ‘cause you just got dumped… Chandler is about to lose his entire life

Chan:    [staring at Mon] Yeah more than you know.

Rach:    Ok Chandler wins… [she goes over and hugs him as does Ross]

Sam:     [who has been watching preceding events, he walks over to Mon] What does this mean mommy.

Mon:     [she crouches down beside him, she sounds VERY sorry] Oh sweetie… it means Chandler is leaving.

Sam:     Like last time?

Mon:     No this time he will be going away, away… he will have a new apartment in a whole other state.

Sam:     [on the verge of tears] Why?

Mon:     He has to go sweetie… he has no choice, he has a job to do… responsibilities to live up too.

Sam:     [crying] I don’t want him too… what about us? Mommy? You and me?

Mon:     [smiling half heartedly] We will get by honey… I promise… we will always have each other right? [She hugs the now totally devastated Sam]

Chan:            [stepping away from the other guys and going to Sam and Mon] Sam?… Sammy. [Sam looks up at him, Mon averts her eyes, Chandler crouches to Sams level he and Mon don’t look at each other] Sam I will be back soon I promise… I won’t be away any longer than I have to be and I will ALWAYS be here for you and your mom… I promise, I will be here all the time, trust me… you won’t even know I’m gone.

Sam:            [recovering from the crying] You promise?

Chan:    I promise…

Sam:     And we can still do our deal?

Chan:    I promise…

Sam:     You do?

Chan:    What do I say about those eyes?

Sam:     That they are exactly like Mommy’s and you can’t resist them or turn them down. [Mon and the guys look shocked, she looks a little embarrassed but is obviously flattered]

Chan:    Come here… [he hugs Sam] So are we good?

Sam:     We are… [they pull out the hug and Chandler stands]

Chan:    Well I gotta go to work …. [he can’t look at Monica]

Rach:    Wow hang on…. Mon don’t you have anything to say to this?

Ross:    yeah I mean you guys rely on each other and you have NOTHING to say?

Mon:     I will talk to him later… we can sort out whatever needs sorted out.

Joey:    Why wait till later?
Phoe:    Yeah… now is as good a time as any.

Mon:     [she looks helplessly at Chandler] Well… ok then…. [she and Chandler look awkward] I guess there is only one thing to do…

Chan:            [unsure] There is?…

Mon:            [suddenly smiling, obviously fake] Good luck… we will miss ya… [she has tears in her eyes, she is obviously fighting them back] I gotta go change. [she starts to head to her room]

Joey:    That is it? [she stops]

Rach:    Yeah couldn’t you at least hug the guy?

Mon:            [reluctantly] ok…….. [she slowly walks over to him, and she hugs him… they both sink into each other though and close there eyes, he smells and kisses her hair, she pulls away and she has very obvious tears in her eyes, she turns silently and exits to her room, Chandler looks after her helplessly]

Later at Chandlers office… Chandler is typing, when the intercom buzzes.

Chan:            [through intercom] Yeah?

Heln:    There is someone here too see you sir. [AN: ok so it is six years later and Helen is still his secretary a bit far fetched I know but work with me ppl]

Chan:    Ok… send them in. [Monica BURSTS in violently obviously VERY mad… Chandler jumps out of his chair when he sees who it is and how mad she is] Monica… it’s you… what’s going on?

Mon:     [very mad] Exactly what I was wondering.

Chan:    [lost] What?

Mon:     What the hell was this? [gesturing between them]

Chan:    I… we… well…. What was the question?

Mon:     I thought you wanted me…

Chan:            [walking up to her] I do.

Mon:     So why are you leaving me?…. before anything even ever happened?

Chan:    Well… would something have happened.

Mon:     I guess not since you are talking in past tense.

Chan:    [in disbelief] Grammar?…. your argument is grammar.

Mon:     No… my argument is love.

Chan:    [still in disbelief] Love?

Mon:     What do I do now?

Chan:    I don’t even know what any of these questions mean…. Maybe I should just sit quietly and let you get this off your chest… [he sits in his chair]

Mon:     Yeah… I think that is the best thing you have said all day.

Chan:            Thanks… I think…

Mon:     You’re right… I do just need to get this off my chest.

Chan:    Good… I like being right [he smiles smugly]

Mon:     So you think it is a good idea?
Chan:            Totally…

Mon:     You agree?… You want this?

Chan:    Ok…

Mon:     Well get ready ‘cause here it comes….

Chan:    Could you start yelling now Mon ‘cause I am starting to lose the conversation again…. Hey this must be how Joey feels…

Mon:     ok… [she walks over to him and sits on his lap and kisses him VERY passionately]

Chan:            [recovering] Well I like this sorta arguing.

Mon:     [kissing him gently, through the kisses] I hate you for leaving me… And I don’t know how Sam will take not having you across the hall.

Chan:            [between kisses] I know… I don’t wanna go… but it is an amazing opportunity and when I get back I will have a better job…. Both Sam and you will reap the benefits.

Mon:     How does that work?

Chan:    I will have more money and less hours.

Mon:     Oh…. So you think this is going somewhere that, that would mean something too me?
Chan:    I don’t know… is it?

Mon:     I don’t know… I don’t know how I feel…  [she stops kissing him and goes over to the window] I know I am VERY physically attracted to you… but I don’t know if I just want to get that out my system… and if I don’t I can’t have a clear head to figure out all the emotional stuff.

Chan:    So where does that leave US?

Mon:     [turning to him] I don’t know… [they stand in silence] Maybe this is a blessing in disguise?

Chan:    I don’t know how that can be.

Mon:     Sam is staying at Laurens tonight….

Chan:    [not seeing the relevance] So?

Mon:     The guys are going out.

Chan:    So?

Mon:     Come round to mine tonight…. At about eight… we can have dinner and sort this out once and for all… or at least set the ball rolling.

Chan:    Ok… You want me to bring anything?… We can order in… or go out?

Mon:            [grabbing her jacket] You can’t order in desert.

Chan:            [confused] I’m sure you could… [she looks at him, he gets a look of realisation and she smiles] [he smiles, he starts to get excited] tonight it is then…

Mon:     [still smiling, she walks over and kisses him on the cheek] Good… I can’t wait. I’ll c’ya then.

Chan:            Definitely… [she smiles at him and exits] [he starts to do the dance… Monica re enters and he quickly stops]

Mon:     Don’t do that… [meaning the dance]

Chan:    [Like a child] Sorry.

Mon:     You should be [she exits.]

Later at Monica’s, the place is all done up with candles and looks VERY romantic, Monica exits her room, looking VERY gorgeous. Chandler enters and stares gob smacked  at the view.

“One night” by the Corrs is playing in the background. [Lyrics at the end of the scene]

Chan:    [joking, walking up to her, they are both smiling] Now this I could get used too. [he kisses her lightly and tenderly on the lips] SO what are the rules?

Mon:     Well firstly… this is just about tonight [sorry guys] I don’t wanna go through with this if it is gonna raise the question of “us”…

Chan:    I thought that was the point.

Mon:     What I mean is I that there is no commitment.

Chan:    Now your talking my language…. [Mon looks shocked] I was kidding, honestly I was.

Mon:     Ok… so while you are away and when you get back we are free agents… until decided, if at all, otherwise… agreed?

Chan:            Agreed…

Mon:     I just wanna get this outta my system and see if this is why all these feelings are surfacing.

Chan:    [joking] Hey… I am here for ya… [Mon doesn’t look amused.] Anything else?

Mon:     Yeah… one thing… which may seem weird.

Chan:    In this situation? I don’t think that is possible.

Mon:     Can we be serious here?
Chan:    Sorry… what is it?

Mon:     When I wake up tomorrow… you are gone…

Chan:            [confused] What has that to do with anything… we used to love waking up next to each other.

Mon:            Exactly… I mean if I start to get caught up in all the cute things about our relationship I will hardly be objective right? And then there is breakfast, and the guys… and tonight is supposed to be only about sex.

Chan:    I think you have thought about this too much.

Mon:     [a little annoyed] Well one of us had too.

Chan:            [stroking her cheek] Don’t get defensive… [joking] that is my thing right? [she smiles] Good… [he leans in and kisses her]

Mon:     [still kissing him, the passion rises] Do you agree to the rules?

Chan:    [still kissing her] Ohh… Mon I want you so much right now…. Of course I agree whatever makes you comfortable… I am here for you. [he starts to kiss her neck]

Mon:     [softly in his ear] Thank you…

The Corrs, “One night”

 Long day and I’m ready – I’m waiting for your call

‘Cos I’ve made up my mind

My heart aches with a hunger and the want that you were mine

No I cannot deny

So for one night – is it alright

That I give you

My heart – my love – my heart

Just for one night

My body – my soul

Just for one night

My love – my love

For one night – one night – one night

When morning awakes me

Well I know I’ll be alone

And I feel I’ll be fine

So don’t you worry about me

I’m not empty on my own

For inside I’m alive

That for one night – it was so right

That I gave you

My heart – my love – my heart

Just for one night

My body – my soul

Just for one night

My love – I loved

For one night – one night – one night

For one night  - it was so right

That I gave you

My heart – my love – my heart

Just for one night

My body – my soul

Just for one night

My love –my love

For one night – one night – one night

One night

Chandler and Joey’s Apartment, it is obviously VERY early,  Chandler enters obviously trying to be quiet, he is smiling hugely though and looks VERY happy… he tiptoes to his room and as he is about to enter it Joey enters from his room rubbing his eyes.

Joey:            Chandler?

Chan:    [deer in the headlights] Umm… yeah?

Joey:    What u doing?

Chan:    I’m umm…. [trying confuse him] What u doing?

Joey:            [confused] Ummm… I don’t know….

Chan:    [stern] Well shouldn’t u be in bed?

Joey:    Yeah I guess I should…. What time is it? [Chandler is staring off into space with a really happy look on his face] What is up with u?…. Chandler?

Chan:            Nothing…. Nothing…. Why should there be something up?

Joey:    I don’t know…. You just looked a little… I don’t know… spaced… I mean u are leaving tomorrow…

Chan:            [interrupting, he is down] Today?

Joey:            [confused] What?

Chan:            [realising he is talking to Joey and it could be a LONG conversation] Nothing…. Look is there something I can help u with?

Joey:    Well actually yeah…. [he sits in a barca, Chandler looks confused]

Chan:            [confused] There is?

Joey:    Well it’s about what happened tonight…. [Chandler looks VERY worried and scared]

Chan:    Well ummm…. I mean I…. It was….

Joey:            [interrupting him] I am so confused….

Chan:    [half joking] Old habits die hard huh?…

Joey:    [Not picking up on it] I just don’t get why you wouldn’t let us do something….

Chan:    [now he is the confused one] What?

Joey:    Well it is your last night with us for goodness knows how long and u won’t let us take you out or anything….

Chan:    [getting it] Ohhhh….. Well I didn’t want the fuss…. I’ll be back….

Joey:    We were all a little surprised Monica didn’t do anything for you. [Chandler laughs at the irony, Joey looks at him confused] Why is that funny?

Chan:            [covering] It’s not…. I mean it’s just funny how… how… how…. [Mon enters behind him but he doesn’t see her]

Mon:     How you guys always assume I’ll do something…. [Chandler turns surprised to see her there, they share a furtive smile and glance]

Joey:    Mon what are you doing here at this time in the morning…. What time is it btw?

Chan:    A little after five.

Joey:    Wow I should get to bed  I have a few hours to catch up on…. [he exits to his room, Chandler instantly tries to kiss Monica but she pulls away]

Mon:     No relationship stuff remember… which means no kissing… [Chandler looks disappointed]

Chan:    So what are you doing here?

Mon:            [jokingly offended] You want me to leave?

Chan:            [worried] No… I mean I… I didn’t mean that…. [Monica smiles at him letting him know she was joking] You are mean…

Mon:     Nice to know u feel that way…. Anyway [changing the subject] I did come over for a reason…

Chan:    [looking her up and down] Yeah?…. What?

Mon:            [grabbing his chin and pulling it upwards, so he isn’t checking her out anymore] You left this at mine, [she gives him a tie].

Chan:            [confused] You came to give me this? Loads of my stuff is at yours the guys wouldn’t get suspicious over a tie.

Mon:     [looking helplessly into his eyes] I know… [he smiles and holds the stare]

Chan:    No relationship stuff huh?

Mon:     It’s not supposed to be allowed….

Chan:            Supposed to be?

Mon:     You were supposed to have left hours ago.

Chan:            [stroking her cheek] I just couldn’t leave you, It has been a long time since I could just watch you sleep.

Mon:     I have to tell you something Chandler…

Chan:            What?…. [backing off] Now you’ve got me worried.

Mon:     Well, it’s about Sam…. I think you should know before you go and WE get into US anymore.

Chan:            [concerned] What?…. Is something wrong with him?

Mon:     No… no he is fine… but he is…. Well he…

Chan:    Mon now you are making me nervous…

Mon:     I guess I should just come out and say it…. That might be easiest…

Chan:            Probably…. It usually is….

Mon:     Well you know how you are his godfather….

Chan:    Yes I do vaguely recall…

Mon:     Well as it turns out…. You might be closer to him than you think….

Chan:    I don’t get it…

Mon:     This may take a while… I think I’ll have to explain….

Chan:    Explain what?

Mon:     The truth that has been hidden all these years about…. Well about Sams..

Chan:    His father?

Mon:     Yes…. His father… I think now’s about time you knew the truth…

Chan:    Are you sure you are ready to do this?
Mon:     I think the more apparent and relevant question is… Are you ready to hear this?

[Monica looks into his eyes helplessly, he looks back concerned, the hold the glance and the scene fades out]



The end…. ‘til the next part anyway…