TOW the future
By Tracey

Mon is sitting on the sofa in her apartment reading her dairy the apartment looks slightly different, and the year is 2006, her diary is from past times, we hear what she has written through her thoughts.

MON: Well, here it is so much has happened, I should really be letting Rachel do this she is the gossip guru, but it is about me so here goes, Chandler and I were in a steady relationship for about two years now as you know, and were living together, however, we got into this stupid fight over where our relationship was going and we broke up, that was about three months ago, we are still keeping our distance from each other and don’t see each other a lot, although we still call each other for a friendly chat every so often, but it is never the same as it was, it is just polite niceties, small talk and stuff, but we are trying to tell ourselves that everything will be ok… but now when I start to think I am getting over him I found out something, (she whispers) I’m pregnant… no one knows, but I don’t know what to do, I always wanted a kid, but then I also want its father… no no I mean a father, a father for my child, not my actual child’s father… no, because that would be Chandler and that is just silly… right?

Future Monica closes the diary and we see a close up of her face, we go into a flashback.

Rach enters with Joey, Ross, and Phoe all are carrying loads of shopping bags.

Rach: (moaning) look Monica, (Mon closes the diary she has obviously just finished writing the entry future Monica has just read, Rach sits right beside her) I have a problem,
Mon: (concerned) What what is it?
Rach: I broke a nail with those stupid bags (she holds up her hand)
Phoe: (sitting right beside Mon too) You think that is a problem, my hair has stopped growing, look (she holds up the end of her hair)
Mon: (confused) well honey, I…
Ross: Wow, what about me, my favourite dinosaur pen ran out last night and nowhere sells the right refills (he sits on the table in front of Mon and holds up the pen, Joey sits beside him)
Joey: Monica, how do I get girls to ask me out?
Rach: Excuse me guys I was first, Mon has to help me, she isn’t an agony aunt you know, or a councillor, so go elsewhere with your trivial problems, (she holds her hand right in front of Mons face)
Joey; Trivial… (To Ross) what does that mean?
Mon: (getting mad) It means stupid and insignificant Joey, just like all the problems you are throwing at me, (she stands, and marches toward her room, but turns to talk to them)
You wouldn’t know a real problem if it hit you in the face, you are all to caught up in your own worlds and to selfish to think of anyone else
Ross: (defensive) Oh and I suppose you have a real problem…
Mon: Actually I do… I’m p… (The phone rings, Rach answers)
Rach; (On phone) Oh, ok… (To Mon), it’s for you, its Chandler
Mon: (mad still) What kind of problem does he have, the foosball players are yelling at him,
Joey: The foosball players don’t talk Mon, they are fake.
Mon: ARGH!
Rach: (in phone) Yeah, I don’t think now is a good time, she is kinda mad… no not at you… I’m sure… ok I’ll tell her, bye. (She hangs up) Mon, Chandler says he’ll be an hour early.
All: Woo hoo!
Phoe: Where are you going?
Mon: Nowhere.
Joey: (sexily) Oh, an evening in?
Mon: Shut up, his mum is visiting in a few days and he wants me to teach him how to make something to impress her,
Ross: Why should he want to impress her?
Mon: (sarcastically) Oh, I don’t know why don’t you tell us, I’m sure you left an impression on her last time you saw her.
Joey: (laughing) yeah with his lips
Ross: (to Mon) You know you dated Chandler for way to long.
Mon: That is why he wants to impress her, she doesn’t know we broke up and he wants to cushion the blow.
Joey: Or so he says, I reckon he just wants to be alone with you for a while.
Mon: What? No.
Rach: Oh come on Monica, A guy calling to say he’ll be EARLY.
Ross: yeah what is that about?
Mon: You guys have got it all wrong.
Phoe: Yeah you wish… Oh, or maybe you don’t that is why you are getting so defensive.
Mon: You know you guys really need to grow up (She goes to the kitchen and starts to get things from cupboards)
Rach: Preparing already Mon
Mon: (putting down a packet) No, (she sits at the diner table and looks bored)
Rach: So Mon, what was this “real problem” you were telling us about?
Mon: Oh nothing.
Ross: You don’t get out of it that easily
Mon: Look just leave it
Rach: Wow, there really is something wrong isn’t there, (they all get up and sit around the dinner table with her, looking concerned, she looks like a trapped animal, all look at her expectantly)
Mon: Well, um… You know what I really don’t wanna get into this right now. (She gets up and turns on the oven, then she stands staring out the kitchen window)
Rach: (getting up and standing beside her) You can tell us anything, we want to help you, is there anything we can do?

(Close up of Monica’s face we fade to a flashback obviously from her memory)

(C&M lying in bed in their room both look content)

Chan: I love waking up next to you.
Mon: That is so sweet, (she kisses him) the feeling is mutual
Chan: Well that is nice to know, for future reference.
Mon: Chandler… do you ever think about the future?
Chan: Sure I do.
Mon: yeah? What sort of things do you think?
Chan: Well, I was thinking that I might go for that promotion that is up for grabs… you know I am really….
Mon: No, not in work, I mean with us.
Chan: Oh, right well, not really.
Mon: (surprised) you don’t (he shakes his head) Never ever, (he shakes his head again and leans over to kiss her but she gets out of bed, she is wearing a nightie)
Chan: What?
Mon: Nothing I just think it is time I got up. (She goes and opens the curtains and looks out their bedroom window)
Chan: But it is eight on a Sunday morning, neither of us have work and the guys won’t be over for hours (he gets out of bed to, he is wearing boxers and a tee shirt, he goes over and puts his arms around her waist from behind and starts kissing her neck)
Mon: Chandler stop it (she pushes him away and walks out of their bedroom into and sits on the sofa of the living room, he exits a few seconds behind her)
Chan: What is going on?
Mon: Nothing,
Chan: (sarcastically) good, I can see that (he sits beside her and kisses her neck again, she pushes him away and looks directly at him)
Mon: Why not?
Chan: Why not what?
Mon: Why do you never think of our future?
Chan: I don’t know I just don’t, I guess I love you so much I think it will happen as it should and this was meant to be so we don’t need to plan it it will plan itself. (He tries to kiss her again but she pushes him away)
Mon: So where do you see us in ten years time?
Chan: Horny if you keep on this way, (she pecks him on the lips)
Mon: Now answer my question.
Chan: (annoyed) why are you getting so worked up about this?
Mon: (mad) Because, I just found out my boyfriend doesn’t see our future.
Chan: (mad) What is there to see?
Mon: (standing, annoyed) Oh, I don’t know house, marriage, kids, the usual.
Chan: (mad) Where has this come from all of a sudden?
Mon: (surprised, mad) all of a sudden? Chandler, I have wanted this for years.
Chan: (really mad) Right and because you want it you can demand it whenever you want, did you ever stop to think what I wanted?
Mon: (yelling) oh, I know what you want.
Chan: Oh yeah and what is that?
Mon: That stupid promotion and a girlfriend who will sleep with you as you demand it.
Chan: I can’t believe I am hearing this, this is ridiculous.
Mon: What? Our future is ridiculous?
Chan: if this is how it is gonna be then yes.
Mon: Well then if you don’t see a future for us maybe you should leave.
Chan: I’m in my underwear if you hadn’t noticed.
Mon: Shave, shower and be gone in an hour.
Chan: That kinda ruins the dramatic tension of storming out.
Mon: (yelling) I mean for good.
Chan: (taken aback) what?
Mon: Pack your stuff and get out.
Chan: Mon, (reaching out to touch her arm, she pulls away) this was just a stupid fight.
Mon: No, this is what the fight signifies chandler, if you don’t think about our future until I ask you to, then what does that really say? I want a guy who wants all the things I want and more, and I want him to pester me about them and talk about them all the time. I want him to bring up our future and I want a guy who wants to make those things happen for me, who thinks about them like I do, not a guy who thinks arguing about them is stupid, a guy who is afraid to commit and be only for me for eternity.
Chan: Mon, I love you and I want to be with you, I’m just not ready.
Mon: (standing) Well I am. (She exits to her bedroom)

(Fade back on present, Monica’s face)

Rach: MON!
Mon: (to herself) I should have seen it coming.
Rach: (confused) Seen what coming?
Mon: (snapping out of it) Oh, nothing…
Ross: Mon, talk to us… you know how we work, we will all find out eventually anyway.
Mon: Yeah, this more than anything else.
Phoe: (confused) what does that mean?
Mon: Sit down Rach I have to tell you guys something. (She and Rach sit back at the table with the others)
Joey: what is it?
Mon: Well, I don’t really know what to say… well, I guess there is only one way to say it… (She closes her eyes) I’m pregnant. (All look shocked)
Ross: (mad, getting up) I’m gonna kick Chandler’s ass. (Mon rushes over and stops him).
Mon: wow, calm down Ross, this has nothing to do with Chandler.
Rach: Yeah, his part is done.
Joey: Chandler is a stand up guy, he’ll do the right thing by her,
Mon: There is no right thing for Chandler to do.
Ross: Too right, he is always doing the wrong thing, and this is the perfect example.
Phoe: Chandler will make such a cute father.
Mon: Someday maybe but he doesn’t even have a girlfriend.
Rach: What do you mean someday, in nine months or so, you did just say you were pregnant right.
Mon: yes, I did… but… It’s not… Chandler is not the father of my child (all gasp)
Ross: WHAT!
Phoe: How far along are you?
Ross: Like that is what we need to focus on.
Rach: If we find out how far along she is then we find out if she slept with this guy before or after she broke up with Chandler.
Mon: I am at 10 weeks.
Phoe: 10 weeks that is two and a half months, you broke up with Chandler 3 months ago which would make it two weeks after that you slept with this guy.
Ross: Who is he?
Mon: No one you know.
Ross: Try me.
Mon: I don’t see that it is any of you business.
Joey: (calm) Does he know?
Mon: Yes, we talked about it and I am going to do this alone.
Rach: NO not alone… we will be here, Me and Phoebe, Joey, Ross and… Chandler. (All look at Mon)
Joey: Does he know?
Mon: No, will you guys not say anything until I tell him?
ALL: Sure.
Mon: Thanks, (she cries)
Rach: Oh sweetie, (her and Phoebe rush over and hug her, Joey and Ross quickly join in)
Ross: Just think how cool it will be, having a little sprog running around. (Mon laughs half-heartedly)
Joey: You ok?
Mon: Sure… would you guys leaving me for a bit I have some stuff to sort out before Chandler comes around.
All: Sure. (they all hug her individually and leave) (Mon goes back over to the couch and opens her diary and begins to write, we hear what she is writing through her thoughts)

Mon: (to diary) I lied to them… all my friends, my best friends and this is no little white lie, I will have to carry this on for the rest of my life, but I know this is right. I am three months along, it happened on our last night together but if I tell Chandler that he is the father then he will want to marry me and I am not going to let him trap himself into marrying me, I can’t let him think that I want him to do what is considered his duty and besides we have broken up there is no point in getting back together for a child, that is not a very solid basis for a relationship. But then I don’t think either of us expected the fight to lead to a serious break up, the fighting kept on after that though and some horrible things were said, I can’t let him treat me like that, and I can’t treat him like I did, I think we shocked each other that much. I am not going to run away, I can live here and bring up this child with help from the guys and Chandler will be happy for me eventually, I did get what I always wanted… well almost, I can make this work, I will be happy and I can live without Chandler, we were always good friends, and we will get that back some day, he will see it is all for the best eventually… I hope. (Mon closes the book and we see a doubtful look on her face, she closes her eyes and puts her hand on her stomach, and she lies down on the sofa still clutching her stomach)
Cut to a few hours later, Mon is asleep on the sofa, there is a light knock on the door, Mon doesn’t move, the door slowly opens and Chandler comes in.
Chan: (not seeing her) Monica, are you here? (he notices her asleep on the sofa, he smiles and looks at her for a second before sitting down beside her, he reaches out to touch her arm but pulls back, he slowly strokes her arm, he closes his eyes and smiles)
Chan: (opening his eyes) Mon, (he leans down so he is close to her face, he brushes the hair from her face) Mon, come on time to wake up. (Mon slowly opens her eyes and looks into his eyes, he suddenly realises how close they are and looks nervous)
Mon: What time is it?
Chan: (without moving) a little after three.
Mon: (making no attempt to move) Thanks for waking me.
Chan: Any time (she smiles, he smiles back, they look into each others eyes, Mon sighs and he closes his eyes and leans in as if to kiss her)
Mon: (sitting up) Chandler don’t.
Chan: Why not?
Mon: There is something I need to tell you, and it won’t be easy to hear.
Chan: (looking serious) What… what is it?
Mon: I think we need to sit for this.
Chan: We are sitting, (Mon looks at them confused) (Chan chuckles nervously and touches Monica’s cheek) What is it? (she pulls away from him)
Mon: (she stands and begins to pace) I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to tell you this.
Chan: (nervous) Mon just say it, it can’t be that bad.
Mon: (sitting beside him and taking his hand) It is Chandler, its worse than bad, I don’t know that you’ll understand.
Chan: (touching her cheek again and looking into her eyes) It’s me Mon you can tell me anything, I’ll understand.
Mon: You’ve said that before. (close up of Mon’s face again, another flashback)

C&M’s bedroom, Mon they are both in casual clothes, cfe. (continued from earlier).

Chan: Why are you doing this, I understand you want that stuff, we can have it all eventually just not right now, I’m not ready.
Mon: Well I am ready, I want those things, I want to be thinking about those things I want to get married, have kids and feel loved.
Chan: Oh, and what you don’t feel loved now, you know I don’t get you Monica you have always been so patient with me, why now are you throwing me out, is this all about me committing?
Mon: This isn’t about you, I love you and I know you love me…
Chan: Isn’t that enough… at least for now?
Mon: I just don’t think I can do this any more muddle along in our pseudo quosy happy existence (Scream 2 line, sorry folks). I need more, I need what you can’t give me, and that’s not your fault it’s just the way it is.
Chan: Maybe you’re right… I just don’t know what you want, I don’t know what I can give you.
Mon: (taken aback) We are not right together is that what you think?
Chan: It’s what you said isn’t it?
Mon: I am ready and you aren’t that is what it all boils down too, we want different things and that can’t be good.
Chan: (looking into her eyes) I guess…
Mon: Ok then, well then.
Chan: Mon, I don’t want to go.
Mon: It’s for the best.
Chan: How can you say that, we love each other we can fix this.
Mon: When?
Chan: (confused) What?
Mon: When can we fix this, I can’t wait years to find we are still in the same place we are now and it be too late.
Chan: Fine I’ll go but I hope you realise what you are doing, (she has tears in her eyes)
Mon: You understand don’t you.
Chan; I used to think I understood you… but after this, I don’t think I ever will again. (he exits)

(cut back to Monica & Chandler on the sofa)

Chan: I’m sorry, I should never have said that.
Mon: It’s ok, I know you were mad, we parted quite well and it was for the best.
Chan: (to himself) If you say so.
Mon: So are we gonna get started on this meal. (She goes into the kitchen)
Chan: (following her) Wow, what about this thing you were going to tell me.
Mon: (She looks at him with sorry eyes) I’m sorry.
Chan: (really worried) What… are you ok? (he takes her waist and sits her down on a chair at the dinner table)
Mon: I’m fine, I was at the doctors last week… (he cuts her off)
Chan: Oh my god what is it?
Mon: There’s nothing medically wrong with me, well technically but I… I mean I….
Chan: Just tell me Monica, is there anything I can do?
Mon: No, I am going to do this alone.
Chan: (confused) Do what alone?
Mon: Chandler I was at the doctors because I… well I hadn’t been feeling so great and I… well I skipped my last period, and well… (Chandler looks concerned and confused, she smiles and strokes his cheek, he smiles) Chandler I’m pregnant.
Chan: (looks extremely shocked) Your what?
Mon: I’m…
Chan: No, I heard you but, how can that be… (Mon opens her mouth to talk but he butts in) I can’t believe this (he smiles) this is incredible, (he suddenly kisses her, she doesn’t object at first then she stands up, and walks away from him)
Mon: That’s not all.
Chan: (still smiling, he walks up to her and puts his arms around her waist and pulls her close, and they look straight into each others eyes) This day could not get any better.
Mon: Maybe not but it can sure get worse, (Chandler looks concerned)
Chan: What is it, are you ok, and the baby?
Mon: (swallows) We’re fine…
Chan: Well then what can be wrong?
Mon: (she looks down, and whispers) It’s not yours.
Chan: (not hearing her) What?
Mon: (she looks up at him with tears in her eyes) It’s not yours. (his face falls)
Chan: (in disbelief) What? (he walks away from her)
Mon: I’m sorry.
Chan: Sorry… (he turns to look at her with tears in his eyes) Sorry doesn’t cover it, how could you do this to me Monica? Is this what all the future crap was about your subtle way of telling me you had slept with someone else?
Mon: No no of course not, I didn’t sleep with him until after we had broken up
Chan: How long after?
Mon: Two weeks, (he turns away from her) look Chandler, I really am sorry I never meant for this to happen.
Chan: But it did, and you can’t take it back.
Mon: I don’t know to say.
Chan: It has all been said, (he leaves)
Mon: (shouting after him) No please don’t go Chandler. (She slumps into a chair)

Mons diary
Mon: And that was how it was for so long, he would avoid me, and we never talked, until the birth that was…

Flashback, Mon (very pregnant) in the living room of her apartment eating potato chips, watching the TV.
Mon: Ouch, what was that, ow, (she clutches her stomach) (she screams in agony) Got to get to the hospital,(she looks around the room) great there is no one here, Joey will be at home, (she gets up and slowly makes her way to the door, she exits and bangs on the guys door) (Chan answers)
Chan: (angry) What?… (He notices Mon) Oh hey what can I do for you? Come to stab me in the back again? ‘Cause I can turn around for you if that makes it easier for you (Mon screams and grabs him, she starts to breathe, not that she wasn’t breathing until this point I mean the Lamaze stuff).
Chan: (concerned) Mon what is it?
Mon: (through breathing) baby_ coming_ need_ to_ get_ to_ hospital.
Chan: What do you want me do? (Mon scowls at him) hospital right, (He tries to get to the phone but Mon has hold of him) Mon you need to let go of me I need to get to the phone.
Mon: (crying) It hurts chandler.
Chan: I know… well I don’t but I can imagine, well maybe not did you know a man’s threshold for pain is… (she squeezes his hand) AAAAAAAaaa! Mon, enough you’re killing me here.

Mon’s diary
Mon: He was the only one there, I thought it was quite poetic, him being the father, even though he didn’t know it. He was great, in fact I almost told him…

Hospital room, Monica is in the bed looking a littles tired and worn down, Chandler is standing beside her holding the baby.

Chan: This is incredible Mon, how did you do this?
Mon: You know better than I do, you were down there, (they look into each others eyes smiling) Do you know this is the first time in six months we have been in a room together for more than half an hour without yelling at each other.
Chan: (ignoring the comment) He looks just like you, he has your beautiful eyes… (nervous) I mean, that um… you… I… well that is… (she giggles)
Mon: (smiling) thank you. He does look like his parents even at this age, which is unusual, he will have his fathers (Chandler looks mad and jealous) (now she is nervous) Chandler I… I mean I didn’t… I’m sorry… I
Chan: It’s ok, this guy will be around for a while I will need to get used to it.
Mon: There is something I need to tell you…
Chan: What?
Mon: Well I lied to you when I…
Chan: I know…
Mon: (Surprised) You do?
Chan: The doctor told me…
Mon: The doctor told you what?
Chan: That the baby isn’t premature…
Mon: (confused) What?
Chan: The baby was on time, almost exactly.
Mon: Oh, (worried) Chandler I thought it was for the best but now you know I…
Chan: I never thought you would cheat on me Mon…
Mon: (surprised) WHAT?!
Chan: It was one thing for you to sleep with another guy two weeks after we broke up ,but that is allowed I can’t do anything about that, but to sleep with him in our last days together, that is a little low, and I would really have appreciated honesty, you know I felt really guilty after we broke up I thought it was all my fault but when you pinned that stupid future thing on me instead of taking the blame for cheating, that was low…
Mon: No Chandler you don’t understand you are the… (the other four guys enter… dramatic timing ok, that is allowed)
Ross: Hey, hows my baby sister and her baby? (chandler gives the baby to Mon)
Mon: Oh we’re fine no thanks to you guys. (Ross whispers to Chandler)
Ross: Thanks man, for getting her here I know it must have been difficult for you both to be together like this, but she wasn’t due for another two weeks, sorry (Chandler looks at Mon and she looks back, they look at each other for a few seconds)
Rach: What is it?
Joey: A baby of course DUH!
Rach: What would we do without you Joe?
Chan: Have intelligent conversations without having to explain every other word.
Mon: It’s a boy,
All but C&M: Awww
Mon: Yeah, this is Sam (A nurse enters)
Nrse: Come here little one (she takes the baby from Monica) (to Monica) You need to get some rest, five minutes more with your friends and then get to sleep) We hope to have you out of here in the next couple of days.
Chan: (sarcastically, surprise, surprise) What you don’t do same day delivery?
Nrse: (to Mon) I hope he’s not the father, (the room fills with an awkward silence everyone looks at the ground C&M look at each other)
Mon: (looking down at the bed) No, no he’s not.
Nrse: (noticing the atmosphere) Tough Room. (she exits)
Joey: (looking at Chandler) Ouch!
Chan: Thanks Joe. (he looks at Mon)
Ross: Well should let you get your rest. (he kisses her cheek, and goes to the door waiting for the others)
Rach: (kissing her cheek) We are so proud of you. (she stands by Ross)
Phoe: We’ll go see him and then go home. (she kisses Mon’s cheek, and stands with R&R)
Joey: See you later. (he kisses her on the mouth, not passionately or anything but Chandler pulls him back)
Chan: (He takes Mon’s hand, and sounds genuinely concerned) We’ll be back later, but call if you need anything ok, anything at all. (She smiles and nods, he leans in and kisses her cheek, and holds for slightly longer than a friend should, the guys look on almost disappointed that this would seem to be the end. They all exit with Chandler last he turns and smiles at her she smiles back and he closes the door)

Cut to future Monica 2006, she is reading from the diary again. She is in her apartment, on the sofa, Joey  enters.

Joey: Hey Mon, what you doing?
Mon: Reminiscing.
Joey: Remi what?
Mon: (giggling) nothing.
Joey: Is Sam here?
Mon: No Joey he is out partying, he moved out months ago (Joey looks shocked) Of course he is here Joey. He is in his room why?
Joey: I wanted to give him this (holds up a playboy)
Mon: I don’t think so, where did you get that anyway?
Joey: Ross.
Mon: Well, Sarah won’t be happy about that.
Joey: They have only been dating two years she doesn’t have that much control over him.
Mon: Joey they live together, that is pretty serious.
Joey: Whatever… what is Sam doing?
Mon: He is with Phoebe, she is teaching him about Karma.
Joey: Where is Rachel, she said she would take me out to dinner with her and John tonight, they are going to the most expensive restaurant in town, they said I could bring someone, you wanna come?
Mon: I would love to.
Joey: Ok then I’ll come get you at 7 wear something really posh.
Mon: If I have anything. (Phoebe exits from Rachel’s old room.)
Phoe: He fell asleep again, I think there is something wrong with him (a little boy, Sam, peeks around the corner of the door, Mon sees and smiles at him, he smiles back, and disappears back into his room)
Mon: I’ll talk to him later.
Phoe: Did I hear Joey out here?
Mon: Yeah, we are going to dinner with Rachel and John tonight.
Phoe: (sitting at the dinner table) Speaking of which how is it going with them?
Mon: Since when have you been interested in gossip?
Phoe: Tell me what you know. (Mon sits at the dinner table)
Mon: Well he is a very rich very cute doctor so for Rachel it is instantly serious, but he likes her a lot to, he was in the coffee house with me and Ross the other day and he spoke about her non-stop all day, it was so sweet.
Phoe: Do you think he is marriage material?
Mon: Well they have only been dating for six months but I think that Rachel is itching to get that ring on her finger so if they really care that much about each other I don’t think it will be long. What about you how is it going with Brian?
Phoe: He is really sweet, he is cute and funny and we have so much in common and his kid is gorgeous, but you know this you introduced me to him.
Mon: Yeah at Sammy’s school, hardly getting to know you time.
Phoe: Joey is seeing that girl to isn’t he… Kirsty isn’t it.
Mon: Yeah, she is really pretty but that is what you would expect of Joey isn’t it.
Phoe: So what about you how are things on the romantic front. (The door opens Chandler walks in… dramatic timing again)
Mon: (to Phoe) We’ll talk later… Hey Chandler.
Chan: Hey.
Mon: (standing) I need to ask you a favour.
Chan: What?
Mon: Will you watch Sam for me tonight?
Chan: Sure.
Mon: Really, great.
Chan: What time?
Mon: Just come over with Joey.
Chan: (confused) Joey?
Mon: Yeah we are going to dinner with Rachel and John.
Chan: Oh right, isn’t he seeing that ummm….
Phoe: Kirsty.
Chan: Yes thank you Pheebs (to Mon) Kirsty.
Mon: It is plutonic not a date, just some time away from things.
Chan:  Ok, (sitting on the sofa watching the TV) I can’t watch him tomorrow, Monday or Thursday night.
Mon: (chopping vegetables, shouting to him) That works out well because I need you to watch him Tuesday and Friday, ‘cause I am working so I will watch him tomorrow and Monday, you can watch him Tuesday,  Wednesday is an open, and then I’ll have Thursday and you have Friday.
Chan: Sounds good to me.
Phoe: Listen to you two, you sound like an old married couple.
Mon: (uncomfortable) I’m gonna take the trash out, (she exits with Rubbish in hand, Phoebe goes and sits by Chandler)
Phoe: Why do you do it?
Chan: (confused) DO what?
Phoe: Work out these rotas with her and do so much with Sam? He isn’t yours Chandler, you would think after 6 years you would know that, you aren’t dating her, what do you get out of it why don’t you just get on with your life?
Chan: This is my life Pheebs and hard as it may be for you to see I like my life and I do what I do because I like to spend time with Sam and Monica needs someone to rely on. Phoe: She could rely on the rest of us too, she hasn’t asked one of us to baby sit since Sam was a baby.
Chan: That is not true.
Phoe: Well Rach, John, Ross, Sarah, Joey, Kirsty, Brian and me all babysat together last month when you went to Parent teacher night together but that doesn’t really help your case.
Chan: (laughing) He had you running rings around each other.
Phoe: Not funny, you know if I didn’t know better I would say you were his father (he looks disappointed)
Phoe: Oh I’m sorry Chandler I… (she is interrupted by Sam running out Rachel’s old room (now his bedroom) and jumping on Chandler)
Chan: Hey long time no see.
Phoe: Didn’t you see each other an hour ago (both give her the same look) Freaky, ok I’m gonna go and get ready for my date tonight… (she turns to leave)
Chan: You’re always busy.
Phoe: (turning back to him looking confused) What?
Chan: She never asks you to baby-sit because the rest  of you are always busy.
Phoe: That’s right Chandler you keep telling your self that. (she leaves)
Sam: Busy for what?
Chan: That was Auntie Pheebs, do you need a reason for what you say to her.
Sam: I guess not (He sits round still on Chandlers lap, and watches the TV, Chandler looks at him, then at the TV, but looks very thoughtful) (Mon enters and sits by Chandler and Sam on the sofa)
Mon: (to Sam) So you fell asleep again did you? (Sam smiles mischievously) (Mon looks at Chandler) I wonder who has been teaching you to do that (Chan smiles, she smiles back, they hold the stare for a few minutes)
Sam: (holding up Mon’s diary) What is this? (Chan takes it from him, Mon looks nervous)
Mon: It’s umm… (Chan looks at the cover)
Chan: If I am not mistaken it is Mommies diary from about six years ago. (He looks at Mon questioningly) Am I right?
Mon: (in disbelief) You remember? (they hold the stare for even longer, Sam smiles)
Chan: Yeah, I do… it was right about the time Sam here was born wasn’t it, maybe about nine months before (Still looking into each others eyes)
Sam: Can I read it, (he grabs it from Chan and runs away with it)
Mon: [firm] NO… Sam put it down please.
Chan: [still watching TV, casually] What harm can it do Mon, I could probably tell him half the stuff that was in there.
Mon: That’s not the point… and don’t be too sure a woman always has secrets. [She looks at Sam, Chandler looks at Sam, facing away from Mon and smiles at him, Sam nods, Sam opens the diary, Mon stands to go over to him, but Chandler grabs her and pulls her down onto the couch, he pins her down and holds her, Sam starts to read aloud, slowly and a little unsure, I won’t write it like that just picture it yourselves, he is six, but he reads really well]
Sam: [reading aloud from diary] We had dinner last night [Chan looks down into her eyes, surprised, she looks embarrassed, they look right into each others eyes]… it was so romantic… it was just us, alone. We talked all night, about everything, just like always, we seem to connect so well, I can’t imagine my life without him… I can’t believe it took us so long to see this in each other, how could he have been so close, I see him everyday just like I always did but now I can’t be with him without feeling so complete, we can never go back to the way things were, how could we ever be just friends ever again, I can’t fall out of love.
Joey …(Sammy looks away from the diary) hey is this Uncle Joey?
Chan: [looking deeply into Monica’s eyes] yeah.
Sam: [from diary] Joey asked me how I knew I loved him. But the thing is I don’t know, I had never thought about it, I just know… the feeling is so strong that I can’t not feel it.
After dinner we moved to the couch… he just held me for a while, we sat in silence, then he just knew when I was ready… he kissed me so slowly and softly, I was in ecstasy, he moved slowly down…
Mon: [to Chandler] Trust me you don’t want him to go on.
Chan: Oh right… [to Sam] that is enough Sammy, [He looks deeply into Mon’s eyes, and then gets up and takes the diary from Sam]
Sam: [to Chan] Is this about my daddy? [C&M look shocked at each other]
Chan: No Sammy it isn’t… can you go play in your room for a minute, I need to talk to your mommy.
Sam: Sure, but will you come play with me when your done?
Chan: Sure Sammy.
Sam: Mommy will you come too? You and Chandler haven’t played together for a while.
Mon: Maybe.
Sam: [whiney] Mom… please.
Mon: Ok… now just go play. [Sam smiles and exits] [Mon turns and looks at Chan, they look at each other for a minute, there is an awkward silence]
Chan: [a little mad] How could you do this?
Mon: [surprised] What? How could I do what?
Chan: This. [He holds up the diary]
Mon: I can write whatever I want I never expected anyone to read it.
Chan: But why is it here?
Mon: [sarcastic, mad] I live here, most of my stuff is here.
Chan: Very good… no I mean out here, in the living room on the couch.
Mon: I was reading it.
Chan: Why?
Mon: That is the point of a diary Chandler, so you can look back and remember exactly what things were like, and how you feel.
Chan: [surprised] Feel?
Mon: [nervously] Felt.
Chan: [shocked] Mon?… what?… why now?… [Mon looks around guilty] Wait… what is the date? [Mon smiles at him nervously] It’s our anniversary isn’t it?… Of course I remember that.
Mon: You always did. [They smile at each other]
Chan: [looking away] But… I… I don’t get it.
Mon: [looking at the floor awkward] I just feel lonely… I was just looking back seeing what life was like before Sammy, I haven’t felt loved like that for years I just didn’t know if I was still capable of feeling it. I mean love Sammy but that is a different kind of love…
Chan: Mon… I… I don’t know what to say.
Mon: Well there is a first time for everything. [She smiles half heartedly and looks at him but quickly looks away, he looks hurt for her, he looks helpless]
Chan: I love you. [Mon looks up shocked]
Mon: [shocked] What?
Chan: I love you… as a friend and I always will, you will always be loved Monica, you are not alone and we will always be here for you, all of us. [She smiles, he smiles back, he slowly goes up to her and hugs her tightly, the guys enter and see the two of them hugging, both have there eyes closed and so don’t see the guys]
Mon: I love you too Chandler, [he smiles]
Chan: It has been a long time since we have said that… to each other anyway.
Mon: I know, quite ironic huh, considering the date.
Chan: [jokingly] And you are going out with Joey tonight, [both laugh]. [serious] I could hang around after Sam is asleep if you want, we could crack open a bottle of wine or something, what do you say.
Mon: Sure, but don’t say anything to the guys.
Chan: What do you think I am crazy. Suspicions would fly. [The guys exit annoyed]
Mon: Even after all these years.
Sam exits from his room
Sam: What are you guys doing? [C and M jump apart]
C&M(in unison): Nothing… [Sam laughs they look at each other and smile]
Sam: Can we go play now?
C&M (in unison): Sure. [All three laugh and exit to Sam’s room]

CP (yes it still exists… with all the business those six give it I would say it should) Joey, Phoebe, Ross and Rach (all look shocked) are sitting in their usual spot with three others, who are Sarah (Ross’ girlfriend), Brian, (Phoebes’ boyfriend) and John (Rachel’s’ boyfriend).
Joey: Can you believe this?
Rach: This is unbelievable.
Joey: I guess not.
Phoe: It’s been six years, why now?
Ross: How could they do this?
Sarh: [to Ross] I am sorry honey but I don’t get what is wrong here.
John: Yeah I am with Sarah, what is going on.
Brian: Chandler and Monica? [Rach, Ross, Phoebe and Joey look at him shocked] What?
Rach: How did you know?
Brian: It is so obvious she talks about him all the time and you can see it in the way they look at each other.
Rach: I can’t believe they have waited six years, and not to tell us again.
Sarh: Again?
Ross: Chandler and Monica were in a serious relationship just before Sam was born.
John: Wait so is Chandler Sam’s father is that why he helps out so much?
Sarh: (to Ross) I thought you said she never told you who the father was.
Joey: She didn’t but we know as much as that he isn’t Chandler’s.
John: Ouch…
Joey: That is what I said…
John: And what… you think they are together in secret.
Joey: It wouldn’t be the first time, that is how there relationship started.
Sarh: That is so romantic.
Ross: Is it?
Rach: I thought it was when I first heard but now, I know.
John: Know what?
Phoe: That friends should never date. It never works out. [R&R look at each other quickly]
Cut to Sam’s room C&M and Sam are sitting on the floor playing Snakes and Ladders. They look like they are really having fun. Mon lies down on her front on the floor beside Chandler to get more comfortable.
Sam: Mommy, you have to go back down the snake.
Mon: (sulking) I hate this game,
Chan: Be calm Mon, it is just a game.
Sam: Chandler you go up the ladder.
Mon: You say that because you are winning.
Chan: You only complain because you are losing and you are so competitive.
Mon: (kneeling beside him, looking at him in disbelief) I am not.
Chan: Oh yeah… do I have to mention a pictionary incident? Or the poker? Or the Thanksgiving football? Or the apartment bet?
Mon: Hey! You were just as bad as me at that.
Chan: Yeah but I won, so it doesn’t count.
Mon: We won at Poker.
Chan: No Rachel won… but she actually didn’t.
Mon: (in disbelief) What?
Chan: Oh come on… Ross was so in love with her and she had just lost that job. He threw it… he lied.
Mon: (standing) Nu uh.
Chan: (looking up at her) Yu hu. (Sam looks on laughing quietly)
Mon: Ok then… I will re play you.
Chan: (standing up beside her) At poker?
Mon: Sure.
Chan: We haven’t played poker since before Sam was born.
Mon: All the more challenge. (They start squaring up to each other)
Chan: And what will you bet?
Mon: I don’t know but not money… I have none.
Chan: Strip poker.
Mon: (horrified) What? (She glances nervously at Sam)
Chan: You really think you can win, there should be no problem, you are only betting your clothes… Are you scared?
Mon: No way… it’s a deal. (they shake hands) When do you wanna do it?
Chan: Tonight… when you get back from your meal with Joey.
Mon: You’re on… now I have to go get ready, so I’ll leave you with Sammy, (she kisses Sam on the cheek) Be good. (To Chan) and you… I will see you later.
Chan: Not if I see you first. (Mon exits).
A while later we see Sam and Chandler sitting on the sofa watching TV, Sam is sitting right beside Chandler, Chan has his arm around him. Chan has the remote control and they are flipping through channels.
Chan: Nothing, [he flips the channel]
Sam: No [Chandler flips again, this continues a few times until Monica walks out of her room wearing a long, red dress with her hair down, she looks incredible, Chandler stops flipping when he sees her and stares open mouthed, Sam looks up at him when the flipping stops]
Sam: [to Chan] What are you doing? [No response from Chandler, Mon realises Chandler is looking at her and she smiles at him nervously Chandler snaps out of it and nervously looks back at the TV]
Chan: [staring straight at the TV] you look nice Monica. [She smiles, embarrassed]
Mon: That is nice to know, it has been so long since I dressed up I wasn’t even sure if I still knew how too.
Sam: You look very nice mommy.
Mon: Thank you sweetie, [she walks up to Sam who is still sitting right beside Chandler leaning on him, she leans down and kisses Sam on the cheek, Chandler breathes in a  smell of her hair by accident he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath]
Mon: [standing up and looking at Chandler] You know the resaurant right? [she is obviously worried]
Chan: Hey don’t worry you have left me with him before, you trust me right?
Mon: Of course but it is just weird I usually get you to watch him when I am going to work, I will probably just panic all night… maybe I shouldn’t go?
Sam: Mommy you go and have fun, we will be fine and we have the number if there are any problems. [C&M look at him shocked]
Chan: Yeah… what he said.
Mon: I am going over to Joey’s now, I won’t be back to late though I promise.
Chan: [standing and walking her to the door, he puts his arm around her]  Just go and have fun like Sam says… we can survive a few hours in the house trust me. [They reach the door Chandler opens it, she turns to him and smiles]
Mon: Thanks, this really means so much to  me, my first time back in the world without Sam, thank you. [She kisses him on the cheek and leaves, he slowly closes the door and leans on it, he looks helplessly at Sam who is kneeling on the sofa facing him]
Chan: [still leaning on the door] Sam… we have a problem…
Sam: I noticed.
Chan: Is it that obvious?
Sam: I am a six year old kid… what do you think? [Chandler closes his eyes and touches his cheek where Monica kissed him, Sam smiles]