This takes place after Facing Responsibility. Once Chandler had gotten over the initial shock of becoming a father he was ready to take responsibility for Monica and their unborn child.

While walking down the hall the next day, Monica noticed that she was getting stares from her fellow schoolmates. She walked into the bathroom to look in the mirror. There was nothing on her clothes. She wondered why they were gawking at her. She took one last look in the mirror to make sure that nothing was on her face or in her hair. She opened the door to the bathroom and left. She met Phoebe at her locker. While she was approaching her, she noticed that Phoebe looked upset.

"Phoebe, are you okay?"

"Have you heard the rumor?"

"What rumor?"

"That you're knocked up by John Sanders."


"Yeah, I just heard it from this girl in my Science class."

"So that's why everybody's giving me weird looks."

"You don't think Chandler's heard this do you?"

"Oh God I sure hope not."

"Well, we'll find out during lunch."

"This is a nightmare."

"I'm sure this will get cleared up."

When Monica walked into History class, the entire room watched her as she walked to her seat. The late bell rang as soon as she was seated. The teacher was ready to start the lesson and asked for their homework. Monica tapped Holly on her shoulder and asked her why everyone was staring at her, even though she knew the answer.

"There's this rumor going around that you're pregnant by John Sanders."

"I've never even slept with him, and in case people haven't heard, I'm dating Chandler."

"People know that you're dating Chandler, but they're saying that he's not the father."

"I don't believe this."

"Monica, I'm not a nosy person, but are the rumors true? I mean about you being pregnant?" she whispered.

"Yeah, I am."

"Wow. Are you keeping it?"


"I wish you and Chandler lots of luck. These assholes around here love to gossip and keep things going. I just hope that you two stick together and not let them break you up."

"I hope so too."

Holly was one of the few people she trusted besides her friends. When she noticed that one of the girls who didn't like the idea of Monica and Chandler being together was still staring at her, Holly told the girl to stop staring and mind her business. The girl rolled her eyes and stop staring. The teacher told Greg to go around to collect the homework. When he reached Monica's desk he stood there with a smirk on his face.

"So, I heard you're knocked up. Is it Chandler's or John's?"

Monica looked up at him and gave him the finger. She glared at him as he picked up her homework off her desk and walked away. She felt like running out of the classroom, but she told herself that she would hold her head up high and not show all those who want to see her miserable, see that they've gotten the best of her. There were still a few stares as class was in session, but she did her work and ignored them. She was relieved when class was finally over. When the bell rang she made sure that she was last one to pack up her things to leave. The constant stares made her uncomfortable and angry. While walking to her locker, she spotted Joey walking toward her. When he approached her and he frowned up his face.

"What's wrong Mon?"

"This has been the worst day."

"Why? What happened?"

"You mean you haven't heard yet?"


"There's a rumor going around about me being pregnant by John."

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

"Have you seen Chandler?" He asked.

"Not since this morning."

"You think he's heard?"

"Probably. I think the whole school knows now."

"I should find John and kick his ass."

"I want you to, but don't. I don't want you getting in trouble because of him."

"Are you okay? You're not having morning sickness or anything?"

"No, not at all. I'm just really tired," She said putting her books in her locker.

"All right. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. Joey, please don't do anything."

"If you say so."

He gave her a hug and walked off. Joey often looked after Monica when Chandler wasn't around. He was like her second brother. She really appreciated him. She closed her locker and headed to the cafeteria. When she arrived she looked around and noticed that she got the same stares as she had been getting throughout the day. While walking to her usual table, she noticed Rachel sitting there shaking her head.

"I guess you've heard?" Monica asked sitting down.

"Have I? It's totally ridiculous."

"Tell me about it. I haven't dated John since last year."

"It doesn't matter. You're with Chandler now, and they can't stand that."

"Have you seen him?"

"No, not since earlier."

"He's probably freaking out right now."

"Hey people," Phoebe said, sitting down next to Rachel.

"Hey Pheebs," they said in unison.

"What a crappy day huh?"

"Oh yeah," Monica said.

"Feel like cutting school?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not."

When the lunch period was about to end, Monica looked at her watched. She hadn't seen Chandler at all. They had the same lunch period and he usually sat with them. Throughout the day, Monica was worried about Chandler's reaction to the rumor. She wondered if he would believe it. It would be ridiculous if he did. They spent the entire summer together and she didn't have anything to do with John. She was upset with John for spreading a rumor like that.

When school was over, she had gotten a ride from Rachel. When she took Monica home, she told her that she would come over when she was finished her homework. Monica thanked her for the ride home and went into the house. She went straight to her room and closed the door. She laid her back pack on the back of her chair and went over to her bed. She sat there for a few minutes before picking up the phone to call Chandler. While she was calling his house, he walked in her room. She hung up the phone as he sat on her bed. She was very nervous. He had an unreadable expression on his face. She didn't know what to make of it.

"So, calling John?"


"Just kidding," he broke off grinning.

"Chandler, that's not funny," She said, trying not to smile.

"I'm sorry."

"Where have you been?"

"Well, I got into a fight, and I was suspended."



"With John?"

"No. I got into a fight with some guy from the basketball team. He said some things about you that I didn't like."

"Chandler you can't....."

"I know, but he really pissed me off."

"How long are you suspended for?"

"Three days."


"I know."

"You seem okay now."

"Well, that's because I busted his lip."

"Oh my God. Today has been the day from hell."

"Aww, Come here."

Monica scooted over next to him and he held her in his arms.

"I was so worried that you would believe that stupid rumor."

"Of course not."

Monica pulled back and looked at him. He kissed her softly and looked her in the eyes.

"Why would I believe something like that?"

"That's what I kept asking myself," she said rubbing her feet.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, but my feet hurts."

"I'll take care of that."

Chandler took off his jacket and got comfortable. He told Monica to move back so that her back is against the bed post. She did as he told her, and he began massaging her feet.

"How does that feel?"

"It's feels good."

"I know," he said, grinning.

"You're so sweet."

"I know that too."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Monica closed her eyes as he went from massaging her feet to massaging her legs. It was just what she needed to relax her. Chandler always knew how to take her mind of things that were bothering her to make her feel better. She should have known better than to doubt his loyalty to her. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"So, are we still going to the prom?"

"Chandler, I'll be huge."

"You might deliver before the prom."

"Well, we'll see when I go back to the doctor."

"I bet I'm right."

"You probably are."

"If I am, will you go with me?"

"Yeah, I'll go."

"Thank you."

He moved closer to her and they kissed. She was nervous about the idea of going to the prom this year, but she couldn't see herself letting him down. It's his last year in high school and it's going to be a tough year preparing for the baby.

The three days that Chandler wasn't in school, was rough. People actually thought that he wasn't in school because he was upset to hear that he wasn't the father of Monica's baby. When Joey confronted John about starting the rumor, he denied it. Monica didn't tell the gang, but she believed him. Chandler had ex-girlfriends who didn't exactly like the idea of the two of them dating. She wondered which of them had started the rumor and how anyone found out. She didn't expect anyone to know about the pregnancy this soon. Chandler came to pick her up from school as usual. He could see how upset she was when she got in the car. Her face was a bright red.

"Mon, what happened?"

"Guess who else could be the father?"



"What! They're actually saying that?"

"Yeah, but start driving. I don't want people seeing us upset."

Chandler drove off, but he felt like getting out the car and beating people up.

"So, how did this happened?"

"I guess any guy they see me talking to they assume could be the possible father."

"That's ridiculous!"

"I know. Joey's been like a second brother to me, and now they've got him all mixed up in this."

"I can't believe this."

"This is what's it's gonna be like. The whole year is gonna be hell."

"We'll make it."

"Will we?"

"We're not gonna let this ruin us. We have another person to think about now. This is just a test."

"You're lucky this is your last year in high school."

"I'm sorry about all this angel."

"It's happening to you too. We're in this together."

"I know," he said, taking his hand in hers.

"I still can't believe that they're actually saying that Joey could be the father. I'm so pissed right now."

"You and me both."

On the way to the doctor, Chandler and Monica remained silent. Once in the doctor's office, they held a conversation other than what's been going on at school, until the doctor arrived. When the doctor came into the small room where they were waiting, he offered them a warm smile. Chandler all of a sudden became nervous. He didn't know why. He spoke to them and Monica introduced Chandler to the doctor. After a couple minutes, the doctor was ready to examine Monica, which made Chandler uncomfortable. Monica was told to lye back and relax. As she laid back, Chandler put his head down.

"Chandler, is this uncomfortable for you?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah. A little."

"It's okay Chandler," Monica said.

"I know. It's just a little weird."

"That's how most expectant fathers feel. Don't worry about it," the doctor said.

As the doctor examined Monica, he told him exactly what he was doing and why. He also talked to Chandler about his school activities such as sports, and told him that he was on the baseball and football team while in high school. The conversation seemed to put him at ease a bit. It put Monica at ease as well. When the examination was over, he told Monica that she could change out of her gown as he was leaving the room.

"See, that wasn't so bad," Monica said.

"I guess I was just a little freaked out."

"He's nice right?"

"Yeah. I like him."

"Good," she said smiling.

When they came back to Monica's parents house, they were in the living room watching TV. Jack turned the TV off when Chandler and Monica sat down.

"So, is everything all right?" He asked.


"How far along are you?"

"Three months."

"So, you're due in April?"

"Yeah," she answered.

"Are they sure everything's all right?"

"Yes dad," Monica said, smiling.

"Good. Then we'll have to start getting your room together."

"Good idea."

"So Chandler, were you weirded out?"

"How'd you guess?"

"I've been there a time or two."

Chandler and Monica smiled, but Judy wasn't. She didn't find anything amusing about the situation. She and Monica haven't spoken much since Judy told her that she doesn't do anything right. Chandler wanted to get Judy alone to talk to her one day. Monica was already having a tough time with her having to adjust to being pregnant, and now all the ridiculous rumors floating around school were getting to her. She didn't need the additional stress to deal with. Monica barely looked at her as they sat and talked about the baby. Judy looked as though she were about to leave the room.

"Have you two thought about names yet?"

"No, " Chandler answered.

"Well, while you're discussing this, I'll be in the next room."

"No. Don't worry about going to the next room. I will."

Monica got up and ran up the stairs. Chandler and Jack glared at her.

"I'll see if she's okay."

When Chandler disappeared, Jack walked into the kitchen without a word to Judy. He hated the way she was treating Monica. He wasn't actually thrilled with the idea of becoming a grandfather but he wanted to be there for Monica. He wished that his wife felt the same way.

Chandler was standing in the center of Monica's room, holding her in his arms. Her face was buried in his chest. He caressed her hair and gently rocked her. He didn't say a word. He just held her in his arms until she stopped crying. When she calmed down, she looked up at Chandler. He gently kissed her and then smiled at her. He knew just how to calm her and bring a smile to her face without having to say anything.


"Yeah. Thank you so much Chandler."

"For what?"

"For always been here for me."

"That's what I'm supposed to do."

"Thank you anyway."

"My pleasure angel."

"I love you," she said, with tears filling her eyes.

He kissed her again, and they tears fell from her eyes. He wiped the tears away with the back of his hand.

"I love you too."

A week later, John approached both Chandler and Monica at her locker.

"What do you want?" Monica snapped.

"I just want the both of you to know that I had nothing to do with these rumors that's going around."


"I believe you," Monica said.

"What?" they said in unison.

"Chandler, I've been thinking about this. You do have a few ex girlfriends who don't want to see us together. One of them could have started those rumors."

"Yeah, you might want to talk to Cynthia," John said.

"That's a good idea."

"Look, I may not be the nicest guy in the world, but spreading rumors is not my thing, and I'm sorry this is happening to you guys."

"We appreciate that," Monica said.

When he walked away, Chandler and Monica looked at each other.

"You think he means it? " Chandler asked.

"Yeah. Although I don't know why."

"Me either."

After lunch, Chandler and Monica saw Cynthia talking to a few of her friends down the hall, so they casually made their way to her. She looked surprised to see the both of them together.

"You looked shocked to see us."

"May I help you?"

"We just wanna know if you had anything to do with spreading these rumors about Monica."

"Oh please."

"Well, did you?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Does it look like we're kidding?" Chandler said angrily.

"Look Chandler, I admit, that I overheard Monica and Rachel talking about it, but I didn't spread those rumors."

"Oh my God. You really expect us to believe that?" Monica yelled.

"Guys, she's telling the truth," her friend said.

"Of course you're gonna take up for her."

"If I were gonna to spread something, it would be the truth."

"Sure," Chandler said sarcastically.

"I would have told people that you knocked Monica up to piss you off, but I wouldn't lie about who knocked her up. Give me a little credit."

"This is getting nowhere," Monica said frustrated."

"Chandler, I didn't wanna get involved in this, but you should know who actually started those rumors."

"Well, who is it?"

"I can't believe that you didn't suspect him," Tammy said.

"Who's spreading these rumors?" Monica asked.