BY CREASSYA

This takes place after Being There. Chandler has a new girlfriend that he's been dating for a month. Phoebe, Rachel, and Joey were a little surprised, until they saw who he was dating. She's very similar to Monica. They didn't say anything to him about it, but they wanted to. Monica likes his girlfriend, but it's hard for her to see him with someone.

I'm happy for him, I really am. He deserves to be happy. She's a nice person. I like her. Who am I kidding? I hate seeing them together. Actually, I hate seeing him with anyone. We've gotten really close this year, and I guess I was kinda hoping that he would stay single. I feel incredibly selfish for saying this, but I don't want him with anybody but me. I think we would be really good together. We understand each other, we have fun, we talk. I wanna hate her, but I can't. She's unlike his other girlfriends, which is a surprise. He did tell me that he was getting tired of dating girls who reminded him of his mother. I guess he's maturing, besides, I shouldn't really worry about this. He doesn't usually stay with anyone for longer than two months. It's so weird. I keep dreaming about him. Last night, I dreamt that we were kissing in the hallway by my locker. We stopped kissing because it felt like we were being watched. Little did we know, the entire school was watching us kiss. I woke up this morning laughing. It would be nice to kiss him. Sometimes when he's talking to me, I get lost in that gorgeous face of his, and have to force myself to snap out of it.

I don't know what to do anymore. We're always on the phone with each other at night, I still visit him, and he's usually over here, but it's starting to scare me. I know now that my feelings for him are getting stronger, and that this isn't just a crush anymore. I'm feeling all sorts of things that I wasn't feeling before. When he walks into a room, I get butterflies in my stomach. When he smiles at me, my palms start sweating and I feel dizzy. When he takes hold of my hand, I have to take deep breaths. I never knew a person could have such a strong effect over another person. It's all new to me and I'm not sure how to handle it. If I'm feeling all this, I probably wouldn't be able to handle kissing him, as if I would ever get the chance. I mean, I'm not putting myself down, but he just sees me as a friend, or maybe even a little sister. At one point, I felt so comfortable around him. Now, I'm so nervous I can't stand it. He either, smiles or sits a certain way that'll drive me absolutely crazy. I was talking to him the other day and he went over to his bed and laid on his back with his hands behind his head. I don't remember what he said because I wasn't really listening. My eyes were glued to his face. He said something and made the cutest face, and Oh my God, I can't even put into words what that did to me.

The smile on his face, the touch of his hands, the look in his eyes, when he softens his voice, puts his hands in his pockets, laughs, really gets to me, in a way that's hard to explain. I could sit and stare at him for hours. I know I sound adolescent, but it's how I feel. I can't turn it off, although at times, I wish I could. I can't help it. I think about Chandler all the time. I can't get him off my mind, and sometimes it's torture. Especially since he has a girlfriend. So far me and his girlfriend get along okay. I can tell she really likes him. He doesn't talk about her though. He'll mention that he's going over to her house or something, but he doesn't say much about her. I wonder why. Maybe he just tells Joey things about her. Anyway, I'll just have to grin and bare it. I know I've done it before, but he and I weren't as close.


She closed her diary and sat there for a few seconds. She opened it back up and read over what she had just written. When she was finished reading, she closed the diary and put it away. It was Christmas break and she was taking advantage of sleeping in. She had slept until noon, and when she had finally waken up, she began writing in her diary. Sometimes the need to write in her diary brought about an urgency she couldn't explain. She would have some things on her mind that she just had to get down on paper, and this was one of those times. She finally got out of bed and stretched. When she went over to the window, the phone rang. She slowly walked back over to her night stand and picked up the phone.


"How are you on this cold afternoon?"

"Hi Chandler."

"Hey, how'd you know it was me?"

"Wild guess."

"So, you ready for Christmas?"


"Me either."

"Everyone else is."

"That because they're weird."

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am."

"So, what do you want for Christmas?"

"That's an easy one. A normal mother."

"I wish I could grant you that wish."

"You and me both."

"So, what are you getting Tina for Christmas?"

"I have to get her something?"

"Chandler, she is your girlfriend."

"I know, but we haven't been going out that long."

"Well, how are you gonna feel when she buys you something, and you didn't get her anything?"

"She got me something?"

"I'm not allowed to say."


"You don't wanna get her anything?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what to get her."

"I'll help you."

"You will?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Okay, I'll come by to pick you up in a couple hours."

"All right."

"Did she tell you what she wanted?"

"Not in so many words."

"Okay, I'll be there shortly."

"I'll be waiting." She said smiling.

As soon as she got off the phone with Chandler, it rang again.


"Hey Mon."

"Hey Rach."

"What are you doing today?"

"Oh, Chandler's coming to pick me up. We're going shopping."

"Oh cool, for who?"

"His girlfriend."

"Wow Mon, I don't know how you do it."

"Do what?"

"This. You're a better person than I am. I don't think I could do it."

"I'm just being a friend."

"I know. Good luck."

"Thanks, I'll need it."

"I'll call you later."


When Monica hung up the phone, she immediately began to get ready. She didn't know what made her volunteer, but it was too late to back out now. Even though she wanted Chandler for herself, she decided to put his happiness ahead of her own. She didn't want to be totally selfish.

Two hours later, Chandler was standing at the front door. Monica smiled at him and closed the door behind her. When they walked to the car, he opened the door for her. When she was inside, he closed the car door and walked around to the driver's side and got in.

"Thank you for doing this." He said smiling.

"It's no problem." She said shaking.

When he smiled at her, she instantly became nervous. On the way to the mall, Chandler noticed how quiet Monica was being.

"Mon, what's wrong?"


"You're kinda quiet."

"Am I really?"

"Nah." He said grinning.

"You're a mess."

"I know."

Chandler wasn't sure what to get Tina, so Monica suggested that he buy her a watch. He thought it was a good idea. They had been to store after store, with no luck. They were at the mall for hours. Just as they were about to leave, Monica spotted a watch that she thought Tina would like. He didn't really care, as long as he had gotten her something.

"So, you think she'll like this?"

"Of course."

"All right. Let's go."

"You're so happy to have this over with." Monica said.

"You got that right."

Chandler pulled in front of Monica's house and he turned off the engine.

"Thanks again for doing this Monica. I really appreciate it."

"Your welcome. You want me to hold it for you?"

"You would do that?"

"Of course."

"You're the best." He said gazing at her.

"I know." She said smiling.

"Hold on for a sec."

Chandler got out of the car and went around to Monica's side and opened the door for her.

"Awww, you didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to." He closed the door once she stepped out.

He walked her to the door and they stood and looked at each other fondly. He then pulled her into a hug for a few seconds and kissed her softly on the forehead. He was tempted to kiss her lips, but he knew that he shouldn't.

"I'll talk to you later." He said.


Chandler slowly walked back to his car and drove off. As soon as he walked in the door, Tina was there sitting on the couch.

"Hey." He said smiling.

"Hi there."

"How long have you been here?"

"About five minutes."

"Good. Come on."

While they were heading up to his room, he was glad that Monica offered to hold the watch for him. When Chandler closed the door to his room, he put his arms around Tina's waist and she put her arms around his neck and they kissed. She thought that he was the sexiest guy she'd ever laid eyes on, not to mention, sweet, handsome, generous, funny, and a great kisser. When they pulled apart, Tina went over and sat at his desk.

"So, what have you been up to today?"

"I went to the mall."

"Christmas shopping?"


"So, what did you get your Mom?"

"I couldn't find anything for her."

"Did you ask her what she wanted?"

"She has everything."

"Well, you still have a little time."

"Yeah, I'm not worried about it. I'm sure I'll find her something."

"Chandler couldn't care less about what to get his Mom for Christmas, and he didn't care if she got him anything. He didn't want to tell her that though. He didn't feel comfortable telling people about his relationship with his mother. He was used to hiding things from people. He confided in Joey a long time ago about how he felt about his mother, and also Monica. She was so easy to talk to. He knew that no matter what he said to her, she would understand.

"So, are you still having a New Year's Eve party?"

"Yeah, my mom's gonna be out of town so..."



"Chandler, are you okay?"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. You seem so far away."

"Oh, I'm just a little tired, that's all."

Monica sat in her room talking to Phoebe and Rachel.

"It's a really pretty watch. I want it." Rachel said.

Monica smiled and shook her head.

"This doesn't make you feel weird?" Phoebe asked.

"Well, a little, but I like her y'know. Plus I wanna see him happy, even if it's not with me."

"Wow, you're amazing." Phoebe commented.

"Why would you say that?" Monica asked.

"Well, you offered to go shopping with him to buy his new girlfriend something for Christmas considering that you have a huge crush on him, you're holding the gift for him, and you want him to be happy with someone else." Phoebe said.

"I didn't say that I wanted him to be happy with someone else. I said that I want to see him happy."

"Yeah, but he's not with you."

"Don't you think I know that? I can't force Chandler to be with me. So, I'll just have to be his friend instead. It's not so bad."

"You have a lot of self control." Rachel said shaking her head.

"Well, maybe I do, but I don't have much experience with this stuff."

"I think you should make a move on him." Phoebe said.

"What? Do you not know me at all? I'm not Rachel."

"She's not y'know."


"So, I couldn't do that. Even if I wanted to make a move on him, he has a girlfriend."

"Mon, we all know that she's gonna be history soon. Just wait for him to dump her." Rachel said.

"She's right."

"Look, I appreciate how supportive you've been about my feelings for Chandler, but right now, I'm just gonna do what's best for me and for him."

"Which is?" Rachel asked.

"Being his friend."

"Monica, he has plenty of friends."

"That's where you're wrong. The only one who's a real friend to Chandler is Joey."

"I hear what you're saying. You're your own person. You can't do what me or Phoebe would do. Just do what your heart tells you to do.

"Thank you."

"I still say she's crazy." Phoebe said.

"You're calling me crazy?" Monica asked raising an eyebrow.

"Totally." Phoebe said smiling.

Later that night, Chandler laid in bed thinking about Tina and Monica. Tina was really sweet, pretty, and understanding. Monica on the other hand, was everything. Whenever  he would try to think about Tina, Monica crept into his mind. He liked Tina because she was so different from all the other girls he'd gone out with. He knew that he shouldn't be having feelings for someone else while he was in a relationship, but he couldn't help how he felt. He was very much attracted to Monica, but part of him was afraid of her and he didn't know why. He sat up and reached for the phone. Monica answered after the third ring. She sounded as if she were asleep.

"Monica? Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, what's on your mind?"

"I just wanted to thank you for holding the watch for me. When I got home she was waiting for me."


"Yeah, I thought about the you holding the watch as soon as I saw her."

"It was a good thing then."

"I know." He said lying on his back.

"Are you all right Chandler?"

"Not really."

"What's wrong?"

"I told Tina I went Christmas shopping, and she asked me if I had gotten anything for my Mom, and I told her that I couldn't find anything for her. The truth is, I don't plan on buying her anything."

"You don't mean that."

"Yes I do. I'm SO not in the mood this year."

"Chandler, I can help you pick something out for her. What does she like?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"I don't care."

"Sure you do."

"You think so huh?"

"Yeah, otherwise you wouldn't be angry."

"I'm sorry Monica, I didn't mean to wake you up with all this."

"Chandler, it's no problem, really. I mean, you need somebody to talk to about this stuff right?"

"Yeah, but I just don't wanna burden you with my problems."

"You're not a burden Chandler."

"Y'know're like an angel." He said softly.

"No I'm not."

"Yeah, you are."

"Well, thank you.

Christmas morning, Chandler was sitting in the living room on the couch waiting for Nora to come downstairs. There weren't any presents under the tree except for one small one that he didn't see until seconds earlier. He was about to see what it was, but Nora was coming downstairs.

"So honey, ready for your present?"

Chandler looked underneath the tree at the small gift, without a word.

"I guess."

"Good. I know we haven't been communicating much lately, which is partly my fault. This won't make up for me being such a lousy parent, but I figured you could use it."

Chandler looked from her, to the small present underneath the tree, wondering if that was what she felt that he needed.

"Okay, I guess I'm ready now." He said with no enthusiasm.

She went over and stood by the door with a smile on her face as he stood up.

"Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"Just come on." Nora insisted.

Chandler walked to the door as she opened it. He looked at her strangely as she stood there smiling. He looked outside a saw a brand new car sitting in front of the house with a red ribbon around it. He looked back at Nora in surprise. She was beaming.

"This is my Christmas present?"

"Yeah silly."

Chandler walked outside and examined his car with a smile on his face. He looked at Nora who was standing in the doorway. He slowly walked to the door and hugged her.

"Thanks Mom." He said softly.

Minutes later, they were sitting on the couch talking. Nora thought that Chandler had gotten her the small gift that was under the tree. It was a fourteen karat gold bracelet. The card on the gift read that it was from him. She loved it and couldn't stop hugging him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Monica came by here yesterday."


"When you were out with Tina. We talked for a long time. She's such a sweet girl."

"Yeah, she is."

"I asked her what was going on with you. She was a little reluctant to tell me, but she eventually told me."

"What did she tell you?"

"She said that you were feeling a little neglected, and lonely."

"That's all?"

"Well, I know she was probably holding back because she felt that she was betraying your trust, but she told me how you were feeling. So, I decided to blow off all my plans and spend the whole day with my son."

"What? Did I hear right?"

"Yeah, I need to do this more often."

"Yeah, you should. It would be nice to see you home for more than an hour." Chandler said.

"I know. Why didn't you ever tell me this before?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm just not a confrontational person."

"You surely don't get that from me." Nora said.

Chandler smiled and shook his head. He spend the rest of Christmas Day with Tina and his mother. Tina loved the watch Monica picked out for her. The entire time he was in the presence of Tina and his mother, he wanted to pick up the phone to call Monica. Even though he enjoyed spending time with them, he wanted Monica there also. He felt that she was the reason he was having such a wonderful Christmas. After Monica talked to Nora, she had decided to finally spend some much deserve time with him. He knew that they still had a long way to go, but it was a start.

Later that night, Monica was sitting on her bed in a sweat shirt and sweat pants. She was about to call Chandler, until she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in."

Chandler peaked in with a smile, and she immediately began to feel butterflies in her stomach. He walked in carrying a present.

"I just thought I'd bring you you're present being that you weren't home all day."

"Yeah, we just came from nana's. You didn't have to buy me anything."

"Of course I had to."

"Well, in that case, here's yours." She said pulling his gift from underneath her bed.

"I SO didn't expect you to get me anything." He said with a grin.

"How could I not?"

Monica opened hers first. When she saw what he had gotten her, she smiled.

"Skates. Thank you so much Chandler." Monica said, standing to hug him.

She broke the hug and sat back down on the bed. He sat down also, and opened his gift from her. He tore it open, and his face lit up.

"A baseball glove. How did you know?"

"I just figured you'd like it being that you play baseball." She said smiling.

"I love it!"

"I knew you would."


"Hey, did your Mom like the bracelet?"

"It was you? You bought it for her?"

"No, you did." She said smiling.

"When did you get it?"

"The other day. You said that you didn't wanna get her anything and I figured she would want something, so I spotted it when I went to the mall with Phoebe and Rachel. I thought she'd like it."

"She did."

"Good." Monica said.

"Thanks a lot Mon. This has been the best Christmas I've had so far."


"Yeah, my Mom told me that the two of you talked. What ever you said worked. She stayed home all day."

"That's great. So it was just the two of you?"

"Well, Tina was there for a while."

"Did she like the watch?"

"Yeah, she did. Monica, I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you've done."

"Well, it's worth it to see you happy."

"You really are an angel." Chandler said softly.

"I try." Monica said with a smile.

"I see that."

"So, do you like your car?"

"How did you.....?"


"She told you?"


"Thanks again Mon, for everything." He said standing up.

"Your welcome."

When she got up off the bed, he came over to her and hugged her tightly. They felt really comfortable in each other's arms, but broke the hug before it started to feel too good. She walked him downstairs and watched him as he got into his brand new white Mazda Miata. She closed the door with a smile on her face. Knowing that she had contributed to how happy he was, made her feel good. She was glad that he and his Mom got the chance to talk and spend time with each other. He lacked attention from her, and Monica knew that more than anything, he wanted his mother there to spend some time with him, to put him first for once, and today, she finally did. Monica walked back up to her room, knowing that she wouldn't have any problems falling asleep.

Chandler got into bed thinking about the how wonderful his day had gone. He wasn't looking forward to Christmas, but it turned out a lot better than he expected it to. More than anything having his mother put everything to the side and spend time with him, made his day. The entire day, he Monica written all over it. Monica talking to Nora, made all the difference in the world, but she didn't stop there. She had gotten his mother a beautiful gold bracelet, and put on the card that it was from him, which made Nora happy, and she picked out a beautiful watch for Tina, which she loved. Even though they weren't close friends for that long a time, he wondered how he managed without her.