TOW Ross is pissed!
by: Ashley

I'm not doing a Summery so ... No spoiler before the beginning.:)
Disclaimer: These Characters Belong to Bright Kauffman and Crane, not me. I am Just Borrowing them. I will put them Back where I Found them. Promise:)
[Guys Apartment. Joey is Talking to the duck.]
JOEY: I don't know what happened To your treats.

DUCK: Quack!

JOEY: I am Not! I don't know where your Treats are!!!!!

DUCK: Quack!

JOEY: Dude. I'm telling you, I have no Idea Where They are.

CHI: Peep

DUCK: Quack!

JOEY: Hey, STOOL PIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CHIK: BOCK!!!!!!!!! :)

[Opening Credits]


Commercial Space

Opening Credit space

[Cut to: Chandler's office: He is There Working on his Computer.. Well then a VERY Pissed Ross comes in.[now you know where I Got the Title:)]

CHAN: Y'know NEXT Time you knock on the door.

ROSS: What the hell do you think your doing!

CHAN: [confused] Typing Numbers.

ROSS: No, No ,No I Mean with, uh , I dunno, My uh, My SISTER !!!!!

CHAN: What!?

ROSS: yeah You've been SLEEPING With my Little Sister!! You Seduced her Till she slept with you!

CHAN: That is SO Not True!!!!!

ROSS: So your not sleeping with my sister?

CHAN:I am. [Ross looks Even more Angry Chandler gets up and Closes the door.]


CHAN: Ross it's More than Just Sleeping together. I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!

ROSS: That's Nice, Well you can never See her again!!!!

CHAN: WHat Why????

ROSS: Well, one of You is Just Gonna Get Hurt ! I Don't want you hurting my sister !!! You Can Never Even look at her again.

CHAN: No No!!! You Can't stop me!!! And When you think abouut it you'll be the one hurting her!!!!

ROSS: No I Won't. I'll just be doing her Favor!

CHAN: SHe isn't Janice. I'm Not gonna Brake up with Her.

ROSS: [walking out the door] Lets just hope!!! And When You get home You got straight to your Room!!!

CHAN[obedient]: Yes MoM!

[Cut to: The Girls Apartment. Monica and Rachel are playing "Go Fish" At the table]

MON: Gotta two?

RACH: Go fish!

MON: God I have like a THOUSAND cards!!

PHOE: Y'know thats a VERY Cruel Game.

RACH: Pheebs it's just Cards!!!

PHOE: Oh well still.

[the phone rings Phoebe picks it up]

PHOE:[On Phone] Hello [pause] Oh OK.... Oh Monica, It's Chaaaandler!

[Mon gets up a little angry and embarrassed]

MON: Hey!

[Cut to: Chandler's Office]

CHAN: How come Ross just came barging in my office telling me to never see you again??

[Cut to: The Kitchen]


[Cut to: Chan]

CHAN: Yeah, he came in here and told me to go straight to my room!!

[Cut to: Mon]


[Cut to: Chan]

CHAN: That's right, OH MY GOD!!!!

[Cut to: Mon]

MON: I mean how did he find out?

[Cut to: Chan]

CHAN: I don't know. But I mean could he *BE* more pissed?[It's been a while!] Does anyone else know??

[Cut to: Mon]

MON: yeah Just Rachel and Phoebe. But they have been with me all day!

[cut to: Chan]

CHAN: Oh, great. Well, I'm gonna take off work early. So that way I can see you once more.While I'm in one piece.

[Cut to: Mon]

MON:Awwwww, Thats sweet! [pause] I love you.

[Cut to: Chan]

CHAN: I love you too. Bye.

[cut to:Mon]

MON: Bye.

RACH: What happend?

MON: YOU HEARD!!!!!!!!

RACH: oh Yeah!!!

PHOE: I Really hope Ross doesn't hurt Chandler.

[Mon sits down Frusterated.]

[Time lapse. everyone but Ross and Chandler are at the "Girls" Apartment]

JOEY: Did Ross really say that?

MON: Well, Yeah. I guess I mean Chandler doesn't lie to me!

PHOE: What about that time...


PHOE: Oh yeah.

[Chandler comes in. Monica gets up from the couch and they kiss. Rachel and Phoebe turn their heads. Joey takes a big ass bite of his samwitch.(one of his passions!)]

MON: Hey.

CHAN: Hey.

[They Kiss once more. Cut to: the girls and Joey]

PHOE: Joey, how on earth can you stand that !?

JOEY: I dunno. Used to it!

RACH: Huh?

JOEY: Hey, You aren't in the next room!! You get used to it pretty damn quick.


[Cut to: C&M]

CHAN: So, maybe we should leve before Ross gets home!

MON: Yeah.

[They open the door and there is Ross standing there pissed once again.]

[Commercial break]

[Commerical space]

[Same place,Same Time Y'know.]

MON: Hey Ross! How .. are you.

ROSS: Been Better.

JOEY:Huh? Why is Ben better? (Author'sNote;As in Ross' Kid)


[Joey and Phoebe Laugh.]

ROSS: You two are digusting!

C/M: Huh?

ROSS: Who here agree's with me that this is Disgusting?

RACH: I Actually think it's cute.

ROSS: Oh Someone's Gotta think this is disgusting.

CHAN: I do.


ROSS: See I Told you You'd hurt her!

CHAN: No,no I think it's disgusting that you are pushing us to .. to... I dunno..Um How do you put it? I Guess I'm gonna have to use the cheesy.. Worn Out Stupid line that only loser country singers use (Author's note I Don't mean that!) Pushing us to fall out of love. There happy? I Said Something Half way serious.

ROSS; You know what would make me hap...

PHOE[Interrupting]: OK Ross SHUT UP!

CHAN: Ha Ha !

PHOE: Shut up Ok I do think it's a little disgusting the hole Chandler and Monica thing. But I DO not think it's disgusting that the fact that they love eachother Ross, Get over it.

ROSS: You Can't Tell me what to do!

PHOE: The Hell I can young man, I'll kick your [now through Gritted teeth] scrawy little gel covered ass from here to .... god knows where.!


PHOE: What You don't think I Can Kick you Little whiney ass!


CHAN/ROSS: Shut up!

CHAN/ROSS: Shes my Girlfriend/She's my sister! (Author's note: Please god tell me you know where those fit!)

MON: OK Stop it!

CHAN/ROSS: Shut up.

MON: Neither of you can talk to me Like that, Who do you think you are?

CHAN/ROSS: OK Now they are yelling so loud you can't understand what's Being said. Then Mon Joins in. Then Joey Gets a MAD Look on his face and Joins in.. Then Phoebe Gets VERY Angry and joins in. Rachel Does Something Smart and walks out the door. NOT looking back.Oops She forgot her Purse. Now shes gone.]

[Central Perk. Rachel is there. Just Sitting there. She digs through her purse. She pulls out a Moldy samwitch [Author's note: FYI Joey did that] and she throughs it behind her. Gunther Walks over and Picks it up.He acts like he's about to but it in the garbage, instead he puts it in a bag and puts it down,then smiles in contentment. Rachel Comes up to the counter.]

RACH: Hey, Umm How about a Lattè No Whipped Cream Just Cinnomen [Author's not: I suck at spelling!]and What Is that Smell. [Sniffs the air] It Kinda smells like when Joey Lost his Samwitch in the radiator. Phew!

[Rach leaves Gunther Takes the bag and dumps it in the garbage.]

[Rach is walking back to her seat notices someone and Starts walking over there. We Got a Shot of te Back of the man's head. A close up of his shoulder. Rachel Taps it the man turns around. But Before we can see who it is the Camra Flashes Back to Rachel (Authors Note: If you know what's about to happen I should not give out my "top secret plots" :) ]

RACH: Can I sit here.

MAN: Sure.

[OK NOW The Camra dude lets us see who this guy is. It is none-other than Well,Well One of Mon's X's Hmm Who is it? Oh it is infact Richard.]


RICH: Hey where's everyone at? Aren't there like 5 more of ya?

RACH: Yeah Um There upstairs Fighting. And I know in about an hour Phoebe will have everyone in corners. Like five year olds.

RICH: Whats the "Fight" about?

RACH: Um Long Story.

RICH: well how did it start.

RACH: Ross came home and started yelling at Chandler and Monica Then Ross picked a fight with Chandler. Then Monica got involved. And Something was said about Joey that got him ANGRY! Then Phoebe Hates Fighting So She just went in there and Kicked some ass. Well I Didn't stay Long enough to ACTUALLY see her kick ass. But I was there Long enough to know.

RICH[Sarcastic]: OH Thats... Juicy.

RACH: Sorry, Gossip world is Running low.

RICh: I work in a world of boring little men. Whats your world again?

RACH: UH Gay man and Straight wemen.

RICH: Hey, That's like comparing Chandler to Monica !

RACH[Chuckles,uneasy]:Yeah, Not Really.

RICH: Are you afraid to go up to your apartment?

RACH: Yes Very Much.

RICH: I gotta spare room.


RICH: I never said you could stay there!

RACH: oh.

RICH: Just Kidding. Come on.

RACH: oh.

[And they leave. We see a shot of Gunther a Little Angry.]

[Back to the Girls apartment Phoebe is out in the middle of the room,Satisfied. Everyone else is in a corner.]

PHOE: OK Who wants to Apologive first?

ALL: Pfft......

[Phoebe Walks up to Ross and Pulls his ear. Then pulls him over by his ear over to Chandler's coner.]

PHOE: Apologize!

ROSS: For what? Him trying to screw my sister...uh no!

CHAN: Hey!!!! It's nothing Like that!!


CHAN: Shut up!

MON: You Shut up!

ROSS: Both of you shut up!

JOEY: Everyone Shut up! [Now they are aruguing REALLY loud]

PHOE: QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[And Now they are Quiet.]

PHOE:Thats Better!

[cut to: Richard's Apartment. He and Rach Are just entering.]

RICH: Here we are make yourself at home.

RACH: No Porblem. As long as you have a TV and a Bathroom. I'm happy.

RICH:I Beleive we have a Problem....

RACH: What?

RICH: You have to pee out the window sorry@

RACH: Ugh!!!!!! You are joking Right?

RICH: Yes.


RICH: OK Now, I'm Just curious ... Can you go into more detail about that Fight.

RACH: Uh... Richard You REAAALLLLYYYYY Don't wanna know what that fight is about

RICH: Then how come I do?

RACH: Y'know I'm Really Tired. So... Night Night.

[She goes to the couch.]

RICH: It's 8:00.

RACH: Uh... Monica and her new.... bed have been keeping me up at night.

RICH: New bed?? Or new bed Friend.

RACH: Stop that! Your Getting more annoying then Monica's new bed friend..Oops.

RICH: I Don't care!

RACH: Ok, But if you found out who it was you'd probably have the same reaction I did.

RICH: And what was that?

RACH: I Freaked out completely!

RICH:I'm not you I won't "Freak out"

RACH:Uhh...... You know You might just be ... wrong. [Authors note: They are not going to sleep together I am NOT Dan Silverstein!]

[Scene: Now everyone's out in the middle of the rooom just glaring at eachother. Then Chandler burst out into Laughter Everyone looks at him.

ALL: What.

CHAN: Do you relise How stupid we seem.

MON: Yeah Kinda Funny Actually!

JOEY: Yeah, i mean so what if you think my acting sucks !!!

PHOE:And my Singing Sux!

ROSS:And I'm obsessive.

CHAN:And My Jokes get annoying.

PHOE: OK Now we are getting cheesy.

[Everyone agrees and they start Talking nicely. Chandler and Monica walks out of the group.]

CHAN: Hey sorry about all of that.

MON: Me too.

CHAN: And if I Said anything Mean or rude I didn't mean it. (Aw. OK I Need a Joke in here)

MON: Yeah me either. oH and Your jokes aren't THAT annoying.

CHAN:Thanx. So we're cool?

MON: Icy Cold!

[They hug and kiss. Ross spots them from Across the room and Walks over to them Chandler and Monica Break apart.]

ROSS: Hey Guys Sorry About what I said I mean it may Take me a while to get use to this But, Well I'm sorry.

CHAN: OK thanx.

MON: Your welcome. Sorry.

[Comercial break.]

[Ending scene: Rachel is on the phone she just hangs up.]

RACH: oK Everything is neutral over at home. I'll just leave.

RICH:Yeah. Bye.

[Rach Walks out the door.]

RICH: Hey maybe you'd like to go out to dinner sometime?

RACH: Yeah, Sure. Bye.


(and we get a nice shot of a closing door.)

OK Feedback FEEDBACK. Please send me Feed back. This is the last entry to my Pigion feed Trilogy Next is My Vegas Trilogy. PLease Peole Feed back@!!! Oh and to the Two Wonderful Peeps who sent me Feedback beforew Thank ya SOOOOOO Much!!!!!! That Made me fel so good!!!!! Yippeee Remember FEEDBACK. FEEDBACK. Oh and on Vegas Trilogy The First ONe is Just gonna Be a Scene Of Mon and Richard's Lunch Tay! Luv Yall!!!