TOW The Dino Dig Part 2

This is the second part of my first fan fic. TOW The Dino Dig Part 1.

(Scene: Where we left off the plane pulling away form the gate)

(Joey comes bolting in and through the closing door. He throws his boarding
pass to the lady while running. The lady picks up the boarding pass and runs
after him. He jumps into the plane just as the doors are about to shut.
Puffing and panting he goes to find his seat. The gang still has worried
faces. Joey reaches his seat and the Monica, Chandler and Phoebe look up.)
Joey: (Still puffed out) H. Hey you g.guys
Pho: Joey you're here! YAY!
Mon: Oh my god are you all right?
Joey: Y.. yeah I'm ok. I'm just a bit puffed
Chan: What happened man?
Joey: Just lemme catch my breath of a while
All: Ok
[Cut to Ross & Rachel up in first class]
Rach: (still worried) Do you think Joey is on board?
Ross: Rach, I don't know probably. Stop worrying, if he misses this one he
can catch the next one.
Rach: ok.
PA System: Can all passengers please put on there seat belts as we are about
to head down the run way are ready for lift off. Thank You.
(Everyone puts on there seat belts)
(Rachel puts her seat belt on and tightens it then she pulls down the window
curtain thing and sits there all still and frozen. Ross watched her every
move and looked at her weirdly)
Ross: (Taking Rachel's hand) What's the matter?
Rach: (still frozen but squeezing Ross's hand) Nothing
Ross: It's not nothing. You're tense and frozen.
Rach: It's nothing. Really!
Ross: You're afraid of flying?
Rach: Uh.yeah.
Ross: Don't worry it's nothing
Rach: How can you say it's nothing. Aren't you scared this plane might drop
in mid air. Then we'll all die? If we drop from mid air we are all gonna
die. (She squeezes his hand harder as the plane takes off.)
Ross: (In pain) Owww Rachel my hand!
Rach: (Lets go of his hand.) Oops sorry.
Ross: (Shaking his hand around) It's ok.
Rach: Oh no. I'm feeling sick.
Ross: (Grabs the little bag you get when you're on the plane.) Here use
this. And take nice deep breaths. In and Out. In and Out.
Rach: (Doing what Ross says) Wow. It's working
Ross: See. What do you know!
PA System: And the plane is in the air everyone!
Ross pulls up the curtain and Rachel closes her eyes
Ross: Take a look Rachel.
Rach: I can't!
Ross: Come on. We're not going to drop and die Rachel. Just one look. (Ross
takes her hand)
Rach: Ok.
Ross: Now!
Rachel opens her eyes and looks outside.
Rach: Ohhh. My gosh it's beautiful.
Ross: I know. Just like you.
Rach: Awww Ross!
Turns around and kisses him.

[Cut to Joey and the rest of the gang]

Joey: Ok I'm ok now
Mon: So you gonna tell us what happened?
Joey: Ok well I took the chick and the duck down to the Animal shelter and
when I got there the guard wouldn't let me in. I asked him if I could leave
the chick and duck there so they could look after it for the week but they
wouldn't. So I went in to talk to the lady in charge if took ages to
convince her but finally I did it but she made me fill in these papers which
took longer than I thought. Then I only had about 25 minutes to get to the
airport. There was a traffic jam and the cab couldn't get through then I
gave him 20 bucks and then he got me to the airport as fast as he could.
Then I ran all the way to the gate and threw my boarding pass at woman at
the gate and ran on in and thank god I made it.
Chan: Oh I just thought you decided not to come.
Joey: And why would I do that?
Chan: I dunno
Joey: Australia has gorgeous women right?
Chan: Well from what I've heard. Yeah!
Mon: Guys are so pathetic!
Chan & Joey: What?
Mon: Ergh! Never mind!
Pho: What time is it?
Mon: Our time or Australia's time?
Pho: Australia.
Mon: I don't know. But it'll be tomorrow in our time.
Pho: Really?
Mon: Yep. So if it's Tuesday in New York then it's going to be Wednesday in
Pho: Awesome! Cool! Can they actually do that?
Mon: Um Pheebs that's like a time zone. It's like that.
Pho: Oh ok I just thought you could just change the time but not the day!
Chan: How long is this flight to Australia gonna take?
Mon: About 19 to 20 hours
Chan: Oh man! My legs are gonna die
A few hours later
PA system: We are approximately 9 hours and 46 minutes from our destination.
Chan: Great! Just another 9 hours and 46 minutes!
Pho: What's wrong with you Chandler?
Chan: Nothing I just bored. There's nothing to do.
Flight attendant walks by.
Chan: Excuse me can I please have a colouring book?
Fli Att: (Confused) Uh ok hold on
Chan: Oh no.I'm not weird or anything I'm just bored I need something to do
Fli Att: Oh ok. (Walks off to get Chandler his colouring book)
Chan: Thank You!

[Cut to Ross & Rachel]

(Pulls her chair down which turns into a bed)
Rach: I love first class this is so cool.
Ross: I know
(Ross pulls his chair down as well and pull the arm rest back as well.
Rach: I love this trip this is so cool!
Ross: I know and I'm spending it with you which makes it so much cooler!
Rach: Aww Ross! You're so sweet!
Ross smiles and gets up to get something
Rach: What are you doing?
Ross: Just getting a blanket
He takes down the blanket and lies down on the chair and makes himself
comfortable then he puts the Blanket over Rachel and then himself. Rachel
cuddles up to him and they fall asleep.
About 2 hours later
Rachel turns over and wakes up Ross.  Ross has his eyes closed but Rachel's
face is right in front of his face.  There's some hair on her face but she's
still asleep so she doesn't mind. Ross smells her hair and smiles. Then he
opens one eye and sees that she's there with him he kisses her forehead,
then her cheeks, her face. She slowly wakes up and Ross pulls his head back
and Rachel opens her eyes. Ross leans down and kisses her lips.
Ross: Hey you
Rach: Hey you
Ross: How are you?
Rach: Great
Ross: How was you're nap?
Rach: Great (hugs Ross)
Ross: How many more hours on this plane?
Rach: I dunno. I don't care either. As long as I'm with you honey
Ross: Aww! Rachel! You're so cute!
(Ross kisses Rachel)
Rach: Is there like anything you can do on a plane?
Ross: Well maybe. What did you have in mind?
Rach: I dunno. I'm asking you.
Ross: Ah. Ok
(Starts to kiss Rachel then she breaks the kiss)
Rach: I like this idea it's fun!
(Ross smiles and Rachel starts to kiss Ross again)
About 10 minutes later
Ross gets up
Rach: Where are you going?
Ross: I'm just going to the toilet.
Rach: Oh ok
(She turns on the TV and puts her headphones on)
Ross: Hey what are you doing? (She takes her headphones off)
Rach: What?
Ross: Wait about 30 seconds then get up and go ok?
Rach: Go where?
Ross: Toilet
Rach: Why? I don't need to go.
Ross gives her a look like hint hint
Rach: Oh I get you now. Ok so go already.
Ross: Ok
(Ross leaves and Rachel counts to 30 and then gets up and goes to the
toilet. When she gets there looks at all the doors. Each of them closed but
lucky there is no queue)
Rach: (to herself) Damn which one is he in?
(She stands there for about a minute waiting to see if he pokes his head out
to find her, he doesn't so she decides to knock on all the doors)
First Door: There's someone in here
Second Door: Hey! Who's that?
Third Door: Who's there?
Forth Door: Rach?
Rach: Yep it's me.
(Rachel opens the door)
Ross: Hey Sweetie
Rach: Hi Honey
Ross: How come it took you so long?
Rach: Well when I got there all the doors we shut and locked and I didn't
know which one you were in. I wait to see if you would open the door but you
didn't so I knocked on all the doors to find you.
Ross: Oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you which cubicle
Rach: It's ok
(Ross hugs Rachel and kisses her neck then Rachel kisses his cheeks and he
kisses her lips then you know..)

[Cut to the rest of the gang]

Joey: Hey you guys do Ross & Rachel know I'm on board?
Mon: I don't know I doubt it.
Joey: Do you think I should go up there and tell them?
Chan: Yeah if you want. I mean do you think they'd care? They have each
Pho: Chandler you're so mean!
Chan: Hey man I'm sorry I didn't mean it in that way.
Joey: Then what way did you mean huh Chandler?
Chan: I meant that they have each other to care about and that they'd know
if you miss this flight you'd get the next one. And that (Making stuff up)
you're old enough to look after yourself and you're independent and stuff.
Joey: Uh. Ok whatever Chandler!
Chan: I'm really sorry man!
Joey: It's ok. Well I better go up and tell them anyway.
Pho: Ok bye Joey.
Chandler yawns.
Chan: Is anyone else here sleepy?
Joey, Pho & Mon: NO
Chan: Ok. I'm just going to take a little nap.
Mon, Pho & Joey: Ok
Chandler closes his eyes and falls asleep
(Joey leaves)

[Cut to the stairs to get to first class]

Fli Att: Excuse me do you have a first class seat?
Joey: but I'm just going to tell my friends that I'm on board.
Fli Att: I'm sorry but we can't let you do that.
Joey: Oh come on. You can even come with me if you don't trust me.
Fli Att: Ok but just this once.
(The Flight Attendant follows Joey up the stairs. Joey looks around for Ross
& Rachel)
Joey: They're not here at the moment can I come back later?
Fli Att: They're not here? How can that be? They go on this flight didn't
Joey: Yeah.They're on this flight alright. They'll be in their seats in
about let me see um in about half and hours to 45 minutes.
Fli Att: Ok
Joey and the Flight Attendant go back down to Business Class. Joey goes back
to his seat.
(Everyone is bored except Chandler he's got his earphones in and half
Mon: So did they know?
Joey: They weren't there.
Mon: What do you mean they weren't there?
Joey: I mean they were probably doing other stuff. You know in the toilets.
Mon: Oh ok. Eww that's gross.
Joey: Oh well. I'm bored!
Pho: Yeah so am I. Do you want to play a game or something?
Joey: Yeah ok!
Mon: I'll play what kinda game?
Pho: Sorry Mon I was kinda asking Joey.
Mon: Oh I knew that I was just saying that incase you needed more players.
I'm just going to listen to the music or watch a movie.
Pho: Uh.Yup ok. So umm what game are we going to play?
Joey: I thought you were telling me.
Pho: Oh I got it. How about we ask each other questions of any kind and the
other answers them.
Joey: Umm Pheebs I don't think that's called a game it's called torture to
Pho: Well we came make it fun
Joey: In what way?
Pho: Umm well ask interesting hard questions.
Joey: How is that going to make it any more fun?
Pho: I dunno. Do you wanna just play?
Joey: Err. ok you start.
Pho: What is something that is yellow with a black tip
Joey: Oh oh I know a girl in bikinis wearing black shoes!
Pho: No! Well that's not what I was thinking of.
Joey: Then what was it
Pho: A banana
Joey: But bananas also has black on the yellow.
Pho: But it was still right
Joey: No it's not! You had to say yellow with a bit of black on top!
Pho: It's doesn't matter a banana is still yellow
[They continue to argue]

[Cut to Ross & Rachel in the toilets]

Ross: Wow! That was good.
Rach: I know. My first time
Ross: Yeah mine too.
Rach: So how do we get out without anyone noticing
Ross: Um Well I'll go out first and then when I knock on the door it means
the coast is clear and you come out.
Rach: Ok.
(Rachel looks into the mirror and pulls out a comb)
Ross: What are you doing Rach?
Rach: Well do you want to make it obvious?
(She starts to comb her hair.)
Rach: Turn around
Ross: What?
(Rachel starts to comb Ross's hair)
Rach: Ok now go
Ross: Ok
(Kisses Rachel on the lips and opens the door and goes out)
(Half an Hours later Ross knocks on the door and Rachel comes out)
Rach: What happened?
Ross: Well there was a really long queue.
Rach: So you could have just wait 5 minutes then knock because all of the
people would be all in the toilets already.
Ross: Oh sorry I thought. sorry.
Rach: You made me wait in there for half an hour. My god Ross. How dumb are
Ross: Really dumb (puppy dog look) Please forgive me?
Rach: Hmm. I'll think about it
(Rachel leaves back to her seat and Ross follows her back to his seat.
Rachel sits down and puts on her head phones to watch the movie on her TV
screen then she pulls up her blanket and cuddles against it. Ross just
stares at her but she doesn't turn around and look at him. Ross puts his
hand up and a Flight Attendant comes)
Ross: Hi can I please have 2 glasses of wine?
Fli Att: Sure
(She leaves then comes back with 2 glasses of wine. Ross takes the 2 glasses
and gives one to Rachel. Rachel doesn't take it so he pulls down her table
and leaves it there. Then her lets his chair down and takes a sip and then
sits up. He leans over to Rachel and kisses her cheek and takes a bit of her
out of her face. He tries to take her headphones off but she grabs them and
he pulls back. She takes her headphones off herself)
Rach: What Ross? I'm watching this interesting movie.
Ross: Are you going to be mad at me for this whole trip?
Rach: I could be
Ross: I'm soooo Sorry Rachel. What do you want me to do?
Rach: Nothing. Just leave me alone
Ross: Rachel Come on.
(Rachel just puts her headphones back on, cuddles her blanket and continues
to watch the movie. Ross just lays back down and closes his eyes)

[Cut to The rest of the gang]

Joey and Phoebe are ignoring each other. Monica is watching the same movie
as Rachel and Chandler asleep.
PA System: This is to all passengers please all be seated and have your seat
belts on we are approaching the runway and are landing.
Chandler slowly wakes up. Monica takes off her headphones.
Mon: Have a nice sleep?
Chan: Yeah. How long was that?
Mon: You slept for let me see. About 5 hours.
Chan: Wow! You serious?
Mon: Yep. We're landing pretty soon.
Chan: Oh ok. I didn't get much sleep last night. I mean yesterday.
Mon: How much do we have to add on to our time to get it Eastern Standard
Chan: I think 6 hours but I think it depends on where in Australia.
Mon: Melbourne
Chan: I think it's 6 hours
Mon: Ok.

[Cut to Ross & Rachel]

Rachel is taking off her headphones and Ross sits up. Rachel folds her
blanket and puts it up in the small cabinet above her head.
Ross: Rachel when are you gonna forgive me?
Rach: Never
Ross: Come on Rach it was just something small I did. I didn't sleep with
anyone. All I did was just leave you in the toilet for half and hour. Is
that so bad?
Rach: Not that bad but it was still bad.
Ross: Fine Rachel if you want to be like this. I might as well get you your
own hotel room for the week.
Rach: Fine do it. See if I care.
Ross is surprised that she is that mad to want to stay in another room
without him.
Ross: Fine then maybe I will
Rachel looks a bit worried. Ross sees this but decides to play along.
Rach: (Worried but brave) Ok do it.
Ross: I will
The plane lands and the doors open. Ross & Rachel stand up to get their hand
luggage. Rachel reaches for her stuff but Ross reaches over her to get his
stuff. Rachel stops and turns around. Ross looks at her for a few seconds
then her gets his stuff and walk off. Rachel gets her stuff and gets off the

(Scene: Tullamarine International Airport)

Ross is there with his luggage waiting for the rest of the gang. Joey,
Phoebe (who still aren't talking to each other), Monica and Chandler walk
towards him.
Mon: Where's Rachel?
Ross: I don't know
Chan: What happened man?
Ross: Nothing
(Rachel comes walk to them with her stuff)
Rach: (Sounding happy) Hey you guys
All (except Ross): Hey!
Rach: Oh Joey you made it! (Goes and hugs Joey)
Pho: So what do we do now?
Ross: Well we have to go and collect our luggage then we'll take 2 cabs to
our hotels and then go to our rooms and make ourselves comfortable, Then we
can go anywhere we want. (For getting that it's getting late. It's about
8:00pm. It still looks early because of the daylight saving)
All (except Rachel): Ok.
Mon: (to Ross & Rachel) what's wrong with you two? Did you guys have a fight
or something?
Ross & Rachel: (lying) NO!
Mon: Ok you don't need to bite my head off. Just asking!
Ross & Rachel: Sorry!
Mon: Ross, so which hotel is it again?
Ross: The Sheraton Hotel. I think it's in South Yarra or something.
Joey: How many stars?
Ross: 5
Joey: Cool!
Mon: Ok so we'll go get our luggage now?
Ross: Yep.
Joey & Chandler are standing there looking at the good-looking girls.
Joey (to Chandler) You reckon we should follow 2 of them?
Chan: Yeah!
Joey & Chandler begin to follow 2 girls
Ross: You guys this way!
Joey: DAMN!
They all follow Ross. They all collect their luggage.
Mon: (to Ross) So we'll meet you and Rachel at The Sheraton?
Ross: Uh.ok. Meet us at the reception
Mon: Yep.
Monica get Joey, Chandler and Phoebe and they go to get a taxi.
Rachel follows Ross without talking to him. They get in a taxi and they go
to the hotel
(The Sheraton Hotel)
They all get out of their taxis and into the hotel with all their luggage.
Ross: Ok so you guys are going to get your own rooms aren't you?
All: (except Rachel) Yep
Ross: Ok I'll get my room and Rachel's
Rachel looks at Ross. Ross looks at her. Their eyes meet for a second before
Ross looks away quickly.
Ross walks to the reception while Rachel goes and sits down on the couch
waiting for Ross to get her her key for her hotel room.
Receptionist: Hi how may I help you?
Ross: Hi I have a reservation for Ross Geller and Rachel Green.
Receptionist: Oh Mr. Geller here's your key. Room number 88.
Ross: Thank you Can I please have the spare key aswell for my girlfriend?
Receptionist: Mr. Geller why do you need a spare key.
Ross: I'm playing a joke on my girlfriend. I had a small fight with her on
the plane and as a joke I told her I was going to get her her own hotel
room. She said fine do it see if I care.  So as a joke I want to pretend I
got her her own room.
Receptionist: Oh ok. How cute!
(She hands him the spare key)
Ross: Thank you so much! I pay for the rooms now right?
Receptionist: Yeah. When are you leaving?
Ross: Um I think next Tuesday.
Receptionist: Ok
(Ross pays for their room and walks to Rachel)
Ross: Ok Rach here's your key room number 88.
Rach (sadly): Ok Thanks Ross.
Ross: No Problem
Rach: What room are you in?
Ross: (lying) I'm in room 74
Rach: Ok.
Bell Man: Can I take your luggage madam?
Rach: Thank you. Room 88
Bell Man: Ok
Rachel leaves with the Bell Man.
Ross: (to himself) Yes!
Another Bell Man: Can I please take your luggage sir?
Ross: Yes but can you just hold it there for a about 5 minutes? I have to
get something first.
Ross walks out of the hotel and then 5 minutes later comes in holding
Ross: (to the BM) Ok I'm ready. Room 88
BM: Yes sir.
Rachel by now has got all her luggage in , the lights are all off and she's
lying face down crying softly.

[Cut to Ross & BM in the lift]

Ross: You can just leave my luggage outside my room.
BM: Sure
Ross pulls out a twenty dollar note and gives it to him
BM: Thank you sir!
Ross: No problem
The Bell Man puts all of Ross's luggage on the floor. Ross knocks gently on
the door.
Rach: (Not too loud but not to soft with her stuffy nose from crying) Who is
Ross: (disguising his voice) Room Service.
Rach: I didn't order no room service.
Ross: Ok sorry. (to himself) damn! Didn't work.
Ross decides to just open the door. He slowly puts the key in the keyhole
and slowly turns it. Rachel doesn't notice. He opens the door but doesn't
make a sound. He leaves some of his luggage outside. He walks in holding the
big thing he was holding. Rachel notices none of this (suprisingly) He walks
over to the bed which Rachel is lying on. Ross sits down and rubs her neck
and back. Rachel is startled. She rolls over to find Ross there. He picks up
the bunch of roses and gives it to her. Ross wipes a tear from her eyes.
Ross: Hi baby!
Rachel gets up slowly, still holding the flowers and hugs Ross.
Rach: Hi
Ross: I missed you heaps.
Rach: Me too!
Ross: You forgive me yet?
Rach: Of course I do.
Ross breaks the hug and looks into her eyes. (She's still kinda crying but
softly. Tears are rolling down her cheeks)
Ross: I am so so so sorry Rachel.
Rach: (still crying) It's ok.
Ross wipes a few more tears that are rolling down her cheek and hugs her
really tight.
Ross: I love you!
Rach: I love you too!
Ross kisses her gently. Rachel stops crying. Ross breaks the kiss and gets
Rach: (worried) Where you going?
Ross: To my own room.
Rach: You're not staying here?
Ross: No.I'm kidding. I'm just getting my stuff. I don't want it to get
Rachel smiles and watches him go outside. He comes back with all his stuff.
Rach: So what do you think we should do now?
Ross: Unpack!
Rach: Ok.
Rachel gets up and finds a vase on top of the refrigerator and put water in
the vase and puts the roses in and puts them on the dining table.
Ross: You know we get our own spa in the bathroom as well?
Rach: You serious?
Ross: Yep go have a look if you don't believe me.
Rach: Ok.
Rachel walks into the bathroom and walks out.
Rach: Ok I believe you.
After they unpack Ross looks at the clock.
Ross: Rachel you think we should get a bit of sleep? It's just about
Rach: Really?
Ross: yep
Rach: I gotta change my watch.
Ross: Same
They change their time on their watches and get ready for bed.

[Cut to Chandler & Monica]

Mon: This is much better.
Chan: Yeah 2 single bed in a room. Sure!
They both are unpacking and change their time and getting ready for bed.
Mon: So what do you think happened with Ross & Rachel? They weren't talking
and together when we got off the plane.
Chan: Yeah. I'm guessing they probably had some stupid small fight and
weren't talking but they've made up now.
Mon: I'm think they probably broke up after another one of their dumb
Chan: Ok I betcha they've made up
Mon: Nah they've probably broke up.
Chan: Ok wanna make a bet?
Mon: Sure! I betcha they broke up.
Chan: I betcha they made up.
Mon: Ok so what does the winner get.
Chan: If I win you have to sleep with me.
Mon: What I'm not going to do that.
Chan: You get to choose your own prize.
Mon: Ok. then if I win you have to wear your I'm a stupid t-shirt and your
I'm a little horny devil boxer shorts.
Chan: I'll take that bet.
They shake on it.

[Cut to Joey & Phoebe]

Joey: Are you going to talk to me Phoebe?
Pho: No!
Joey: Ha you just did!
Pho: NO I didn't
Joey: There you go again. Why are you made at me all I said was that you
should have said there is black over the yellow.
Pho: Ok Fine. I'll talk to you.
Joey: Thank you & Sorry.
Pho: I'm sorry too.
They hug
Joey: have you changed your time yet?
Pho: Yeah but I accidentally did it back wards not forward.
Joey: (changing his watch) Ok there!
Pho: Yeah got mine!

[Cut to Ross & Rachel]

They are both in their PJs. Ross and Rachel have the same PJs on except with
different designs.  They both are brushing their teeth. After that Rachel
brushes her hair and gets into bed. Ross is ironing his shirt for the
conference tomorrow.
After Ross is done he puts in on a hook and into the wardrobe. Rachel dims
the light and rolls on her side and closes her eyes. Ross gets on to the
bed, he hugs her from behind and kisses her neck lightly. She gets
comfortable in his arms and he turns off the light and they both drift off
to sleep.

[Cut to Joey & Phoebe]
Joey: Finish upacking yet Pheebs?
Pho: Just about. I didn't really have much to unpack.
Joey: Yeah either did I.
Joey: Wow it's 1:30am.
Pho: I know we better get some sleep.
Joey: Yeah
They both get ready for bed. After they do they get into each of the single
beds and fall asleep.

(There's a quick scene of Monica and Chandler soundly asleep in their own
single beds.)